Page 40 of Creed's Honor

“Remember our calls are always listened to,” Dad added.

I crossed my arms, annoyed he was holding up my game. “Death is dying.”

I blinked,coming back to the moment. I knew he had left. I knew he was on the road.

Pick up. Please, God, pick up.


“Death is dying,” I said into the phone as I gripped the nurses’ counter. Images of my brother and Dad playing on repeat in my head, I knew my life was entwined with theirs. If they stopped breathing, so would I. Same with my mum and my sisters. My eyes clenched shut.Please don’t make Ollie grow up not remembering the men that shaped us.How the hell would Mum survive without Dad? The simple answer was she wouldn’t. We wouldn’t.

“We’re at the border. I’m coming.” Creed’s words rang in my ears, and I slowly leaned against the wall, sinking to the ground and hanging up.

Then my eyes widened. Where the hell were my sisters and mother? Dad would have been at the clubhouse. They attacked the clubhouse.

My heart began racing for a new reason. I stood up, grabbed my car keys, and I ran out of the emergency department because Kobra’s words were loud in my head. Mum and my sisters, their safety and survival were linked to our own. If the boys lived, and the women weren’t breathing, it would kill the boys. Dad and Mum, they weren’t meant to be apart. Dad wouldn’t survive without her, and she wouldn’t survive without him.

So knowing that, and not having any other power, I pulled the gun out of my glove box, and all those lessons with Kobra and Dad, drilling into me the importance of a clear shot, flashed through my mind.

I’d die for my family.

But I’d also kill for them.

* * *

I was pullingonto the street when I saw the van at the end of our driveway.

Suddenly, I felt my brain, my posture, every blood vessel in my body change. I wasn’t any girl. I was the daughter of Hades Kincaid, I was the sister of Kobra Kincaid, and I was a blood family member of Satan’s Bastard. We weren’t scared of fear; we created fear. I pulled the car up abruptly behind the van. I grabbed the gun from the passenger seat and the shotgun, which had its own long holder on the floor of the back seat.

After all, this wasn’t just anyone’s car; it was Creed Winston’s, a biker that believed in a backup plan.

I tucked the gun into the waistband of my jeans. I raised the shotgun, and I wasn’t about to say that I was the best person to protect my sisters and mother, but I was their blood, and no one protected family like blood.

The van was empty, but I heard Ollie screaming, followed by a bloodcurdling scream from my mother.

Looking up at the end of the driveway, I saw a man with Ollie, coming down this way, and another man pointing a gun at my mother’s head.

I knew the masked man was about to kill my mother. I lowered the shotgun and grabbed the gun from my waist.

I didn’t think of breathing. I just shot.

The masked man with the gun dropped to the ground before he was able to end my mother’s life. The man holding Ollie turned around quickly. I was taught the importance of speed when attacking, so I sprayed bullets at the man’s feet before picking the shotgun back up.

Ollie was still screaming, and I wasn’t confident I could shoot him without hurting Ollie, so I ran at him. Just as he pulled his gun, I tackled him and Ollie to the ground. When we all hit the ground, I pushed Ollie out of his arm and onto the grass while his hand grabbed me.

One second he was on top of me, and the next, I was on top of him.

The gun was out of reach, so his hands went to my throat.

Suddenly, I felt like Kobra was beside me.“Now, remember, when anyone is trying to strangle you, they cut off your oxygen. The first reaction of the body is to panic. That’s what you control. The panic makes you pass out quicker. Are you listening, Holly?”It felt like Kobra was standing right next to me.

I pinched my eyes shut, remembering, and tried to control my panic. Just like I was taught. All the times we had play-fought now flashed through my mind.

“Go for their eyes; don’t strangle them back. You don’t have a grip that could end a man’s life, but you have the fingernails of a cat. Clawing their eyes causes instant pain, and will cause their grip to loosen. That’s when you get the upper hand again.”

Kobra’s words were in my head, and as he said it, my thumbs went to the holes in the mask, and I dug my nails into the masked man’s eyes.

“That’s it, Holly. Now take the upper hand.”I could feel Kobra whispering in my ear, and the man’s grip on my neck loosened as he screamed in pain. With my hand, his blood running down my thumb, I grabbed his gun. I didn’t think about it. I just shot him, point-blank in the face.