Wolf’s head shook. I grinned. “She plans these huge parties for celebrities, and my stepdad is a surgeon.”
He was one of those TV doctors, and that was how they’d met. Mom planned all kinds of parties, and their paths had just crossed.
Wolf’s pen slowed. “That’s cool,” he said, his voice sounding far away again. “You said they’re back in New York?”
“Mmhmm. New York City. My stepdad’s German, though. Did I mention that?”
His head shook once more before his attention returned to his work. I was probably bothering him with this, and he had been working when I came into the room.
I got up. “So, um, I guess thank you.”
His sight fell on me, and I played with my hands.
“I feel like I only responded to my mom because of last weekend. It really was nice to be around family.”
So nice, amazing.
Wolf’s mouth moved but he didn’t say anything. Maybe he didn’t know what to say, and I was still bothering him. I backed up. “I don’t want to bother you, so I’ll let you get back to work.”
He wasn’t now, his pen tapping his notebook, and I felt bad. I started to go, but he told me to wait.
He had his books off his lap when I turned, and when he asked me to come here, I did. He put his hands together. “So, we never talked about last weekend. All that happened.”
I froze. “We haven’t.”
I had to admit the words came out brave, and I also had to admit I wasn’t ready for any of this.
That didn’t meanthiswasn’t coming, and as I watched Wolf’s hands rub, my heart raced. He could literally say anything. Say last weekend was fun and all that but it was time to get back to reality. That he was good on that front with his family, and he didn’t need me anymore. I didn’t think what occurred between us was a part of the act, but it would definitely be an incentive to end all this.
He might end it.
I think that was what thudded my heart the most, but of course, I’d never admit that.
“We should talk about that. It’s important and…” He wasn’t looking at me, his eyes on the floor. “And, uh, yeah. We got a lot of things to talk about.”
Though, as per usual, neither one of us were saying them. A pregnant silence occurred, and the next thing I knew, Wolf was stacking his books.
“I’m on my way out, though,” he said, getting his things together. “Meeting the guys to play billiards.”
I didn’t know why, but I felt relief by him saying this.
Yeah, you know why.
I shifted on my feet. “That sounds fun.”
“Yeah, we do it every once in a while.” He stopped, facing me. “You should come. It’d be a good time. I can have Dorian bring Sloane.”
My smile was shaky. “Like an assignment?” I had to admit in that moment I wasn’t up for it. I wasn’t sure I was strong enough. I wasn’t strong enough. “Actually…”
“No, like because you want to,” he said, and I blinked. He nodded. “Because you just want to hang out. No pressure, and I’d like for you to come.”
“You would?”
His smile was easy. “Yeah. Like I said, it’d be fun, and we could chat later.”
Chat about us, he meant.
I really wasn’t sure I wanted to go now, but I found I couldn’t even turn down an opportunity to hang out with him. This guy had me completely gone.