How he felt it.
I bump into someone, and my head rises to find Max staring down at me.
Except his face is unreadable.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, reaching for him, but he pushes my hand away.
“We are leaving, and it’s best you don’t come,” he states.
“I…” I shake my head, not fulling understanding. “You said I should come.”
“I take it back. It’s too dangerous with you. My job is to keep everyone safe.”
“Wow, okay.” I step back, and he makes no move to follow me. I turn and head for the same tree I kissed him under, then drop down under it, bringing my knees up and wrapping my arms around them. I’m unsure how his feelings could change so fast, and why did I not fight it?
“Valefar.” I call his name and within a few seconds, he appears.
“Yes, Wings.”
“Does he know of me?” He knows who I’m talking about.
“I’m not sure.” He shrugs. “Should we find out?”
I nod and offer him my hand. He takes it and pulls me to my feet. I glance past him to Max, who’s watching us. He opens his mouth to say something, but in the next breath, I am gone.
I shouldn’t have trusted him.
He got what he wanted and then disposed of me as if I am nothing.
I am not nothing.
I am Talia.
And I am a powerful witch.
A powerful witch who’s about to meet her father and is shitting her pants just thinking about it.
Chapter Fourteen
“Where are we?” I ask Valefar.
We are in a nondescript sitting area with cream-colored walls. Chairs are grouped in circles, and colorful demonic paintings hang on the walls.
“This is his domain. Only high-level demons can enter.” I turn to face him. “And his children, which should only be me…” He winks as the doors open, and a man steps in. He stops when he sees Valefar, and then his red gaze focuses directly on mine.
“I would recognize those eyes anywhere.” In the next instant, he is directly in front of me. He lifts his hand and touches my hair, but I step away. “You are your mother’s daughter.”
“And yours, it seems,” Valefar states.
The demon in front of me—who I might add is handsome, dressed in a clean black suit, shiny black shoes, and slicked-back, dark hair—turns away from me to address Valefar.
“You went searching for her.”
“Yes, Lucifer, your secret child has been found.”
Lucifer steps up to Valefar, and I watch as he backhands him across the face. Hard.
Valefar doesn’t even flinch. “Did that make you feel better?” he snarls before he disappears, leaving me alone with Lucifer.
I’m frozen in place as Lucifer spins around to face me. “Where were we?” he says and goes to a seat. He waves his hand, indicating for me to sit as well, so I do.
I’m unsure what to say or do. I cross my legs over each other as he watches me.
“You’ll have to excuse Valefar. He has a jealousy issue. He’ll realize the longer he is on this earth that it’s unnecessary to hold on to stupid ideas.”
“And is that where we are on this earth?” I ask, scanning the room.
“No, daughter. We are in Hell.” He smiles, showing incredibly white teeth. “It’s amazing how much you look like her.” Lucifer sits back and snaps his fingers, and a drink appears in his hand. He holds it up and asks, “Want one?”
I shake my head, and he puts it to his lips, taking a sip.
“You are nervous. Why?” he asks.
“It’s not every day you meet the Devil and find out he’s your father.”
“The Devil. Haven’t been called that in a long time. I would like to say I run Hell. Is that so hard?” My head drops to the side as I study him. “Tell me, do you have my powers?”
“Powers?” I question him.
“You see, your mother hid you from me with a protection spell. I didn’t even know of your existence until she died. But I was biding my time before I came to you. Things needed to be done. And as you are aware, I am a person who gets things done where I am from. It was only a matter of time before I went looking.” He takes another sip from his drink. “And then I did go looking. And you weren’t there any longer, so I presumed you dead.”
“Viper sent me through me a portal.”
“Viper, yes. I’m waiting for his soul to come and visit me. Don’t worry, daughter, I’ll torture him for eternity for what he did to you.”
Right! Okay! I’m not sure if I want to say thank you, but then he sits up and snaps his fingers, and someone falls to the floor next to me. When I glance down, I see matted, long hair covering their face as they kneel. “Just as I am doing to this one for what she did to you.”