Page 17 of Creed's Honor

The music was so loud you couldn’t think, but Hades was belting out the lyrics, and Holly was too. Watching Holly dance with Hades made me realise that to get her, I had to do right by her old man. Hades spun her back to Kobra, and there was no doubting that these men would do anything to protect her.

Fuck, they were making fools of themselves.

My vest being pushed into my chest made me look to my side, seeing Ivy.

“Not a dancer?” I shouted at her, to which she laughed.

“Just not high enough like them,” she shouted back before wandering off, and I shrugged my vest back on.

Kobra spun Holly. These men were feared for a reason, but right now, all you could see was their love for their blood, their family. Kobra did a final spin of Holly, and the music slowly started to die down.

“Someone, crack open the kegs!” Hades shouted before the next song kicked in, which turned out to be ACDC’s “Highway to Hell.”

Fuck, there was no doubt this was going to be one long fucking night.

The music got louder, and the prospects were about to learn what it was like when Hades Kincaid was on an all-nighter and how his men would follow him blindly. I saw the pool table covers coming off, which meant one thing—the night was just beginning, and it was going to get messy.

Walking up behind Holly, I wrapped an arm around her. “Want a game?” I nodded my head towards the pool table.

Hades was standing beside her, and he laughed. “Boy, ya gonna get whipped by my girl.” He looked me in the eye. “Made sure my girls knew how to handle themselves on the table, knowing how much members like strip pool.”

“I wasn’t suggesting—”

“He knows, Creed,” Holly said, turning around in my arm and smirking at me. “After all, you’d have to be pretty fucking stupid to challenge me to strip pool with my dad standing there.”

She pulled on my arm, leading us towards a table, and my mouth went to her ear. “Especially while knowing you are only wearing one thing,”

She rolled her eyes, and I let go of her as she went to get pool sticks. Next thing I knew, Kobra was on one side of me and Hades the other, one handing me an empty scotch glass, the other giving me the whiskey.

“You let her win, and you’re in fucking trouble,” Hades said to me as I looked between the glass and the whiskey. “Come on, son, if you’re gonna be hungover in the morning, might as well have had the good shit.” He did have a point. Normally, I just didn’t touch straight whiskey. Never seen or heard of him being in such a good mood. Had to be the drugs, right? Then I saw his eyes go to Zara and as weak as this sounded, I knew it wasn’t drugs. It was his woman.

“Wait,” I said, looking at them. “Why can’t I let her win?”

“’Cos she is better than us, so at least put up a fucking fight,” Kobra said just before Holly was back and handing me a pool cue. She had a wide grin on her face.

“You know you are going to need help, right?” she said as she went to break.

“Think that much of your pool skills, eh?”

She laughed, leaning over the table. “I was talking about you drinking with my father and brother.” She then broke, the balls flying everywhere, and she sunk two. “As for pool, there is no help for you.” She then gave me a confident wink while walking around the table.

It was when she sunk the next ball she lined up that the possibility of getting the pants beat off me ran through my head. The ball went into the corner pocket, and fuck, I might be in trouble like the boys said.



The drinks didn’t stop. Creed and Kobra were suddenly best mates—even Dad was getting along with Creed. Mum was the only sober one. Oh, and Creed had lost every game of pool to me. To his credit, though, he did get to sink a few balls.

“So,” Dad said loudly, looking at Creed, “you in love with my daughter?”

“Dad!” I yelled at him.

“It’s just a question.” Kobra went to Dad’s defence. What a surprise.

“You all have had too much to drink.” I simply stated a fact and even pushed my shot glass away from me. Not to mention the joints they were smoking.

Kobra’s lips twitched up. Oh no. I knew that look. “Don’t think Creed has it in him.”