“I don’t know what Ares told you, but everything’s safe now.You’re safe, and we’re going to bring you home,” Ramses said, smiling. “We’re bringing Dorian home too. As soon as we can. Both of you.”

She didn’t say anything for a beat.

But then…

“Thanks, Dad,” she said, my breath in-taking, and Ramses didn’t move, his lips parting. She shook her head. “Whatever you and everyone else did, just… thank you. And thank Mom too.”

I swallowed, coming into the room. I’d told Ramses what Sloane had said, how she’d told me she loved me and sent Ramses her love too. It’d been an emotional moment for my husband and me on the phone.

I came over, and Ramses blinked in my direction. Taking my hand, he had me sit on the bed beside him. His mouth warmed my hand before he fit us both into the screen.

“We miss you,” he said, his voice tight and fighting emotion. Wrapping his arm around me, he kissed my hair before looking at our daughter. “We’re bringing you home, as soon as we can in the morning.”

“We love you,” I said, before touching the screen, and Sloane did too. It was like the distance between us and her didn’t matter in that moment. It was inconsequential. I told her Callum Prinze wouldn’t break this family, and he hadn’t. Not even with everything he did.

I didn’t know how long we talked to Sloane, but I remembered every word of that conversation. I’d never forget the day my daughter first called me her mother, nor would her father forget his own acknowledgment. I saw that in his eyes as we talked about it after, emotion taking its hold over us both. I cried, but there was no pain.

Ramses let me cry my happy tears, his embrace warm as we lay together on the bed. Like so many times, he was there to hold me, but this time, he didn’t need to tell me things would be okay. He’d said that so many times to me over the years, talking me off cliffs. Especially when Sloane had initially been taken. He’d said I would be okay and that the pair of us would be fine.

But I doubt even he knew how right he’d ultimately be.



My phone rang just when it felt like I’d fallen asleep for the second time tonight.

Bru Sloane.

Squinting at the screen, I found that weird. Bru was just down the hall from me so if he needed something, he just could have come in.

I answered. “Hello?”

“Wolf.” Short breaths followed, like he was moving around or something. “Hey. Can you meet me downstairs? I’m out back behind the safe house.”

The fuck?

I sat up. “Uh, why are you out back behind the house?”

“I can’t explain. Just… can you hurry? Please?”

The guy was breathing,hard, and he clicked off the line before I could ask any more questions. He sounded freaked the hell out.

He sounded scared.

I didn’t know what to make of it. I just slipped on some shoes and grabbed a hoodie. What the fuck was he doing outside and not in bed? He didn’t know things were safe now and that the parents had stopped Dorian’s grandpa. The mothers hadn’t shared the details of how when I’d heard them talking to the dads about moving in on the prick.

But I could have guessed.

My dad had seemed okay tonight when I’d seen him, and I’d asked for specifics, but he hadn’t given them. I’d actually only gone to bed because he’d promised to talk to me about it with Mom after Sloane came back. They’d said they wanted to speak to us about it together.

I didn’t know what that meant either, but I hadn’t cared. I just knew our parents had made things safe again, and that’d been enough for me to be able to go to sleep.

I had been until this shit now with whatever was going on with Bru. It shouldn’t be physically possible for him to be outside. We had security everywhere at the safe house.

I saw no one on the way downstairs, but I knew we had agents watching the house. There might be less now with Dorian’s grandpa no longer in the wind. I didn’t know, but Bru definitely shouldn’t just be outside.

The cold shot straight through my fucking body the moment I hit the backyard, and I grabbed my arms. “Bru? Kid?”