
He brushed his lips back and forth over mine, not really kissing me. I wanted to beg him to do just that.

“Say it.”

My heart drummed a hard beat as I opened my eyes and stared into his turbulent blue ones. He looked fierce, possessed, and still so angry.

I realized he was barely hanging on to his control, his cock hard and huge as it dug into my upper belly.

God, he was so tall and burly.

“I belong to you.”

He shook his head before I could finish. “No. Say it how I want to fucking hear it.” Dmitry’s voice was right by my ear, his breath fast and warm, his body pressed fully to mine so I felt all the hard lines that made him so powerfully dangerous.

“My pussy,” I whispered, still embarrassed to say something so vulgar. He groaned and ground himself against me, rolling his hips and digging his hard erection into my hip.

“Keep going and tell Daddy all the things I want to hear.”

I was frozen in place at hearing him call himself that again. Daddy. It shouldn’t have sounded as dirty as it was, and it most definitely shouldn’t have made me wet all over again.

“My ass and… mouth—” I moaned involuntarily when he kept rolling his hips, when I inhaled and all I could smell was Dmitry. “It’s all yours.”

He cursed and started licking and sucking at my neck, along the side of my throat, and up to the corner of my mouth. He was panting like he’d run a marathon, and I felt light-headed and drunk all in the same breath.

“Ya khochu trakhnut tebya, kak svoyu shlyukhu.” I want to fuck you like my whore.

I didn’t know what he said, but something dark and dirty coiled in my belly and exploded outward.

He bit my earlobe, and I moaned.

Dmitry buried his face in my neck once more and inhaled, his massive body shaking.

“Someone will come in. Someone might see us.” Had I said the words out loud? They roared in my head but sounded distant on my tongue.

“Let them,” he growled against my ear. “It’ll just show them you’re mine.”

We stayed like that for long moments until I heard my name being called by one of the nuns.

I tensed, and he chuckled, giving me a soft kiss on the side of my throat before pulling back. Instantly I was chilled and wrapped my arms around myself.

Dmitry watched me for a long moment, his pupils dilated, and ran a hand over his mouth as he let out a gruff sound.

He took a cell out of his coat pocket and slipped it into my hand, his fingers lingering against my skin and igniting me all over again.

“You’ll keep this phone with you at all times. You need me, you call. No matter what.”

I didn’t know how to take in that information as I looked down at the cell.

“No matter what.” His voice was hard, dominating. It was clear he expected me to comply.

Not that I would have denied him. I’d long since thrown reason and rationality out the window where he was concerned.

With one more soft kiss to my lips, he was gone, leaving me standing there with my soaked panties stuck to my pussy, my heart still racing, and the world having gone upside down in just a day’s time.

Chapter 34


I hadn’t even been given enough time to say goodbye… to anyone. Not that I’d made a lot of friends while in Vermont, but I’d been friendly over the last six months with everyone I’d worked beside when I volunteered, Jacob included.

Although truthfully I didn’t feel any guilt or remorse for just disappearing. Not that I’d had a choice, but Vermont and the convent had never felt like anything more than a temporary solution to a weighing problem hanging over my head.

A speed bump in my conflated, confused road that was my messy life.

I stood in what was once my father’s office, back on the East Coast, and felt like this heavy weight was in the center of my belly and growing bigger the longer Gio stayed silent.

I’d been picked up at the convent, took the six-hour plane ride back home, and now here I stood, staring at my brother as he leaned against his leather chair and ran his thumb along his chin.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

It was his tell, the one thing he hid well enough, but every time he did that motion, I knew he was pissed, anxious, or both. He was absolutely on edge.

I’d eaten on the private jet, bit my nails almost down to their cuticles because I was so damn anxious, and the silence wasn’t helping shit.

“Just spit it out,” I finally said, the sound of the grandfather clock down the hall ticking down the seconds filling the room so loudly it grated on my nerves. “I know you didn’t call me home for a social call.”