“If you know anything more,” I say, “now is the time to tell me.”

“Pat and I sent the email.”

“I figured as much. Does your father know that you sent it through his account?”

She shakes her head. “I deleted it as soon as I sent it.”

“And the phone call to Rory?”

“That wasn’t me.”

“Was it Pat?”

“I honestly don’t know, Brock.”

I sigh. Now what? Truth be told, I’m happy as hell to be out of that study. If I had been forced to grab my gun…

It weighs heavy on my ankle.

I may be forced to use it.

This is never what I wanted.

How can I be worthy of Rory Pike if this is what I’ve come to?

All because of my damned family. Because of lies they told. Because of truths they withheld.

And my father?

Everything I knew about him to be true is now in question.

“Who shot my uncle, Brittany?”

“How would I know that?”

“Whoever shot him also tried to poison him in the hospital. We already know that your father asked you to get atropine from his clinic. Which means…”

She shakes her head vehemently. “No. My father is not a killer. He would never.”

She seems sure.

Except she’s no paragon of virtue herself.

The apple may not have fallen quite as far from the tree, but it has definitely fallen. Brittany Sheraton has already shown she’s willing to cross a line.

“Seriously, Brittany. It’s time to tell me everything you know. I can only help you if you tell me.”

“You’re not going to help me. You’re in love with Rory.”

“I am. And I hate what you’ve done to her. What you’re still doing to her. But right now, I need to know everything you know. And if you tell me, and it helps my family, I can and I will protect you.”

“I’m not a bad person.” She swallows.

“In your heart you may not be. But I think we’ve already had this conversation.”

She nods. “My dad started the guard-dog business about ten years ago. We needed the extra income, so he bought the property here in Wyoming.”

“And exactly how did he buy property in Wyoming when he needed income? That doesn’t make sense. How did he pay for the property?”

“I don’t know. I was a kid then, Brock.”

“Surely he got the money from somewhere.”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s about the time when my family took all our veterinary care in-house.”

“Is it?”

“Yes. Why else would your father need money?”

“I was just a kid. So were you. How do you even know all of this?”

“I’m the one asking the questions,” I tell her. “You were a kid. I’ll accept that. Do you remember anything strange at that time?”

“Your father…”

“What about my father?”

“I remember one time my dad was in a really bad mood. I asked him what was wrong, and all he said was ‘Jonah Steel is what’s wrong.’”

“Are you sure? Those were his exact words?”

“Yeah. I remember it because it was right around the same time your family was offering a reward for information on who poisoned Diana.”

Damn. “All right. This is important. Did your father say that before or after my family offered a reward?”

“I don’t know, Brock. It was ten years ago.”

“Yes, I know. It was ten years ago, and you were just a kid. You were crushing on Pat Lamone, though I have no idea why.”

“Right. I think it was before.”

“All right. Why do you think that?”

“Because… Pat seemed to have a grudge against the Steel family. He mentioned it to me, and this was before the bonfire. When he told me, I mentioned that my father also had a grudge against the Steel family.”

Now we’re getting somewhere.

My mind races. “Did Pat mention why he had a grudge against the Steel family?”

“Not at first. I mean, I found out later that he believes he might be a relative of yours.”

“All right. Maybe that’s why he held a grudge. Jealousy.”

“Why shouldn’t he be jealous? You guys have everything, and maybe he’s entitled to some of it too.”

“That’s another discussion entirely,” I say dryly. “For now, we’re going to stay on the subject. I don’t need to remind you that your father is with my father in the office, and you don’t want to know how angry my father can get.”

“Please don’t let him hurt my father. He’s all I have.” She sinks her head into her hands.

I can’t think about her father and my father right now. I can’t think about the fact that my dad is holding another human being at gunpoint.

Instead, I need to use this time to gain as much information as I can.

“So you and Pat are really over?” I say.

“I don’t know.” Her voice is muffled as she’s speaking into her hands. “I just don’t know.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Brittany?”

“I just… My father…” She raises her head and meets my gaze. “What if he is into something bad? What if you’re right? If I can’t count on him and I don’t have Pat, what do I have?”