That won a strained laugh from him. “Fascinating. They’ve been the least peaceful of mine by far.”
“You see what I mean, then.” She sighed. “I’m not proud of any of it, Callan. And I’m not proud of lying to the Dean to get my position. But when he came to find me… you have to understand, I’ve never stayed around any longer than it takes for danger to come knocking. But this time, I stayed. I hid from the Dean, but I stayed on the insula. I stayed because I’m tired of running. And because I’ve got nowhere left to run,” she added, hearing her voice tremble a little. “And I stayed for you.”
He glanced sideways at her, and she could see from his expression that he wanted to believe her. That made sense. There had been a lot of truth in what she’d just told him—though it was still far from the whole story.
“I don’t expect you to trust me,” she said, turning her gaze back to the water. “And I have no right to ask for your forgiveness, either. But I hope you know how grateful I am that you helped me get out of there. Even if your Queen sends me back tomorrow, I’ll always remember what you did for me. The risk you took.”
There was a long silence then, and she held her breath, hoping she’d played this right. Finally, she heard him sigh. “I wish you’d told me you were lying about who you were.”
“So do I,” she said softly. “I wanted to trust you, Callan. Really. But I haven’t had anyone in my life I could trust since I was a kid. I’m out of practice. I’m trying, now. I promise.” It was true, in a way. She was surprised by how hard it had been to tell him even what she had told him about her life after leaving the Mage’s Guild. “I think part of it was that I didn’t want you to know…”
“Know what?”
“That I’m a bad person,” she admitted, feeling her stomach twist at the admission. “The way you look at me—the way you looked at me when we first met. Like I was someone worthy of admiration. I didn’t want to ruin that.”
“Kaya… what do you think it means, to be someone’s soulmate?” She blinked, a little thrown by the question, feeling her heart thud uncomfortably against her ribs. This was a dragon question. Dangerous territory—territory she’d done her best to avoid, given that her knowledge on the subject was superficial at best. He seemed to sense her hesitation. “It’s a genuine question. I mean, it’s such an integral part of who we are as shifters, but I’m learning that everyone thinks about it differently. I have a friend whose parents don’t even believe in the concept. So—what does it mean to you?”
This felt like a trap. How was she supposed to know how to answer that? Callan was convinced they were soulmates, but he was also convinced that she was a dragon. How could she tell him that her prevailing theory was that he’d been taken in by the magic that made her who she was? “I don’t know,” she said finally, and she could almost feel his disappointment. “Callan, I’m sorry, but I don’t know. I’ve never really had the chance to think about it. I know that I care about you. I know that I’ve never known anyone who could stop me from running when I made up my mind to run. That’s… that’s all.” She spread her hands helplessly, suddenly feeling the weight of the silence bearing down on her. “If that’s not enough, I’m sorry.”
Another long silence. “Thank you,” Callan said finally, just when she was convinced she’d ruined things for good. “I know it’s not easy, opening up. I appreciate you trying.” Inota held her breath, waiting for the inevitable ‘but’ that was coming. But instead, she felt his arm tighten around her shoulders, felt him drawing her close. “I missed you,” he said, and in the light of the stars above them his light-brown eyes shone almost silver.
“I missed you too,” she whispered. “Every night.”
And then there was nothing but the heat of his lips and the all-encompassing warmth of his embrace.
She stirred just after dawn, unfamiliar light prickling at her eyes as she emerged groggily from what felt like the deepest and most restful sleep she’d had in weeks. The grass around them was shining with morning frost that the weak sunlight was already beginning to melt, and she was grateful they’d at least thought to drag their clothes back on before they’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms last night… though she noted with some amusement that Callan’s shirt was on backwards. She gazed down at his sleeping face for a long moment, wishing she could slow this moment down somehow, linger indefinitely in the peace before a day that was sure to be as difficult as the day before it.
As if in answer to that thought, she heard a sharp, unfamiliar sound. Callan stirred immediately, and the two of them gasped in unison as they turned to see three enormous wolves, standing maybe twenty feet away on a well-worn dirt path that seemed to follow the curve of the lake’s shore. She scrambled to her feet, casting about for a weapon, for anything to protect them against the rapidly advancing wolves, but Callan was at her side in a heartbeat, murmuring a reassurance as he squared up to the trio. Inota felt the unmistakable crackle of magic in the air… then another shiver, as all three wolves shifted into their two-legged forms. Three silver-eyed women stood before them with folded arms and the unmistakable attitude of soldiers.
“Good morning, patrol,” Callan said smoothly, giving each of the women a nod before turning his attention to their leader. “I’m Callan, from the mountain. This is Kaya, my guest.”
The leader’s hard silver eyes sized Inota up, and she stepped forward, aware that she probably looked a mess. That was probably for the best. Better to be thought pathetic than a threat. But her heart was thudding hard in her chest as she recalled the attack on the mountain, the wolves that had defended the Palace’s secret entrances in the woods. It was unusual for a wolf pack to show such loyalty to a community of dragons. Much more common for the two to be at war.
“Cold night to be camping,” the wolf observed gruffly, turning back to Callan as she spoke. Her two lieutenants were hanging back, but Inota could feel their eyes boring into her.
“We arrived home late, and somewhat unexpectedly. We didn’t want to raise any alarms by heading for the Palace unannounced. I’m sorry to have disturbed your patrol.”
The wolf shrugged. “That’s what patrols are for. Welcoming unexpected guests.” She tilted her head curiously, eyes shifting back to Inota. “You’re a dragon, then?”
It was definitely a question. Inota froze, fighting the panic that rose up in her. Every shifter she’d ever met had assumed, from her magical signature, that she was a dragon. Then again, she hadn’t spent a lot of time around wolves.
“What kind of a question is that?” Callan asked, frowning. The question seemed to have offended him. The wolf raised her hands apologetically.
“No offense meant. Something about you felt—but we don’t get many visitors from elsewhere, that must explain it. My apologies.”
“No need,” Inota said, finally finding her voice.
“Well, you’re most welcome to the Valley. We can escort you to the forest entrance, if you’d like?”
“Thanks, but that won’t be necessary,” Callan said firmly. He still looked a little ruffled by the question about Inota’s species. Should she have feigned indignation? She was mostly just grateful the wolf hadn’t pressed the issue. “Apologies again for delaying your patrol.”
“Not at all. Safe travels to you both.” The three wolves moved a little distance away before returning to their four-legged forms, then returned to the path, moving like one beast with three bodies. Inota couldn’t be sure, but she felt like those silver eyes lingered on her for a shade longer than was strictly necessary. And then they were gone, paws thudding on the packed earth of the path.
“Sorry about that,” Callan said with a frown, staring after them. “We’re on good terms with the local pack, I’m surprised they questioned you like that.”
She shrugged. “I’m different from the dragons they’re used to, I suppose.” She wanted to get them away from this subject as quickly as possible. “What’s the plan now?”
“Right.” Callan rubbed his eyes, refocusing. “The plan is to introduce you to the Queen, I think.”