“Hello, Agent Carleigh,” I said, hating how my voice shook. My hands tightened around the coffee mug like it would offer me the strength I desperately needed to channel.

“The message you left was vague,” he said as he pulled off the thick overcoat and draped it over the back of the booth seat before sliding in across from me. “In fact, you didn’t even leave your name.”

I nodded, the movement jerky. The anonymous message for him to meet me to discuss Day, Inc. and the CEO, Barrett Graves, was intentional. I needed this FBI agent’s buy-in before he knew who I was or he’d arrest me on the spot. Barrett might be a depraved fucker, but he was smart as hell, something that drew me to him in college, and had made sure if he went down for his crimes, I’d go down too. But thankfully, I was one step ahead of Barrett and smarter. My unparalleled computer skills helped me uncover information that would incriminate him and only him. But just because I had the information, the proof that Barrett was the sole reason behind the various white-collar crimes, didn’t mean the FBI would believe me.

Agent Carleigh’s tired-looking gray eyes scanned my face, his brows pulling in, no doubt confused. Without makeup, I’d look vaguely familiar but not intently recognizable from past galas and charity function photos in the society papers.

“So,” he said while waving down the waitress. After ordering a cup of coffee, he leaned back and spread both arms out along the booth’s back. “You said you have inside information on Day, Inc.”

“I do.” The conversation stopped when the waitress appeared with an empty mug identical to my own and filled it from a steaming glass carafe. I studied her as she moved to the next table. That seemed easier than holding Agent Carleigh’s impatient stare. “But before I tell you what I know, I need a few assurances.”

He chuckled while blowing across the top of his mug. “That will be hard to do when I don’t know the information you have.”

Inhaling deep, I released my death grip on the mug and swiped both palms down the front of my black jeans. This was it. My only chance to get out of this and keep Gracie safe. She’d hate me once this was all over, no doubt, but if that kept her from those vile men, then I’d deal with the backlash. It wouldn’t be easy on me either, but that wasn’t even a concern at this point. Getting Gracie somewhere, anywhere far away, was a priority.

“I have detailed reports showing exactly how Barrett Graves is embezzling from Day, Inc., plus insider trading and other fraudulent activity.”

The mug hovered just below his lips, his eyes wide. “And how do you have that information? If it’s stolen, it won’t hold up—”

“Considering it’s my company, it’s not stealing, now is it?”

The world froze as I waited for him to process that little information bomb. He slowly blinked and lowered the mug to the table. “You’re Georgia Graves.” I dipped my chin in acknowledgment. “Then you know—”

“That I’m also implicated since I’m the CIO, founder, and owner of Day, Inc? Yes, I’m aware, which is why I invited you here today. To tell you my side of what Barrett has done behind my back and gain immunity for his crimes.”

Agent Carleigh licked his dry lips. “Without knowing what you have, I can’t make any promises. If it’s shit, then you get shit.”

“Honesty,” I said with a huff. “How refreshing. It’s not something I’m used to these days. Here’s what will happen, because the information I have for you is not shit. I can guarantee that it’s enough for you to indict him on several charges, some you might not even be aware of.” Flashes of the pictures I’d uncovered buried in his hard drive made my stomach roll. “As soon as I hand over the files and information, I want my daughter and me taken somewhere safe. The moment you indict Barrett, he’ll know how you got the information and will come after us.” The agent’s brows pulled in tight. “He hasn’t physically hurt us, but after what I’ve learned recently, I wouldn’t put it past him.”

“You’re asking for witness protection,” Agent Carleigh stated, somewhat amused.

“Yes, for me and Grace. I don’t care where, just far from here. No one can know where we are until he’s locked up.”

“And possibly you,” he added.

“Once you see what I’ve uncovered, you’ll be able to trace the money being moved by Barrett. My next stipulation to all this revolves around my employees. Because of his embezzlement, we’re teetering on the edge of going under. Once this hits the news, it will push Day, Inc. over that edge. Since I’ll be in witness protection, I want someone to ensure my employees are taken care of. Make sure they all get as much severance as possible. Sell everything to pay off any debts, and the rest goes to the people who worked for me. They didn’t do any of this and shouldn’t pay because my husband is a conniving, heartless asshole.”

“You’re serious right now,” he said, jaw slightly slack.

“I’ll also need someone to help with the sale of our penthouse, Gracie’s horses, my clothes. I even left my jewelry behind. Use that to give them whatever you can.”


“Not enough, I know. But it’s a start. Some of those people have been with me from the very beginning. If I could, I’d give them everything I have right now, but that would tip off Barrett and ruin your investigation. He deserves prison for what he’s done.”

Agent Carleigh blew out a long breath. “Anything else?”

Reaching into the duffel bag, I pulled out a plain manila folder and slid it across the table.

“These are divorce papers. I’d really love it if this were expedited. Along with the financial fraud and insider trading, I found several instances of him being unfaithful, and a few of the pictures, I’m uncertain the girls were—” I choked on the next words. The pity behind Agent Carleigh’s gray eyes became too much. I shifted my gaze just over his shoulder to watch the wintry mix out the diner’s front window. “I don’t think they were of legal age. I want the divorce to go through immediately. I don’t want a dime, but I will take full custody of Gracie. She’s not safe with him.”

“This is a lot, Mrs. Graves—”

“Georgia, please,” I said with a wince. “I don’t want to hear that man’s last name associated with my own. And yes, I know it’s a lot, and I’m sure you’re wondering how I didn’t know. Yes, it was my company. I wrote the code that jump-started us to where we are today, but Barrett is the CEO. He’s managed all the business aspects while I worked on developing new programs and codes to keep the company relevant and profitable. It wasn’t until this past week that I learned what he’d hidden from me. Hell, I didn’t even know you were investigating the company until I overheard your name mentioned between Barrett and one of the board members.”

Silence settled between us. Stomach in knots, sweat slicked my clammy palms as I waited for his answer, giving him the moment he needed to process the information dump. It was a fifty-fifty chance coming here, but what other choice did I have?

“I can’t promise anything until my team researches the information you have.”