My buddies had obviously noticed the extra weight, and I admit I’d pushed myself. I didn’t do it for them, though, never for them.

I waved them off, and Dorian gave me the finger. He and Thatch headed to the weight bench. One spotted the other, but Wells lingered.

He patted my shoulder. “Take it easy, all right?”

He didn’t wait for my response, heading over to his own weight bench. He started curls, and before I could think about my friends’ little intervention, I picked up my phone.

I just… held it. It’d been more than a week since I’d talked to Fawn, and the last time I’d seen her, she’d had my cum all over her tits.

I wet my lips.

Me:I’ll handle it.

I kept that shit quick too, my text. I had no room for thoughts in my head. She and that stupid shit she’d pulled had me in the gym every day this last fucking week, and it was good the boys had been too busy with football to join me. The kind of weight I was lifting would have given them a coronary.

Let’s not even talk about my fuckingruns.

I was up at the crack of dawn, every fucking day. I came from a family of runners, but the shit I’d been doing lately was ridiculous, the miles never ending.

Fawn and her stupid shit.

All she’d had to do was listen. Fucking listen, and things wouldn’t have gone as far as they had. Honest to fuck, she’d been lucky I hadn’t nutted off between her tits, the swell hugging my cock, my seed between them… I wasn’t even sure I had hands big enough to hold them, and I had huge fucking hands.

Grunting, I adjusted my shit in my shorts before heading to the weight wall. D had moved over there, and I raised my phone. “You know anything about Sloane talking to Fawn?”

I was sure he did. She may have been my sister, but she was his girl.

Eyes were on us both, Thatcher and Wells. They were spotting each other on the weight bench now and were smart enough to keep doing that shit.

“I’m aware,” D said, the heat rising on my neck. I had full intentions of talking to my sister about this, but the fact she’d already discussed this with my best friend wasn’t fucking right. He definitely should have talked to me about this. Dorian docked a weight. “Said she was going to talk to her. She was worried Fawn would be a distraction for you, and I agree with her.”

“So, you two are my mom and dad now.” I tucked hands under my arms. “How in the fuck did she even know where to find her? Fawn said she targeted her in class.”

A lot of silence came from my friend, but he did glance over to Thatcher and Wells. Thatcher in particular scrubbed into spiky blades, and I barked out a laugh.

“You’re fucking kidding.” I laughed again, but this shit wasn’t fucking funny. “What happened to you were all happy for me?”

My friends remained silent but these three were loud fuckers. Thatcher started to get up, but Dorian put out a hand.

“Thatcher didn’t do anything but get her schedule, and though Sloane is the one who wanted to confront Fawn, I completely backed her up.” D picked up another weight, grunting with his curl. He glanced at me. “We all saw her at the frat, man. We get you wanting to have fun, but something serious? With her? She just seems a little wild.”

“Yeah. Because you fucking know her.” I got in my friend’s face, the only thing between us his weight, and Wells and Thatcher did get up then. Thatcher stood on standby, but Wells put a hand on me.

“Let’s just all calm down, yeah?” Wells’s words were for no one but me because Dorian did appear calm. My face fucking hot, I was the only one who was heated, and I really didn’t know why. Fawn and I weren’t real or anything, and what we had was even less.

My jaw shifting, I didn’t move, and Dorian sighed.

He put his weight down. “We just want what’s best for you.”

“Yeah, you guys are real good about that lately. Your hover shit?” I stared at them all. “I mean, I can’t even go to the gym without a fucking babysitter.”

I’d literally had to dodge them all week, going at odd hours when I was at the gym every day. They stalked me. Always texting and calling with their fucking check-ins. It was driving me insane and not necessary.

I put my hands together. “I’ll give you the gym, but respectfully, you need to back off this stuff with Fawn and me.”

Again, I didn’t know why I was getting my back up and all this with her was suddenly making things a lot harder than they should be. It shouldn’t be this. Not the point.

I gazed away, but glanced up when D placed his hand on my shoulder.