“Leave,” Grim says, and his voice holds a threat that I wasn’t aware of before this moment.

“Why must you return? You know the rules,” Bronik says to Grim before he disappears.

Grim’s silver eyes fall on me. “I hate him,” he growls and goes to stand, but I wrap my legs around his waist and hold him to me. He could easily break my hold without effort, but he stays put.

“About that foreplay…” I say, wiggling under him.

“You have to go.”

“Why, because Bronik said so? I think not.” I lean up and kiss his lips before I pull back. “So, who should start first? I’m not averse to practicing my skills on you. You can tell me if I am any good.” I smile. He manages to smile back at me, but I know what he’s about to do—he’s about to stop this before it’s even begun. So I slide my hands between us and straight into his pants.

That’s what a normal person does, right? Probably not.

His head drops, and he looks between our bodies, where my hand is currently gripping his cock. The fun thing about an Angel is they don’t wear underwear.

“I dream of you,” I say as I continue stroking him. “In those dreams, I’m doing this while you are…” His mouth lands on my neck, and he kisses and sucks his way down until he gets to my naked breasts. He takes one in his mouth while his hand pulls my hand free from his cock. As he works his way down my body, I lie there, staring up at the blue sky, wondering if this is what heaven is like.

“No,” Grim replies to my thoughts. “Heaven is you.” His mouth touches the spot just above my center, my back arching in response. He kisses it softly before his tongue moves farther down and swipes at my clit. I squeal, and he pauses to make sure I’m okay before he does it again, eliciting another squeal and whimper at the sensation.

I cover my mouth as he starts a slow and steady pattern with his own, circling and exploring. He does it like he does everything in life—with precision and excellence. He sure is gifted for someone who isn’t experienced in the sex department.

“Finger. Put a finger inside me.”

He does, continuing his movements with his lips and tongue. Grim’s finger pumps in and out of me, while his mouth devours me as if I belong to him.

Do I?

I don’t even want to know the answer to that.

I’m not sure I’m ready.

He pushes a second finger in, and his other hand presses down on my lower stomach as he licks, pumps, and delights me in every single way possible.


I like it.

My hands find the sand, and I try to grip it, but it falls through my fingers as I come. When I finally stop writhing, so does Grim. He slides up my body until his face is in line with mine.

“I think that was my favorite,” he tells me. I can’t help the laugh that leaves me. “What?” he questions.

“Wait until I use my mouth on you.” I wink at him.

He stands, looking down and holding out my clothes in his hand.

“You have to stop calling me.”

Goddamnit! All happiness is sucked out of the moment at his words.

I reach for my clothes and put them on with jerky movements. My frustration clear.

“This was our last goodbye?” I ask, feeling more despondent than I did before seeing him again.

“Yes.” He touches my hand, and before I can blink, we’re back where he took me from. He doesn’t say a word as he disappears.

And I think he took a piece of my heart with him.

Chapter Two

“They’ve been in there for hours. Is it true? Is she pregnant?” Tanya asks. I shrug my shoulders, not sure if I should tell her or not. “Why does she tell you everything and not me? I’m closer in age,” she whines.

Melvon comes into our small house carrying some bread.

Tanya’s face instantly changes, and she offers him a smile before she takes it from him. “Thanks, Melvon.”

She’s been feeding him.

She thinks we don’t know.

But Melvon and Tatiana are still connected. She knows the risk of feeding a vampire—our blood is addictive to them. While she has a crush, he looks at her as a meal.

Melvon’s eyes fall on me.

“Bronik is here. He asked I fetch you so he doesn’t intrude again… in case you are busy.” I roll my eyes, get off the bed, and walk out with Tanya and Melvon following.

I spot Bronik straight away. He’s standing with a group of shifters around him, all watching him closely.

Tatiana approaches, with John by her side. Her eyes find mine, and by the redness surrounding them, I can see she’s been crying.

“Can we help you, Angel?” John says.