Fawn - age 16

I need to get closer.

This was my last thought before leaving the bleachers, my gear on my back. There was no way I was going to get the shot I needed from the nosebleed section.

Knowing that, I pushed my way through fans and classmates. This assignment may have been shoved on me, but I was still going to get it right.

I hit AstroTurf, the track surrounding the field in the game against Windsor Preparatory Academy. The rich kids were killing us on our own turf, but our team still showed up and were taking it like champs. Honest to fuck, I had no idea what was actually going on on that field, and if it wasn’t for the scoreboard, I’d be completely lost. Again, this assignment had been given to me, forced onto me from the editor of the school’s paper. I’d rather be taking photos for pieces that actually mattered, but I’d already gotten the actual news assignments done for the week. Football games and other sports-related nonsense usually went to the photographers who just wanted to get into the games for free.

“Steven has mono. You’re going in for him.”

That was the last thing Doug, my editor, had said before handing me a press pass and telling me I had to make it to a game that started in fifteen minutes. The paper needed shots of tonight’s game, and needless to say, I showed the fuck up late.

Hence the nosebleed seats.

I’d dealt with worse conditions, stress. I’d been taught by the best, so pushing through all the traffic, I finally made it onto the field. The players were in a full sprint, our guys blending in with players donned in Windsor Prep’s orange and navy uniforms. Their guys were about twice the size of ours, and it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of these dudes went on to go pro. Their flashy uniforms also made our guys look like shit, and I’d care more if I cared about the game at all. I had a job to do, get the shot and make the deadline for my school’s newspaper.

I set up my camera on the sidelines, getting it ready. I could do this without the tripod but that made for a better shot.

“Hey. You!”

A man in little pants and a striped shirt sprinted over to me, whistle in his hand. He blew that little whistle,at me, and my head shot back when he crossed the sidelines over to me. He pointed. “What do you think you’re doing on my field?”

I wasn’t on the field, at least not technically. I propped my camera on my hip. It hadn’t made it to the tripod yet. “I just need a couple shots of the game.”

“Well, you can take them from the bleachers.”

“I’m press.” I flashed him the badge. “I also got here late, so if you could let me get my shot, I’ll be out of your hair. I have a deadline to make anyway.”

Not to mention, I was completely over spending my Friday night here instead of editing photos. I’d taken quite a few over the last weekend of things that actually mattered. Needless to say, a football game against boys who looked like combat warriors wasn’t it.

The ref or whatever blew his whistle again, and again, my head snapped back. That shit was fucking loud.

“I don’t care if you’re the President of the United States. You’re on my field, and I want you off—now.”

Um, rude and even more so when he got in my personal space. I must have not been moving quick enough for his liking because the next thing I knew, he was taking my tripod and getting it away from the sidelines.

“What the heck do you think you’re doing,” I growled, but he didn’t stop there. He started to reach for my camera next, and I dodged. This dude wasnotgetting his fucking hands on my dad’s camera. “Back the fuck off!”

“Youwillget off my field,” he started, but stopped when someone yelled from the field. The ref whipped around, me too when a player in orange and navy sprinted to the sidelines toward us. It took a second for me to realize the game hadn’t stopped, and whoever this player was from Windsor Prep still continued to make his way over.

He was a big guy, real big, tall. In fact, he was probably the tallest boy I’d ever seen, and he obviously couldn’t have been more than eighteen. I mean, we were in high school, but the closer he got, he towered over both me and the ref. All of Windsor Prep’s players looked like soldiers, but this guy looked like Captain Freaking America.

He was built like him too, broad, thick. There were bigger guys on the field, and though this guy was leaner, he still had a solid definition that distributed through his body in a way that made him just as intimidating as even the biggest guy. I mean, the boy’s thigh made mine look bird-like, and that said something considering I wasn’t the smallest girl. I fluctuated, but most days the labels in my pants said size sixteen more than they did fourteen.

“What’s going on?” the player questioned. The rogue curls beneath his helmet made him appear only more beast-like. He took the helmet off and all those curls spilled out like an angry sea. They shrouded his dark eyes, his skin a light honey tone. His complexion was a natural tan where most had to bake in the sun to get that color.

Why are you looking that hard?

That might have had to do with the fact that he was looking at me. The guy was, well, gorgeous. I definitely had eyes and could see that. His irises were dusky and borderline black. He used them to peer over me, his jawline perfect, his nose straight and eyes deep-set. They flashed a couple times in my direction, and when he stepped forward, the ref put a hand on his chest.

“Get back on the field, Mallick,” the ref barked and snapped the player, Mallick, out of whatever trance he’d been in when he’d been looking at me. I didn’t know why he’d been so focused in my direction, but I found myself suddenly grateful considering the way he currently sneered down at the ref.

The guy appeared to grow three sizes, likelegit, and he was already tall. He pressed that broad chest against the ref’s, his finger up. “You looked like you were about to put hands on that girl.”

I blinked. What the fuck?