“Thank you,” I murmured. “For the clothes, the food.” I glanced into his blue eyes. “For everything.”

This softness covered his expression, easing the tension around his eyes. He ran a thumb along my bottom lip. I breathed out, my body shivering. God, that felt good.

“Anything for you, kotenok.”

He gave my mouth one more slow touch before walking back to the desk and taking hold of a bottle of water. He handed it to me and grabbed himself a plate and the bottle of vodka, and sat beside me. He got comfortable, toeing off his boots and stretching his long, muscular legs out in front of him, crossing them at the ankle. I couldn’t decide if he was more attractive in a three-piece suit or the casual attire he was currently sporting.

Because the dark jeans, equally dark T-shirt, and the black leather jacket he’d just taken off certainly weren’t helping my libido.

I let my gaze move along his arms, all those tattoos covering his flesh from the back of his hands and slinking to disappear underneath his shirtsleeves. But I could see the ink sneaking out from the collar of his shirt.

“Eat, detka.” His voice was soft and gentle, and it moved through me like a warm blanket, settling over my body until I realized I was doing exactly what he wanted.

I hadn’t realized how hungry I really was until I was nearly done eating. But I felt a sense of calm and safety being with Dmitry, settling into me.

Several feet separated us, yet all I could think about was moving closer and pressing my body to his. His masculinity to my femininity.

He turned on the TV, the volume muted, some news station plastered across the large screen. We finished eating in silence, but I was highly aware he was right next to me, and it wrecked me in the best way.

My body didn’t seem to care about the night's events, not as my pussy became wet and warm and soft as I replayed how he’d touched me.

I glanced over at Dmitry, but he was focused on the television as he ate silently. He acted and appeared so unaffected—that was until I glanced down at his lap and could see the massive, hard outline of his erection pressing against his jeans.

He set his empty plate aside and reached for the bottle of vodka, taking a long pull from it as he stared at the TV.

I looked at where his pulse beat steadily at the base of his throat. Was he as aware of my presence as I was of his?

I set my plate aside, too, and felt this flare or something strong and dark and deadly weave in me. There was this sharp sting of strength that moved through me, telling me to do what I wanted and not worry about anything else.

Dmitry pulled the bottle away from his mouth, and I reached for it. I curled my fingers around the neck, our fingers brushing for only a second.

If he was surprised by my actions, he didn’t show it as he watched me bring the mouth of the vodka bottle to my lips and take a long pull from it, our gazes staying locked.

The vodka was sharp and strong and burned all the way down my throat. I coughed, my eyes watering. I was embarrassed I couldn’t handle it, but Dmitry’s heady-hooded gaze told me he didn’t care. He looked at me as if not doing so would be the most painful thing he’d ever experienced.

I pulled the bottle away and felt a drop cover my bottom lip. I dragged my tongue across it. Dmitry watched the act, a hard noise leaving him.

For long seconds we didn’t speak. The sound of our breathing grew shallower, faster, filling the hotel room.

“Podoydi syuda, Kotenok, i sydi ko mne na koleni.”

I loved hearing him speak, grew wet and needy at the sound of those aggressive Russian words wrapping around me.

“Come over here, Kitten, and sit on my lap.”

My heart was pounding so hard. Could he see it? Did he know how much he affected me with just a look on his face and a lazy command spilling from his lips?

When I didn't move right away, he leaned back against the headboard, spread his legs slightly, and reached down to stroke his enormous erection obscenely.

“Be my khoroshaya devochka and do what Papy says, printsessa.”

And that’s how I found myself crawling over to Dmitry, a growl spilling from him, and straddling him like I knew what the hell I was doing.

Chapter 35


I sat on his lap and suddenly felt my courage falter. My hands on his chest, the feeling of his heart beating hard and fast beneath my palms, made mine stutter.

I lowered myself fully onto him, the immense length of his erection pressing right against the center of me.