Yeah, good luck with that.

This girl couldn’t help but flash skin, ass. She had an abundance of it, and my dick definitely knew it. Her lashes fanned. “You decent?”

She was flirty about her statement, teasing, but her grin slipped when I came inside. I typically slept naked but did bother to put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a tank before coming down to her room.

Red’s gaze instantly homed in on my cock. The dude was half-mast at the sight of her flesh but half-mast for me was like full out for most guys. I’d been told my dick was the thing of legends, but Fawn had taken that shit and beautifully.

I twitched now under her gaze, my digits fingering through my hair when I came inside. By the time I closed the door, she wasn’t looking anymore, but that didn’t mean I hadn’t caught her. I cuffed my arms. “Sure you don’t want another peek?”

I thrust my shit for emphasis, and Fawn’s eyes rolled.

“I’m good.” In response, she picked up her phone, something she’d been scrolling on when I came inside. “What are you doing in here anyway? Why are you up?”

It was late, the middle of the night actually. I shrugged. “I’m usually up at this hour.”

Not a lie. I typically was to work on my art, and my circadian rhythm was shot because of it. I was hard-pressed to get to sleep before 3 AM most days, even though these days I didn’t have a paintbrush or charcoal in my hands.

My jaw clicked, as I eased forward. I tipped my chin. “Why are you up?”

I’d seen her light on, but I’d been about to come inside anyway. No one in this house would believe my girlfriend was sleeping down the hall and I didn’t at least try to visit her.

“Unfamiliar house. Unfamiliar bed,” she stated, watching as I lounged against the wall. “I mean, it’s a nice bed, but my body doesn’t know it.”

My attention moseyed over that body, that flesh.

Cool it.

I’d been trying to cool my shit since she’d kissed me on the fucking bus. It’d come out of nowhere and, honestly, would have been something I would have done to prep her. Red was getting bold and making moves. These were things I definitely didn’t approve of, but for some reason, I wasn’t putting her in her place.

Nor was I fighting her.

I pushed off the wall, coming closer. She had people up on her phone, and she let me look.

“My mom and stepdad,” she said, my stance staying put. She tossed the phone on the bed. “Just watching them globe-trot. Don’t mind me.”

My sight stayed on her and away from the smiling faces in front of some kind of museum. “I sense a little bit of sarcasm there.”

I kept my voice light, made sure of it. Fawn’s screen went dark, and when it did, I took a seat on her bedside table.

“Caught that?” She hugged her legs, those flowers tatted down to her toes. She wiggled them. “I’m not mad that my mom travels. And my stepdad’s cool. He’s fine.” She paused before pushing all that red hair back. “I’m sorry. You don’t want to hear this.”

She got restless then, fingering all her hair. She pressed her face to her legs, and the girl looked like the Little Mermaid with her naked toes and vibrant hair. I tucked my hands under my arms. “Shoot.”

No idea why I said this. I was the last to get into someone’s business. This was mostly because I didn’t want people in mine, which was why I never asked her about anything regarding her life. Not the things I’d read and dug into her past to get. This girl had a locked box of fucked-up secrets, and not a whole lot of it made sense. The thingsI’d founddidn’t make sense. Especially as I’d gotten to know her over the past few weeks.

Again, it wasn’t my business to know, yet here we were now.

She faced me. “You don’t want to know.”

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.” I tapped the bed with my foot, making her smile. “Why are you in your feelings about them?”

“It’s not about them per se. Like I said, my stepdad is cool. I’ve never had a problem with him or my mom and him together.” Her shoulders lifted. “I guess I just wished it were that easy.”


“To forget? Tobeeasy.” Her eyes fluttered closed. “My mom has moved on, and I’m so happy she has. It’s just harder for me.”

She was speaking vaguely, but I was sure she knew thatI knewexactly what she was talking about.