My hand shot back.

At least, I tried to.

My wrist ensnared, I fell to my back. Wolf was on top of me. He pinned me down with a wild look about his eyes, and mine widened.

“Did I say you could fucking touch me?” He grabbed my throat, and the air flow cut off. I choked, gasping. Hair shrouded his face. “Huh? Did I?”

He shook my throat with every gritted word, both hands around my windpipe now, and I grabbed at them. “You’re choking me…”

His grip tightened, and my vision darkened. My legs kicked beneath him, but I only think part of that was voluntary. My natural instincts were trying to get me out, but shock looped its intense hold around me.

Wolf looked deranged.

Crazed, he pressed his face closer to mine. “You don’t fucking touch me. You understand?”

I didn’t. We were touching a lot earlier tonight.

I mean, we had sex.

I think he just meant I couldn’t touch him there, where I had that made him act like this, but I couldn’t ask.

My vision was blurring now, his fingers embedded deep in my throat. “Wolf…”

I could barely see him at this point, and he didn’t let go. Appearing mad, he only gripped harder, but a knock at the door had him twisting around.

“Wolf? You in there? Someone said they saw you and Fawn come through.”

It sounded like one of his friends, Dorian? Honestly, I couldn’t even think right now let alone try to match a face with a voice.

The guy chuckled outside the door. “Anyway, we’re taking off, so…”

“One sec,” Wolf ground out, but he wasn’t looking at that door.

Only at me.

It was like I could see through him. He wasn’t Wolf, Ares… He was something beyond any of that, and whatever it was had the fear clouding around me in a thick haze.

Another deep chuckle rolled outside the door, and only once it drifted off did Wolf let go.

I coughed, gasping. The bed lifted when Wolf bounded off, and I watched him grab his discard clothes. I blinked through watery eyes. “Wolf…”

It came out raspy, and really, not at all. I rubbed at my throat, the indentation of his nails literally under my fingers.

Wolf covered himself, quick. He got his boxers and jeans on, snapping the latter shut and covering the only other tattoo he had outside of his back piece. He had a small flower on his hip, black and gray, a line drawing.

I hadn’t noticed it the night he came on my breasts, but I think his hand had been covering it. I leaned up on my elbows. “Wolf?”

I spoke louder but that didn’t matter. I watched as all he did was tug his shirt on and cover that back piece. He toed on his high-tops, then he was out of the door, and he slammed it so hard the sound vibrated in my already spinning head.

I blinked, nothing left to do but that. The party beats bumping the walls, I lay naked in a bed and a room that wasn’t even mine. He’d left me here like that.

He just left.



The cold stethoscope touched my chest.