The only reason I was over here tonight was because I’d snuck in through Wolf’s window. I hadn’t wanted to use my house key and alert Ramses since I technically wasn’t supposed to be doing overnights right now.
But that fact wasn’t enough to keep me away from her.
I did want to know how she was. Tonight was her big night to spend with her dad. She’d been so excited about hanging out with Ramses and had been talking about it forever.
I edged closer to her, noticing when she grabbed one of her fluffy pillows. She forced it onto her lap, and it wouldn’t let me get too close to her, which kind of annoyed me, but I let it go since something seemed wrong.
“What happened?” I asked, not trying to sound like an asshole because I wasn’t getting to eat pussy right now, but I did have an edge to my voice. I rubbed my arm. “Did I do something?”
We’d been cool at school today, the last time I’d seen her.
Over her pillow, her slender fingers slid through all her dark hair. It hit her tan shoulders, wavy and brown-black like a midnight sky or a detailed oil painting. I noticed things like that about her now, the subtleties about her that made her unique. I used to just find her beautiful. Now, I worshiped this girl and gave no fucks about it. Noa Sloane did make me weak, but if weakness was what being with her was, I’d fucking take it. I’d level the earth for this girl.
I’d start wars.
Noticing I was in her space, she glanced back at me. Her fingers threaded behind her neck. “I don’t know what to say to you right now.”
I didn’t know what that meant, but it was enough to rock my insides. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I found something out, and I don’t know what to feel about it. It freaks me out, and I kind of wish you’d been the one to tell me about it, so I wasn’t so fucking blindsided.” She studied me. “You said this wasn’t about me, but I think it kind of was. Maybe you didn’t want to lose me or something.”
I didn’t want to lose her?
She was scaringmenow, and frankly, freaking me the hell out too. I touched her shoulders. “Little fighter…”
“No.” With the word, her body eased away from hands and what the fuck? She braced her pillow. “You need to tell me why you did what you did that summer with your grandpa.”
Blood pumped in my ears, my body heavy, weighted. She shouldn’t know shit about that summer with my grandfather.
I blinked once. “How do you know about that?” I tried to keep my voice level,even,but I was freaking the fuck out.
How did she know?
She shouldn’t know about thisat all,and I’d told her I would tell her about it. I just hadn’t been fucking ready and…
I wasn’t ready for this look she was giving me, and the distance, space. The pillow she’d forced between us was definitely explained now, and the realization forced a slight paralysis in my body that was enough to freeze my lungs along with the rest of my body.
Her eyes closed. “That’s not what I asked you.”
“Well, that’s what I’m asking you.” I forced my hair out of my face, feeling my blood pressure literally spike next to her. “I didn’t tell you, so who fucking told you about that?”
“Why didn’t you fucking tell me?” She shot, pushing at me, and I got her arms. She shook her head. “Why wouldn’tyoutell me? Were you scared? Scared I’d run? Did you not trust me? Because this shit is fucked, but I never would have run from you, Dorian. Not anymore. I’m done running.”
She trembled in my hands, gasping.
“I love you,” she said, but even with that admittance, her eyes veered away. They fell on my hands holding her, her fists braced into tight knuckles. It was like she didn’t know what to do with my hands on her. If she should pull away, stay… She was straddling a line here, and whatever it was had her pulling away from me in more than one way.
But even with the hurt of that,the realityof it, nothing hurt worse than when she finally did look into my eyes again. I saw what ran deep in her dark irises just as easily as I could see myself reflected back to me. There was fear there at the surface,at the present, but what was surface level could eventually be gotten over. It was what would remain over time that struck a heavy fear in me.
It was what couldn’t be forgotten.
I glanced away from it all. “Who told you what I did?”
“No. You need to answer me right now.”
“Who told you, Sloane?” I brought her closer, her face screwing up. “Please. Who told you?”
“Your grandfather,” she admitted, my blood pressure spiking again. She looked away. “I ran into him when I went to the house today. The house Bru and I had been staying at when we got to Maywood Heights.”