Cinitta tries to reach for me.

But with a single movement of my hand, she is gone.

“Do we plan to burn the world down as well?” I turn my head to see my father standing there. He’s dressed in a red suit, which is fitting, really. He looks around and leans down to me. “You need to stop this.”

“Stop what?”

“You are opening worlds and destroying this one.”

“I’m not. Fuck off.” He places a hand on Max, and then Max is gone. Along with all his blood.

I fall to the ground, my hands searching desperately for him.

“What did you do? Where is he?”

“Stop what you are doing.”

I turn and get in his face. “Where is he?” I scream. “What did you do with him?”

He takes a deep breath and touches my shoulder. “Calm down.”

“No. Where is he?” I say through gritted teeth.

The castle starts to crumble around us. But, apart from Viper’s body and his father’s, no one else is in here.

“You need to calm down.”

“Stop telling me to calm down. Bring. Him. Back.”

My father sighs, then I feel us moving, and the smell of sulfur reaches my nose.

“Why did you bring her here?”

I turn to see Valefar, shirtless, his body marked with black lines, standing on ground that is red in color. When I glance down, I know I am somewhere I don’t recognize. When I look at Lucifer, he is now shirtless as well, and wings sprout out from his back.

Looking away from him, I see red hills, red dirt.

Where am I?

“Where am I?” I voice the question raised in my mind as I step away from both of them and toward a fire.

“You are in Hell.” I pause as I near the fire and look back to Lucifer. “You are beautiful with wings,” I tell him. “Now, take me back.”

“No, you need to calm down.”

“And you think being here will calm me down?” I yell at him.

“Shit! What have you done to her?” Valefar asks.

“The seer killed her lover,” Lucifer declares.

At his words, I feel myself snap just a little more. The ground beneath me starts to shake and Lucifer walks up to me, grabs my arm, and pulls me to him.

“Stop, right now.” When I glance at his eyes, I see the Devil, which is only fitting.

Lucifer growls, and as I go to speak, something hits me in the back of my head so I fall forward. Lucifer catches me, and my hands brush his wings. “You hit her?”

“Would you prefer I killed her?” Valefar says from behind me. Lucifer shakes his head. “What, you want her to bring Hell into the world?”

“Of course, I don’t.”

“Well, if that was me, you would have killed me,” Valefar argues.

“You want me to kill her?” Lucifer asks incredulously.

My head feels dizzy as I push away from Lucifer.

“Well, she is causing a lot of trouble.”

“She is going to be queen. Wouldn’t you rather someone like her ruling that world?”

“No, I would rather rule.”

“You will never rule, Valefar.”

“You are a real asshole. You know that, right?”

My hands go to the back of my head, and I rub it.

“It’s time you go back,” Lucifer says. “Don’t destroy the world in the process.” He touches my forehead, and I’m standing outside of the castle as it falls to the ground.

Something that was once untouchable, sacrosanct, is now falling to pieces as if it had been nothing but rubble all along.

“Talia.” Cinitta reaches me, and I turn to her. “Are you okay?”

“I’m going to destroy anyone who served him,” I tell her. Fire bubbling up in me.

“Where do you want to start?” Cinitta asks.

“Talia, you need to go and see Tatiana.” I ignore Tanya as she comes closer. “Talia.” Her hand touches my arm, and I shrug it off. “Talia, Max would want you with your family.”

“What did you say?” I spin to face her, stepping up close.

“Max would want you with family.”

“Max is dead, Tanya, so leave his name from your mouth!” I scream.

Melvon is there, and he reaches for Tanya, pulling her away from me.

“Scared, Melvon?” I ask him, laughing. “You should be. Did I tell you who my daddy is?” I sneer. “Let me ask you, who is yours? Because I’m about to destroy every last vampire, so make sure you aren’t around when I do it, Melvon.”

“Talia, you wouldn’t,” Tanya says, shocked.

“I will.” Cinitta follows me as I leave. “They are all going to fucking die!”

Chapter Twenty


The fairy with purple hair follows my sister. I just stand there and watch as they walk off.

Does Talia realize what she is doing?

She can’t destroy a whole race.

That’s what the queen did with the seers, and look where that got us. I go to follow her, to tell her that’s crazy, but Melvon pulls me back.

“She can’t,” I plead. “I have to stop her.”

“Did you see her?” he asks, standing in front of me and blocking my path. “Really see her? That is not your sister right now. That’s a woman pained beyond repair. She wants revenge. And revenge is what she will get. And you will not stop her because I can’t risk your life.” His last words make me pause. I stare at him and shake my head. My sister would never hurt me, not in this lifetime and definitely not in the next.