I managed to force down one taco, a few chips and salsa, and a draft beer. Normally I don’t drink alcohol this close to a performance, but the beer helped me relax a little.

But only a little. I’ve texted Brock a few times since we got here, and he has not replied.

What is going on in Wyoming? I’m here, in Utah, and he’s in Wyoming. We’re so far away from each other.

I don’t like it. I don’t like it at all.

After lunch, we arrive at the venue, and the manager greets us.

“Hey, Dragonlock. It’s great to have you here.” He holds out his hand, and Jesse takes it. “I’m Guy Landon. I’m the general manager here. Let me show you what we’ve got set up for you.”

“Lead the way,” Jesse says.

“Who are you?” Guy eyes me.

“She’s my sister, Rory. She sings lead with me.”

“You will be a draw for sure,” Guy says.

I’m used to this. Used to being judged solely on my looks. It’s annoying, but I deal.

I paste on a smile. “We’re very happy to be here.”

“We’re thrilled to have you guys,” Guy says. “We’re expecting quite a crowd tonight.”

“We’ve heard that agents sometimes come to hear your shows,” I say.

I figure he’ll talk to me as much as to anyone else. Probably more so.

“Yes, they do. I have it on good authority that one of the major talent agents from LA will be here tonight. Someone from the Rossi Group.”

Jesse’s, Jake’s, and Cage’s eyes all widen.

Dragon looks bored, as usual.

Classic Dragon.

“That’s wonderful,” I say. “Thank you for this opportunity.” Cue dazzling smile.

“There’s no guarantee,” Guy says. “Like I said, I have it on good authority. I don’t want you to get your hopes up, but both Crybaby and Potato Soup got their start here.”

This time I widen my eyes. “I love Crybaby.”

I don’t listen to a lot of rock, but Crybaby is a new band with a female lead who has a background in opera like I do. Her voice is fabulous. The keyboardist is quite a talent as well. The only thing I don’t like about them is their name. Crybaby? Really?

“Yeah, they’re hot right now, aren’t they?” He pats himself on the back—literally. “And they can thank old Guy here for getting them on the map. In fact, it was someone from the Rossi Group who signed them after they performed here.”

“Well,” I say. “That’s amazing. I love their music.”

Guy eyes me again. “I’ve got to say, Delia Forest has nothing on you, honey.”

Jesse’s jaw goes rigid. So does Cage’s. Delia Forest, the vocalist I admire, may not be runway material, but her voice is something powerful, and she’s attractive in her own way.

Oh? You haven’t heard me sing yet. How would you know she’s got nothing on me?

The words hover near the back of my throat, but I make sure they stay there. I’d like to smack Guy upside his head for his comment.

Instead, I cue the dazzling smile once more. We want Guy on our side.

“And Potato Soup?” Guy continues. “They haven’t made it quite as big, but they’re on their way up.”

“I haven’t actually heard of them,” I say. I resist the urge to make fun of their band name.

“Like I said, they’re on their way up. I think they’re supposed to open for Emerald Phoenix on their next tour.”

“We’ll have to check them out,” Jake says.

“Yeah, do. They’re pretty darn good.”

We follow Guy to the stage area, and Jesse, Cage, and Jake talk to him about sound and other stuff that I know nothing about.

Opera is never electronically amplified, so I know nothing about sound. It’s all acoustics. I leave this to the guys when we perform. They know what they’re doing.

Dragon hangs back with me.

“Hey, Rory,” he says in his low voice.


“I’ve been thinking about you.”


“Yeah… About how we almost…”

Right. Thank God I averted that big mistake.

“I was in a bad place, Dragon. I’m better now.”

“Hey, you don’t need to be in a bad place. We can have some fun anyway.”

“I’m flattered, but…”

“I know. Brock Steel.”

“Good news travels fast.”

“Not that fast. Just from your brother.”

“Yeah. It surprised the hell out of me, but I’m happy.”

“Good. I’m happy for you.”

I suppress a chuckle. Wasn’t he just hitting on me?

“What’s going on with you, Dragon?”

“Not much.”

“You ever think about settling down?”

“With whom?”

“I don’t know. With anyone. You’ve got that dark rocker thing going. Women are always all over you.”

“I seem to attract only women who are too young for me.”

My sister Maddie’s face pops into my mind. Maddie and the awesome foursome all seem to be completely enamored with Dragon. That dark demeanor is irresistible to them. Hell, I almost fell for it recently.

But man, Dragon has an edge to him. Nobody really knows his story. No one except Jesse, and his lips are sealed.