Her head tilted. “Needless to say, your dad and I are elated and can’t wait to meet her. She’s obviously had an effect on you.”

My chest caved, and I wished I had more food. I ate when I was uncomfortable. Like a fucking tick or something. “Actually, Mom…”

“We were hoping you’d bring her down for a weekend soon like we mentioned.” Mom finished her food, crumpling her trash. She lifted a hand. “We’ll plan it all out. Have dinner and do one of our family hikes.”


“It’ll be so fun, and my God, Ares, is she lovely! Sloane showed me pictures today. I hope you don’t mind, but she looked up her social media.”

My head whirled, and my world tilted.

Mom’s eyes warmed. “She looks so nice, and a creative like you?” She shook my shoulder. “Sloane told me she takes pictures. Is that true?”

I nodded, on autopilot more than anything else.

“And all those tattoos she has… simply gorgeous. Her flowers actually remind me of the one you got. The ones on her arm?”

My parents knew I had a tat on my hip, but I’d never shown them. I’d shown them the design, though.

I’d designed it.

I put my hands together. “Mom…”

“We are so stinkin’ happy for you, critter.” Mom’s phone buzzed, and her eyes lifted to the heavens. She didn’t look like she wanted to check it, but she was a public figure. She took it out. “Dang. Give me one second, honey. It’s the office.”

She got up to take her call, take that second, and my stomach wasn’t just tight this time.

The sickness swirled, heavy. It was like I was on a fucked-up carnival ride that wouldn’t stop with an insane carny at the wheel. I couldn’t get off this shit with Fawn and me.

At least, not until it was done with me.



I ignored another call from my mother today, but that was only partially because I didn’t want to speak to her.

Ares Mallick was still in my head, and I couldn’t shake him no matter how much I desired. The reminders of him were everywhere, the first being I hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep in days. Being on Heath’s couch wasn’t ideal, but hell if I was going back to that dorm Wolf and I shared.

The way he’d looked at me…

He’d been insane, wild, and that said something considering how unhinged I’d seen him in the past. He’d acted like I had violated him when I’d only touched him and shared concern.

What happened to him?

The question of the hour, all this history surrounding this guy. I hadn’t been bold enough to ask in the past, but maybe I should have. Wolf had some sizable issues, and only part of that seemed to surround his recent insanity.

That bugged me the most, that I wondered about him, worried about him. This was ironic considering I was the person who was supposed to be alleviating that from his life regarding his family.

I slammed a textbook closed, getting up from my “bed.” It was either that or the blow-up mattress, and Heath’s roommate (Allen) was definitely giving me the side-eye the last few days I’d been on the couch. Heath told him I was a friend who needed a helping hand like I was homeless.

In a way, I was, I guess.

I needed to brave the hell up and just go get my stuff, speak to housing, but I didn’t want to confront Wolf. He’d been crazy the last time I’d seen him.

My phone buzzed.

It was a text this time, not a call, and I was grateful. My mom didn’t call often, but she called enough where I always checked before answering. She knew I was busy with school or my photography, so she never got offended, and considering the crickets that sounded during our chats, I was saving her. I never had much to say. We just were like that. Always had been.