Jesse and I have been on the road for about an hour, saying little to nothing, when he finally turns to me at a stoplight.

“I need you to level with me about something.”


“Something’s going on with the Steel family,” he says. “I need you to tell me what it is.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I look down at my lap.

“Look, it’s palpable whenever you and Callie are in the same room. Like this morning, when she mentioned the stuff going on and why they haven’t set a wedding date. Something’s happening, and I want to know what.”


“So you do know, then.”

“I know I can’t speak of it. It’s not my story to tell. It’s Donny’s. And Brock’s. But it’s not truly about them. It’s more about their parents and grandparents. Their families. Callie and I only know about it because we’re in relationships with two of them.”

“Is this going to affect your performance?”

“That’s what you’re concerned about?”

The light turns green. Jesse starts the car forward and returns his gaze to the road. “I’m concerned about you and Callie. My sisters. It’s bad enough you’ve got this whole Pat Lamone debacle going on. But now you’re involved in the Steel troubles as well.”

“We’re not exactly involved.”

“Maybe not, but something’s going on. And if it’s affecting you and Callie, I’d like to help if I can.”

“You? Mortal enemy of Donny Steel?”

“Look, I was serious last night. I’m going to let that go. I can’t help it if I still get a little pissed every time I look at the guy.”

“You’re going to be looking at the guy a lot more in the future. Like, at every family gathering. And between us and the Steels, that’s a lot of family gatherings.”

“I know that. And if he makes Callie happy, then I’m happy for her. I’m trying, Ror. I’m really trying.”

Jesse’s gaze is fixed on the road ahead of him, but his facial features are still a little tense and rigid. He’s going to have to try a lot harder than he is.

“You can’t tense up every time his name is mentioned,” I say.

His features relax. A bit. “Like I said, I’m trying.”

I draw in a breath. I wish I could confide in my big brother, but I can’t. “All right. Yes, the Steel family is going through some stuff right now. But as I’ve said, I’m not at liberty to tell you what.”

“Are you in any danger?”

“From the Steels’ problems? No. Why would I be?”

“Because the Steels are a powerful family, Rory. They always have been.”

“They’re a powerful family only because they’re so financially independent,” I say. “They’re not into anything bad.”

But I wonder. Is that true? I know without a doubt that Brock and Donny aren’t, but what about the rest of them? Talon Steel was just shot. Why?

“I hope you’re right, sis.”

“I am,” I say with more confidence than I feel. “At the very least, I know Donny and Brock are okay. They’re good men, Jesse.”

“I think you’re probably right. My problem with Donny all these years has less to do with him as a person than it has to do with his family’s power. He truly was an excellent football player, and I have to agree with him. If I’d had to make the choice between the two of us, I’m not sure it would’ve been an easy one.”

“Thank you for saying that. I know Callie will appreciate it. As do I.”

“I have no beef with Brock,” Jesse continues, “other than that he’s very young. And he’s a known playboy.”

“So was Donny.”

“But he’s a lot older. He’s my age.”

I’m not sure what to say. I’ve had the same doubts about Brock myself, but I know he loves me. I know it in the depths of my soul. I don’t have one sliver of doubt.

“I don’t know how to convince you, Jess,” I say. “All I can say is that I just know. We are in love. Have you ever been in love?”

“One or two times,” he says. “But so have you, Ror.”

“You’re right. And I don’t know how to tell you this in any other way or in words that will make any sense, but this time is different. With Brock, it’s different.”

“I guess I have to take your word for it.”

“Take my word because it’s all I can give you. It’s true. It’s something different from what I felt with Raine or anyone else. Male or female.”

“Okay, Ror. I’ll leave it alone.”


“But I’m still worried. Not about Donny and Brock and their love for you and Callie, but about their family as a whole. About what they may be into.”

I don’t reply. Because in truth? I’m worried myself. The fact that Brock hasn’t been able to call me in twenty-four hours? Big red flag.

Part of me thinks I should be home and not on the road. After all, Dad is still in the hospital, and then there’s this thing with Brock. But I’ve already been in and out of this gig more times than I can count, and I won’t let Jesse down this time. Besides, in the end, don’t I have to be true to myself? Don’t I have the right to do something that makes me happy?