I nod and pat down my dress. One of our maids opens the front door, and Alessandro walks in with Miska in his arms. Katya follows with Mattia in her arms. They’re followed by Dominic and Sofia, freshly returned from their honeymoon.

The maid is about to close the door when Frankie walks in with Amelia. Their son, Giovanni, is toddling next to Frankie, holding his hand. Behind them is my sister who has recently graduated and moved back to New York. We’ve never been truly close, but I hope we can now work on changing that. I am hopeful her being here today is a great way to start.

Raphael comes forward and greets his uncles and aunts before he offers to take the little ones. Alessandro chuckles, “You’re just babysitting Giovanni and the older cousins today. Zia Katya will tend to the babies.”

Raphael takes Giovanni’s hand and leads him off to the play area so we can greet the family.

We stand there greeting as more and more people stream in. Miguel takes my cousins to the area we’ll be sitting in and offers them drinks and cigars. I go to check on the food in the kitchen and hear our mothers howling with laughter at each other. Who knew they would be the ones to get on best?

Once everyone has arrived, and the food has been served, we all sit at the table and eat. Miguel and Alessandro sit together at the head of the table and talk about the children’s futures.

Arianna and Carmine arrive late because Arianna was flying back from a race, but we’re excited to see them as they walk in. I get them plates and sit them near me. Arianna and I were always considered twins.

It isn’t until everyone has left, and I’ve tucked Raphael into bed, that I relax.

I come back downstairs and outside to see Miguel holding a picnic basket.

“I thought we’d go relax out in the orchard, just the two of us,” he says with a big smile.

I sigh, “I would love nothing more than to relax, Miguel.”

He takes my hand and leads me deep into the orchard. “What about Raphael?” I ask.

“He’ll be fine. One of the maids is sitting upstairs listening for him,” Miguel assures me. We get to the middle of the garden, and I see a blanket already lying out.

“It’s a nice warm night. We should have some nice cold champagne,” he says.

“Champagne? Are we celebrating our families didn’t kill each other?” I tease.

“Oh, we are celebrating, I hope….”

“You hope?” I ask.

We both sit down, and he pours a glass of champagne for me, handing it to me. He then sits a small box on my lap.

“I really hope…” he says, “that you would do me the honor of marrying me.”

I swallow hard. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. I set the champagne down and open the box. It’s a simple but beautiful ring. The jewel is the same color as my eyes.

“Miguel… Of course, I will,” I say quietly, choking up, “but I can’t have champagne, my love.”

“But it’s your favorite one,” he protests. “I double-checked with Arianna.”

“I know, but I can’t have any….” I smile at him, slip the ring onto my finger and then rest my hand on my belly.

Miguel stares at my hand for a moment and then lets out a deep breath he seemed to have been holding. “Are you?”

“Yes,” I say excitedly, “I was waiting to surprise you on your birthday.”

He downs his champagne, then mine, and then puts the glasses away. “This is the best surprise ever, my love.”

“Good, because we have to tell Raphael, and I’m not sure how he will react.”

“A problem for tomorrow,” he murmurs, leaning over to kiss me deeply.

I slide my tongue over his, taste the champagne on his lips and tongue, and moan softly.

He strokes my belly gently and then breaks the kiss. “And here I thought I’d make love to you under the stars.”