“Jumpy.” She all but laughs.

I would very much like to set her on fire.

“Where are we going?”

“Dinner, of course. With the king.”

“King?” I ask.

“Yes, you met him. Keep up, witch.”

“Are you not a witch?” I inquire. I actually don’t expect her to answer, but she does.

“No, I am better than a witch.” I scoff, which makes her turn around and pin me with her eyes. “You think you are better than me?”

“I said nothing of the sort.”

“All of your kind who fall down and invade our world are the same… half breeds with hardly any power and thrown out of your own world to annoy us in ours.”

“Tell a girl how you really feel,” I reply to her cattiness.

She steps closer and gets in my face.

“If you touch me, I will not be held responsible for what I do,” I warn her.

She smirks, but it’s not a lovely smirk. It’s more of a try it, witch.

“Levy.” A guard says her name, but she ignores him. “The king is waiting.”

“Yes, Levy, we don’t want to disappoint the king.” I show her a sarcastic smile.

She spins on her heel, whipping her long hair in my face, and goes through the side door that she popped out from. I follow her into an elaborately decorated dining area. A waterfall quietly flows down the back wall, with small silver birds perched around it. They are known to flock to those who are powerful. I figured they were made-up stories, as I have never seen one in real life. But wow!

“You seem taken by my peachies,” a voice echoes next to me.

“Peachies,” I repeat, stepping farther into the room. I keep walking until I reach the water, where the birds are perched on a branch… just sitting there.

The rumour states that if a peachie wants, it can take life and hold it. When it’s time, it can choose to give that life to someone who is worthy. I turn back, and he is standing next to me, his dark hair slicked back, and he’s wearing a gray suit similar to the one he wore earlier. It shows his form and how strong he is. “Are they yours?” I ask.

“I am king,” he whispers.

I should have guessed.

I had my suspicions, but wasn’t sure.

“Can I touch one?” You have to ask permission to touch them, as it’s the owner’s responsibility to care for them once they choose you.

“I…” Just as he goes to speak, one of the silver birds flies to me and lands on my shoulder. I giggle as it makes a weird sound and makes itself comfortable on me. “Very strange,” he adds. I turn my head toward him and find him staring at me, his brow furrowing almost imperceptibly with curiosity. “They are attracted to power.”

“I know.” I smile and look back at the bird. I offer it my hand, and it climbs into it willingly.

“Sir.” I hear her voice but choose not to pay her any attention because she clearly isn’t talking to me. “Dinner is served.”

“Thank you, Levy.”

“Do you prefer to be called sir?” I ask him, stroking the bird’s feathers as it sits quietly in my hand.

“Maxilliam is my name. Those who serve me call me sir or king, but you can call me Maxilliam.” I nod at his words.

“I’m Talia, but you can call me Talia.” I offer him a genuine smile, and his lips quirk in response.

“Talia. A beautiful name.”

“Thank you. Though, I always preferred my sister’s name.”

“You have a sister?”

“Yes, I have two. But the eldest is named Tatiana. It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

“Yes, but Talia suits you. Come, let’s eat.” I lift the bird, place it back on the branch with others, then turn around to face him. He offers me his elbow, and I take it. “You misplaced your shoes?” he asks, looking amused.

“No, I didn’t think the ones I had on went with such a beautiful dress.”

When we reach the table, Levy is seated directly next to where the king would sit. She glances down when we approach as someone pulls out his chair and mine. I drop my arm from his and sit as he does. The food follows, and I observe with wonder in my eyes as it’s all laid out in front of me. All over the table are loaves of bread, rice in weird shapes, green cakes, pink cakes, chocolate, salads, and fruit.

“Are we expecting anyone else, or just us?” I ask Maxilliam.

“I figured for tonight you would be more comfortable with just us, but usually I eat with my guards, and Levy, of course.”

I glance at Levy to see her smiling at Maxilliam.

“Is she your wife?” I ask, and Levy blushes at my words.

“No, she is not. I have not taken a wife.”

I look at Levy. “But you hope to be his wife?” I ask her.