There was something unnerving about the quiet, though. Like it was the calm before the storm, the universe’s held breath, waiting for the danger that lurked in the shadows for the right moment to pounce. Heart thundering in my chest, I hurried down the front walk to the Blazer. Halfway, I cursed myself for doing this barefoot. The nearly frozen concrete bit into the soles of my feet like pins and needles.

Fingers already stiff and shaking from the cold and nerves, the key slipped around the lock, not sliding in the first couple of tries. Dancing from bare foot to bare foot, I held the key with both hands and forced it inside the lock, turning it hard before wrenching the door open. When the screech of the metal faded, the eerie quiet settled around me once again, though this time it had a dangerous feel, making my spine stiffen.

Movements jerky, I leaned inside the SUV, yanking open the center console and blindly feeling around for the emergency pack of cigarettes I bought from a remote gas station somewhere in rural Tennessee. I sighed in relief when the hard cardboard shifted beneath my searching fingers. Frozen digits wrapped tight around the pack, I pulled it out, slammed the console back down, and retrieved the hot pink lighter from the door cubby before shutting it. The bang rattled through the night, making me cringe.

Rubbing my hands up and down my bare arms, because stupid me didn’t think to put on a sweatshirt over the extra-large white T-shirt I slept in, I pulled a single cigarette free and placed it between my lips. Flint scraped, sparks flew, followed by the soft glow of a flame dancing as I moved it closer to the end of the cigarette.

“Don’t move,” a deep voice whispered at my back.

The lighter slipped from my fingers, clattering on the sidewalk, the unlit cigarette dropping from my lips on a surprised gasp. A rush of terror filled my veins, locking my muscles tight. Eyes wide, I stared at the keys still dangling from the SUV’s door.

My pulse pounded in my ears as quick breaths fogged in front of my face.

The terrifying scenario that haunted my every thought since I’d handed Agent Carleigh those files had come true.

Barrett had found me.



Full-body tremors raked through me, making my voice shake. “Don’t do this. Don’t hurt her.”

Gracie. She was inside, unprotected.Fuck, why did I have to sneak outside for a damn cigarette?If I survived this, I’d give it up again. I should be warm inside, two doors down from my baby, where I could protect her.

The heavy silence of the deserted street filled the air, yet the weight of penetrating eyes told me the man who came to collect Gracie and me still stood behind me.

“I won’t hurt… how do you know it’s a girl?”

The surge of fear must have made my hearing muffled.Did my attacker just ask me how I know my daughter is a girl?

“What?” I asked, then shook my head to regain focus. “I’ll scream.”

“That might help.”

“What?” My voice was so high-pitched I winced at the sound.

“What, what?” said that male voice, though this time there was a hint of humor lifting his tone. “Just don’t move and we’ll be good. Our voices are making it wary anyway.”

My curly dark hair whipped across my face with a powerful gust of wind. Goose bumps pebbled along my skin. “I’m so confused,” I muttered under my breath as the fear drained, leaving me somehow even more exhausted than I ever thought possible.

“Me too. They normally don’t come this close to town or stalk humans.”

Tossing both hands up in the air, my confusion and frustration overpowering my earlier terror, I turned on my bare feet to face my attacker.

But it wasn’t an attacker at all.

Decked out in black leggings, running shorts, a long-sleeve Dri-fit shirt, and a black beanie, the man from earlier, my new neighbor, smiled wide. I blinked, staring at him, while his gaze flicked over my shoulder and then moved as if tracking something.

“What the hell is going on?” I demanded, though my voice shook, making it way less demanding than I’d hoped.

He tilted his head to the side as if my question made no sense.

“I’m about to run,” he said, still smiling, but it turned to a frown. “What are you doing out here in that? It’s close to freezing.”

It was then that I remembered my lack-of-bra situation. Crossing both arms over my chest, I chewed on the corner of my lip and tried to look anywhere but at him directly.

“I couldn’t sleep,” I muttered. “And—”