
I nod at her honesty before I turn back to Maxilliam. “That’s nice. I’m sure you will make a lovely couple.” I smile, then jump right into the only question circling my mind. “Now, how do I leave this place?”

Maxilliam reaches for some food and plates it before he answers me. “We have not discovered a way to get to your world.”

“Fuck!” I swear, and my head drops into my hands.

“Fuck? What is that?” Maxilliam asks.

I lift my head and stare at him, not really knowing how to answer, so I go with, “It’s a word to describe my frustration right now,” I reply, taking a breath. “I can give you a list of words, though most of them are bad and probably should be said only in private.”

“Yes, please.” He nods with interest. “You will stay here.”

“Am I free to explore?” I need to find a way out of here and back to my sisters.

“Yes, but only with a guard. As you are unfamiliar with this land, it’s best to have someone with you at all times. I can always assign Levy to you.”

Oh, hell no! Both Levy and I straighten.

“No, a guard will do.”

“So tell me… you are a witch, correct?” he asks.

“Yes…” I pause before I continue, wondering if I even should. “Do you hold powers?” He offers me a smirk before I feel my chair being lifted into the air. I turn around and see no one is there, and when I look at the king, he smiles before gently placing me back down.

“You could say I do.”

“And you?” Levy ignores me and eats her food.

“Levy is a changer. She can change her appearance to be whom she wishes.” Maxilliam taps her hand, and as the fork lifts to her mouth, she changes into me, dressed exactly the same.

“Wow.” I lean in, cringing. “Is my hair that bad?” I touch my own hair and pat it down. She shakes her head and returns to who she was—the change taking place quickly.

“We possess a lot of powers the witches hold, even the seers that you have.” Maxilliam tells me.

“You have seers?” I ask, confused.

“Yes, many. They came from your land.” I glance to Levy at his words as I sit back, letting that information sink in. The only seer left in my world is Viper. Stupid Viper. I thought they were all killed, but it seems I was mistaken.

“Do you get a lot of people from where I am from?” I ask.

“Only what your queen sends through,” Maxilliam states.

“Our queen is dead,” I declare.

He sits back in his seat, lays his hands on the table, and studies me. “Dead, you say?”

I nod my head.

“Interesting. How did you get here?”

“A seer.”

“A seer?” he questions. “They don’t possess the ability to open a portal.”

“One with demon magic can,” I inform.

He says nothing, so I reach for some food and start eating.

A few minutes of quietness follow before he states, “You are strong. How did he manage to get you?”

I take a bite of the chocolate cake and instantly regret it. I know when I go back, I’ll be dreaming of foods like this. Wishing I could have every lavish bite.


I look up to see both Levy and Maxilliam watching me.

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“How did this seer manage to get you?”

“I was distracted,” I offer, not hiding my aggravation at the memory.

“Distractions are not warranted here.”


He leans forward, eyes boring into mine. “Because people die.”


Levy scoffs as she chews on a piece of fruit.

“We have things in this world that are different from yours. Compared to what we used to be, we are dwindling, not what we once were. The darkness takes and takes, and not even I can stop it.”

“The darkness?” I ask.

“Yes, it’s what you call a figure, but these figures are made up of memories that lie and trick you. Once one of these figures gets to you, it will invade and suck the soul straight from your body. They are called yorks.”

“You can’t stop them?”

“No, we have never been able to.”

“But you are powerful, correct? You have the birds.” I glance back at the beautiful silver birds.

“Indeed, I am.”

“I need to get back home,” I tell him. “I can’t stay here.”

“Unless you can conjure a portal, Talia, you are staying, whether you want to or not.” He pushes his chair backward and stands. I feel his eyes still on me, but I’m trying to sort through my knowledge. Is there any way I can create a portal? I mean, I’ve never really tried. Is it hard? How hard can it be? I hear his footsteps as he leaves, and when I turn back, Levy is smiling across the table from me.


“Nice way to annoy our king.”

“Your king,” I say.

“No, our king. You are in our world, and if you choose to be disobedient, I will throw you to the yorks myself.” She pushes her chair back and exits the same way Maxilliam left.