Page 1 of Midnight Kisses


“They ended up coming in with an offer of twenty thousand more than I was hoping to negotiate for. Can you believe it? And they’re going to set me up in corporate housing until I can find something for myself. All I have to do now is come home and pack up. They want me to start the first full week of the new year.”

My hands are shaking hard enough that I’m afraid I’ll drop my phone as I stride into the lobby of the hotel where I’ll be spending the night. I splurged—a night at The Four Seasons isn’t usually something I’d ever consider, but this is New Year’s Eve, and it was tough enough to find a room in town to begin with.

You’d think this is the sort of news that would result in cheering. Instead, Mom sniffles. “So, that’s it? You’re going to be leaving us just like that?”

The customary fretful note in my mother’s voice tells me all I need to know. Not that I expected anything better—for somebody who makes a hobby of reminding me how kind she is to let me stay at home rent-free, she has a funny way of telling me whenever she has the chance of what a hassle it is to have me around long after everyone else my age has already moved out.

“It won’t be so bad,” I try to tease, dropping into a leather chair in the lobby. It’s busy, but there’s a pleasant feeling to it. Everybody’s in a hurry to either check-in or get their New Year’s partying on. It’s only mid-afternoon, but several of the people passing by are dressed to the nines like they’re on their way somewhere special.

I couldn’t care less about that. Tonight, all I want to do is sleep. I haven’t exactly slept well the past few nights; too nervous about this interview. Playing it out in my head like a script, rehearsing my answers to every possible question.

“You don’t have me fooled,” I tell her as I eye the front desk, which right now resembles a war zone. Maybe I’ll wait until it calms down to get my key card. “Now you and Dad will have the whole house to yourself. You can turn my room into the library you always wanted.”

“And what happens when you come back home? Where will you sleep then?”

Anyone else might assume she’s talking about coming home for a visit, like over the holidays. I know better. She’s convinced this is going to end in failure, that I’ll get fired from my position at the firm, and I’ll come home with my tail tucked between my legs. There’s a big part of me that thinks that’s exactly what she wants to happen. Just so she can say she was right.

“That’s what air mattresses are for.”

“Just promise me you won’t do anything wild tonight. You don’t know anybody out there.”

“Since when do I ever get wild? I already told you I’m going to order room service and let everybody else ring in the new year without me.” Besides, I already know my new year is going to be better than the old one and the one before that. I’m finally going to have the freedom I traded in for security. I’m grateful to my parents since, without them, I wouldn’t have been able to go to school without working more than part-time.

I was able to save up a little money, too, hence this late holiday gift to myself. I could have driven the two hours home tonight—now I’m glad I didn’t plan to do it since I’m at the brink of exhaustion without all that adrenaline flowing through me.

“Happy New Year,” I tell her. “And be sure to give Dad a kiss for me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I have to end the call, or else she’ll find something else to complain about. I love her, I do, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to only hearing her fretting and worrying over the phone instead of in person.

The front desk is still jumping, the phones ringing off the hook while guests are checking in. I’d wait it out a little longer, but I’m aching for a hot bath in the deep soaking tub. It was the photos of the tub that sold me on the hotel.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” the clerk in front of me says to whoever’s on the phone. “We’re completely booked up tonight. You might try the Plaza, but last I heard, they were booked out, as well.”

At least I’ll make her job a little easier, smiling when she hangs up and turns my way. “My name is Harper Adams, and someone who works here was kind enough to stow my bag in the back room earlier. I got stuck in traffic and was late for my interview, so I didn’t have time to go up to the room.”

She looks relieved to know the issue is so easily managed. “Of course, no problem.” While I wait for her to fetch the bag, I can’t help feeling a little wistful. Part of me wishes I had something to do tonight, but this is totally new for me. I don’t have any friends here, and I wouldn’t know what to do if given the chance. Besides, I’m sure all the restaurants in town are booked solid.

She emerges with the bag and wheels it over to me. “And here’s your key card, Miss Adams,” she adds, handing over the card in an envelope with the number 812 written on the front.

“Thank you so much. And Happy New Year.”

She offers a brief smile before hurrying back to the phone, which of course, is ringing again. “I’m sorry, ma’am…” she begins, and I can’t help but heave a sigh of relief that I thought ahead and got this room before somebody else snapped it up.

To think, I’ll be living here, in the city. I’ll finally have a life. And I can be whoever I want. I don’t have to be a shy bookworm anymore. It doesn’t matter how old I get or what I do. The people back home will always see me as that girl, even now that I have a master’s degree in finance and an entry-level position at a prestigious private equity firm. Even though half the reason I stayed home was to help Mom take care of Dad when he was sick. I think I’ve proven myself as an adult.

Forget them. This year, I’m going to start living for me.

After I sleep for at least ten hours in the king-size bed that’s supposed to come with my room.

I ride the elevator alone, glad for the quiet compared to the bustling lobby. The doors slide open silently, leaving me in a carpeted hallway. My room is to the right, according to the plaque on the wall opposite. I follow the direction, eyeing the room numbers before coming to a stop at the end of the hall.

The bed is calling my name as I slide the key into the slot. The clicking of the lock is music to my ears, and I swing the heavy door open while smiling in relief. I got the job. I actually got the job. I’m going to treat myself to the most expensive room service dinner there is. I deserve it.

The room is enormous, even bigger than I expected, and tastefully decorated in shades of navy blue and white, running through the silk drapes, the bedspread, and the striped wallpaper.

My eyes wander from the elegant decor to the suitcase sitting at the foot of my king-sized bed. The TV is already on, playing some business show about the stock market.

“What the hell is this?” They gave my room to somebody else, or did they send me to the wrong one? This is 812, isn’t it? I peek at the number on the door. It sure is. Plus, my card wouldn’t have worked otherwise.