Page 19 of Midnight Kisses

“Fuck me,” I whisper, blushing but not caring. I’m beyond that point now.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Still holding my wrists in place, he undoes his belt and fly with his other hand, staring down at me all the while. I can hardly breathe; I’m so thrilled and nervous and excited. It’s the look in his eyes that does it, I think. Like there’s nowhere he’d rather be than right here, right now. On top of me, pulling his erect dick free from his shorts before shoving them down until he is as naked as I am.

I wrap my legs around his hips and pull him closer—if I can’t use my hands, I’ll use whatever else I have available. I just want the touch of his skin, to test the firmness of his muscles.

And, of course, there’s the impressive rod between us, flopping against my stomach before he positions it, the head pressed against my soaked entrance. He runs his head through my slick juices, breathing faster, the way I am, before pushing forward.

“Oh, shit!” I shout when he invades me again, filling and stretching me. Bringing me to that place between pain and pleasure but easing me closer to pleasure with every sure, deep stroke.

“You like that big cock inside you?” he grunts, laughing softly when I moan my response. Yes, I like it. I love it. I could get very used to it.

He’s taking me, yes, making me strain against him and fight the tie around my wrists.

But I’m taking him, too. Working with him. Moving my hips to meet his thrusts, sweeter all the time. Pulling him deeper with my legs. Arching my back so my nipples rub against his chest.

I’m afraid to look him in the eye, afraid of what I’ll see. Or what I won’t see—no matter how much I want to. I don’t know what would be worse. Instead, I close them. It’s safer that way.

But it doesn’t keep my heart from swelling. It’s the smell of him, the feel of his body, his helpless grunts as he takes pleasure in me. The special something that makes him who he is.

He’s only going to hurt you.

I squeeze my eyes tightly shut like that will force the thought away. I can’t think about it. I need to live in the moment for once.

“Harper… Harper…” It’s music, the sound of him groaning my name. I wish I could record it and play it for the rest of my life. Even if it wouldn’t be the same but then nothing ever could.

Oh, no.

I fell for him again, didn’t I?

“You have one more left in you?” he whispers before running his lips over my jaw, my chin, and down my throat. “Can you come for me again?”

I don’t have a choice, do I? Because even the slightest touch is enough to set me on fire. All I can do is hold on while he takes me closer, closer, losing his rhythm in favor of taking me harder. Faster. Until we’re nothing more than two rutting animals, fucking like it’s our last night on earth.

It might as well be because I can’t imagine going back to my life without him.

“So sweet… Harper… my goddess… wrapped around my cock…” He invades my mouth with his tongue, plunging in and out in time with his deep strokes that feel like they’re about to split me in two—but not before I come, and I’m going to. I’m so close now I can almost taste it.

And when it happens, when the wave breaks and crashes against me, I’m almost pulled under by the force. I’m barely aware of Colton’s last burst of speed, his animal growl before pulling out to come across my stomach.

It’s over. I wish it wasn’t, but it couldn’t go on forever. My heart sinks with the fading aftershocks of my body’s release. The smaller and quieter they become, the deeper my regret. Because it’s over. I’ll never get this back.

He doesn’t say much, rolling away from me and untying my wrists. I’m still a breathless lump by the time he washes me clean, then pulls back the blankets and helps me beneath them. How can he go from being so domineering to treating me so tenderly? It’s like he’s two different people.

And I’ve fallen for both of them.

“I don’t know about you,” he finally says, sighing and joining me between the sheets, “but I’m wiped.” I groan my agreement, smiling in happiness when he wraps me in his arms and pulls me close to his chest.

That’s how I fall asleep. In his arms, my body still trembling in the aftermath of the best night of my life, with a smile on my face.

By the time my eyes open again, it’s morning, sunlight streaming through the gap in the drapes. I only slept four hours or so, but it’s going to have to be enough.

Because I want so much to stay, which means I have to leave. Now. Before I come up with a reason not to.

I won’t let him be the one who leaves me. He won’t hurt me this time.

I’m as quiet as I can be as I pull sweats from my suitcase, pulling them on in the bathroom. Last night’s makeup is more or less in place after I forgot to wash it off, so I skip washing my face now to keep from waking Colton. He’s still out cold, thank god.

I can’t face him. I couldn’t handle the excuses, or worse, if he acted like nothing happened.