“You shouldn’t have done that.” Grim is so close that he’s basically in my ear. A shiver racks through me at his nearness. “You shouldn’t have let it touch you.” His disgruntled groan makes it clear that I have made a big mistake.

I mirror what the york is doing, my hands taking its power while it is taking from me.

“Keep going,” Grim commands.

I do, but I’m getting tired, and I feel the york draining me. Something settles on my stomach, and I know it’s Grim’s hand. “Keep going,” he whispers into my ear.

I close my eyes and do as he says, concentrating all my efforts on this one task.

My legs shake, and the york pulls back but only slightly.

It’s exhausting to keep this up, so much so that I am fighting now to keep my eyes open. I used to get tired when I would take power and give it back. But never when I only took—I found that caused me to be on a high. However, this power is not what I’m used to. It’s laced with something different.

It tastes…

… damn awful.

I want to let go.

Every part of me is telling me to just let go.

But I know if I do, it will take from me as I am taking from it right now.

“Little fighter, hold on.” I continue to do as Grim says.

The york changes into Max, startling me for a second, but I don’t remove my hand, and I won’t stop. I am concerned about how much of me it can take before there isn’t much of me left.

Ice-blue eyes stare back at me.

I want to lean into them.

It smiles with Max’s mouth, and that makes me angry.

How can it do that?

How can it play with me like that?

The loss of Max only makes me more determined.

I lift my other hand and grip its other shoulder. Its eyes go wide in surprise as I push even harder. It momentarily stops taking from me and tries to change shape. I watch as it flickers in front of my eyes, but now I have a strong hold on the york. I’m in charge, and it has just realized that.

Taking as much as I can, as quickly as possible, I watch as the york falls to its knees. I go down with it, still holding as I continue to take and take and take. It transforms back into a black mist, but the mist has substance now.

“You are doing so well,” Grim says. “Finish him.”

What other choice do I have? I need to do this if I want to live.

Max flashes into my mind, and I smile as I push harder.

He would want me to live, even if it meant without him by my side. So I suck, and I take as much as I can possibly take before everything goes black.

“Why isn’t she waking? She should be awake by now. It’s been days.” I open my eyes to see Tatiana at the end of my bed, pacing back and forth as she talks to Tanya.

“We must be patient.”

“The barrier is still up, so that’s good, right?” Tatiana asks. “It means she still has power.”

“I still have power… I think.” I croak out the words, and both sets of eyes—the same color as mine—lock onto me.

“You’re awake! Oh God, we were so worried.” Tatiana rushes over and sits next to me. Her hand goes to my head to feel it before she pulls away and smacks me across the face.

I cringe, rearing my head back. “What the heck?” I hold my cheek, and she glares at me with her mouth set in a snarl. “Why did you do that?” She pulls the blankets away from my stomach and looks at me.

“Do you care to tell us about this?” Tanya leans over to see what Tatiana is questioning. I glance at my round stomach and protectively lay my hands on it.

“Are you pregnant?” Tanya asks, confused.

“It would seem so,” I reply.

Tanya shakes her head as Tatiana swears.

“You did that…” She waves her hands around. “You risked your life and your unborn baby for what?”

“For all of you. Did I do it? Is that thing gone?”

“It is, but your barrier is still up, and those birds are still here, flying above the house.”

“Who’s the father?” Tanya asks.

“Grim, obviously,” Tatiana says, and I raise an eyebrow in surprise.

“How did you know?”

“We could see you on the other side of the barrier, even when Grim was there. He was touching your belly, and you did as well. I knew then you were hiding something.”

“I wasn’t hiding it…” I take a deep breath. “I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

“How could you not tell us?” She looks down at my stomach, shaking her head in disbelief.

“I just didn’t think.” I shrug.

"You should have told us. It’s a joyous occasion,” Tanya adds.