He’d also called me his girlfriend again.

He’d just said it and hadn’t even looked around first. Like he wasn’t aware of others around, and we were just talking. The two of us…

My fingers tapped my cup. “What are you going to do about your family?”

He had his hands laced on his head, really stewing, and I’d never seen him this way. His dark eyes flicked down. “My family?”

“The weekend invite? What were you going to tell them about me not showing up?” Yeah, no idea why I was asking. Maybe I just didn’t want his focus or concern on me or something.

Yeah, that.

“Uh, eventually, I was going to tell them that…” He was conscious of our surroundings now. He got close. “Eventually, when it was right, I was just going to tell them we weren’t together anymore. Why?”

I squeezed my cup. “Well, what if we were together?” His eyes narrowed, and I forced out a breath. “What if we continued this.”

“You’d want to?” He stayed close, breathing close. I could feel him, that warm spice all around me, that heat. “You’d want to continue this?”

I mean, I didn’t want to. He was terrible, a bully, but I had seen him with his mom.

He’d been so relaxed.

It was a miracle quite honestly, and the first time I hadn’t seen him on edge. Something about his mom being happy, happy meeting me and seeing us together had given him peace. It really did seem like he needed her to be okay, his family.

“It’s probably all a bad idea.” I waved it off. “I mean, your family lives in Maywood Heights, right? Still?” That’s where he’d played football. His high school, Windsor Prep, had been there. I knew since they’d played against my high school team obviously.

If that was the case, his hometown was like two hours away, and he knew now I didn’t do cars.

“Correct, but if you’re worried about getting there, I can take care of it.”

His thoughts aligned with mine, I glanced his way. Wolf had his lips tipped up, a true smile, a genuine one on me.

My goddamn stomach.

It flipped seeing the expression. A whirl of excitement brewed inside me in response, and I was well aware it was way more intense than any pleasure I’d gotten by simply getting to him. I kind of got off on annoying him, but seeing him smile? Smile because of me… I tucked hair behind my ear. “You can?”

No way this guy would take a bus two hours.

“Is it just cars you can’t do? If so, I can work something out.” His head bobbed once. “Just let me take care of it. I can get us there. Get you there.”

I noticed he still hadn’t asked me why. Why I didn’t do cars, or anything like that. I swallowed. “What happens when we get back? With us?”

Meaning our relationship.

His lengthy digits folded over his arms, his head lowering. “Whatever you want, and what I didn’t get to say at that art thing was I wanted this to be different. You and me?” He angled closer. “It can be whatever you want this time.”

Shocked, I almost took a step back. He’d mentioned he wanted us to be friends, but I hadn’t thought he was serious. I mean, how could we in an arrangement like this?

And with all that happened…

We’d crossed a line more than a few times, and Wolf? Well, he was a guy. He had urges but what he could pass off as a casual hookup wasn’t so easy for me. I couldn’t explain why I’d slept with him beyond the fact that he was, well, gorgeous. Fuck, I wished it’d just been that.

“I just want this to work,” he continued, and his proximity flushed warmth across my face. I swallowed, and he noticed, his attention flicking down. “I do, so this time you call the shots. I won’t do the blackmail shit. I won’t do any of that shit. I just want this to work. You call the terms.”

He almost sounded, well, desperate. Hell, he looked desperate.

Why does he need this so bad?

He’d said why he had, his family, but this was so desperate. Like he truly needed me to do this and I had the power when I didn’t. He’d always been the one with all the cards, and I’d known that the last time I’d said no to him. I figured I’d get a call from Kurt saying that internship was gone, or my enrollment at Pembroke would come to an end, but that never happened. Wolf never made those calls or cashed in those favors even though he did have all the power.