“What happened?” Tatiana asks the woman.

“The vampires. They attacked.” Her eyes well with tears as she looks at Melvon. “I don’t want to be like you.”

“You won’t be,” he says, stepping back to me.

“King Maxilliam is always here to protect us, but we don’t know where he is.”

“He’s dead,” one of the wolves informs her.

The older lady nods her head and reaches for a knife. She offers us a sad smile. “I don’t want to live in a world where he isn’t in it. No one will ever protect us the way King Maxilliam did.” She slices her own throat, and Melvon moves quickly to grab her, so she doesn’t slam her head on the ground.

“I’m sorry,” Melvon whispers.

The lady only offers a small smile before she stops breathing.

I watch as he places her down ever so carefully. He closes her eyes so she can no longer see the world that she died in. Hopefully, wherever she goes next is a place where death isn’t always upon us, where there is peace and tranquility.

We should know of places like this—we are supernatural, after all—but all we know is that Heaven and Hell exist. And we’re fighting for our rightful place, but sometimes we get confused about which plane is the right one, just as my sister is right now. She isn’t aware that what she’s doing, or what she might do, is going to land her in Hell. But maybe that’s where she wants to be—she is a daughter of the King of Hell.

I know her better than that, though.

Despite everything that has just happened, she is a good person, and no amount of pain will change that. I hope.

“Do you think she has reached them yet?” I ask Melvon.

“Reached who?” John asks.

“Talia was going after the vampires.”


I don’t answer, so he turns to Melvon. “Why, Melvon?”

“To kill them all,” he states.

John is shocked by this news. He scratches his jaw before he turns to his wolves. “So, she’s opened a portal, and now she is off to destroy an entire race?” he asks. He stalks over to Tatiana and says, “I can’t let her do this. I may hate their kind, but she has no right to do that.”

“You won’t be able to stop her,” I tell him.

Tatiana and I meet eyes, and I know she agrees.

“I may not be able to kill her”—he looks at their baby, knowing they are linked—“but I will stop her.” He walks off, and most follow him, apart from us. Melvon wraps an arm around me and holds me close.

“We will camp here tonight!” John yells. “Clear the dead, bury them, and set up watches. We don’t want those things coming back.”

“I won’t touch the dead,” I tell Melvon, and he kisses my head.

“You won’t have to. I will do it. Go… help your sister.”

I watch as he starts lifting bodies, carrying them into the forest. I can’t remember how I fell in love with him because it was slow and fast all at the same time. But I remember the first night he entered my bed and the first time we touched.

I was scared to touch him—he’s a vampire, after all.

I had never been with a man before, either. I wasn’t like my sisters, who were experienced in many ways. I’d always kept to myself and was quiet, preferring it that way.

“Do you think she knows what she is doing?” Tatiana asks, breaking me from my thoughts. I sit down with her and smile at the baby. I’m surprised she’s asking me this question because, usually, Tatiana is so sure of everything.

“Yes, she is aware. And she’s in pain.”

“I was in pain when I thought I lost her…” She pauses, her face pinching with distress. “I didn’t try to destroy a whole race, though.”

“But you would have if you had the power,” I state.

She stays quiet, and we sit there as the moon rises and the stars begin to shine.

Melvon comes over and kisses my cheek before he reaches down and picks me up. I turn in his embrace and wrap my legs around him as he carries me off.

“I washed in the stream, so I shouldn’t have any blood on me,” he tells me. I nod and lay my head on his chest as he walks us into a small tent just big enough for us both to fit inside.

“I’m worried for this world.”

Melvon doesn’t reply as I reach for him and pull his shirt from his body. I then remove my own, putting my breasts on full display. He pulls me to him until I’m straddling his lap.

“I hope to never be worried for us. You are the only sure thing in my life,” I tell him as I tilt my head, offering him my neck. Melvon kisses it softly before I feel his teeth sink in. He drinks slowly as my body starts to move against him. I get high from the pleasure I give him. His hands wander, tugging at my pants as he pulls the blood from my veins. When he’s had his fill, I shift away, and he licks his lips, his fangs retracting.