Page 36 of Creed's Honor

“That’s my fucking name on your heart, not no players.” The veins up his neck bludged, and he dipped his head. “They fuck you, but I’ve got your heart, and you’ll always be mine, Opal.”

At that moment, I hated him. I hated his club. I hated his claim on me.

“I’ll get it covered,” I said as tears ran down my cheeks.

His lips twitched up. “Come on, baby girl. If you were getting it covered, you would have done it when I left you at the train station.”

That was when it hit me. So fucking hard. I was this way because of him. I was soulless because of him. I pushed him away from me, shoving him with all my strength, but he didn’t move.

“I hate you,” I said with venom.

“Nah, baby girl, you love me—and that’s a fucking problem.” His grip on my hip tightened. “Because I have always struggled to stay away from you. Now I don’t think it’s fucking possible.”

Everything he had done to me. Everything we went through. The tears. The pain. The insane need for his touch. I thought I was over him when, in fact, all I had done was lie to myself. Lie that I was in love with someone else. When the only reason I craved Ty’s touch was that I wanted Kobra’s.

He let go of me, and his eyes flashed to my tattoo one more time before he looked me back in the eyes.

“Tell yer mother that yer done. And if I so much as hear that you are working the books—I’ll murder the next bastard you’re with.”

Just like that, my expression dropped completely.

“You wanted me to admit to loving you years ago. I couldn’t. I couldn’t be the man you needed all those years ago—”

“And what? You’re the man I need now?” I cut him off. “What makes you think I would ever let you back in?” I tilted my head and stared at him. “I let Holly stay here for a few weeks because she’s a friend. That wasn’t me letting all the Kincaids back in my life.”

He looked at me with a merciless expression. Like it didn’t matter what I wanted, not any more—because he had made a decision, and I wasn’t sure if anyone could save me from the wrath that was Kobra and my addiction for each other. Because that was what it was, an addiction. I loved him then, and it drove me to insanity; trying to get comfort from others’ arms.

Only for me to realise now that the mask I wore, the secrets I kept, and the lifestyle I had been living was all due to the love I felt for Kobra Kincaid.

Kobra was the devil, but he took more than my soul—he had also taken my heart.



Kobra had left my bags at my front door, and I couldn’t lie that I didn’t have other motives when I sent Kobra to Opal’s. I had hoped they would talk. But from the one-word answers I was getting from Opal, I doubted they had.

After what I had said to Dad, I wanted to put in an appearance at the club. So that was the reason I was here. And I had to keep reminding myself of that every time I felt his eyes on me. Club party was different from a family club party. The club girls wore less and didn’t care if they made it to a bedroom or not. All they cared about was the members’ dicks.

The reason I was making this clear was that Creed could have his choice of women tonight. Instead, I kept feeling his eyes on me, and it was driving me insane.

He was still president of the North until he appointed another. I heard he was riding back soon to handle the finer details of him leaving. Knowing he was coming back was one thing, but actually hearing he was doing the requirements to patch back scared the shit out of.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out. Seeing a private number, which had been calling me lately, I ignored it. I wasn’t sure if it was Trey or not, but I wasn’t answering. They also never left a message—so I just assumed it wasn’t important.

Just as I rejected the call, someone pulled the stool out beside me. I glanced up and saw the last person I expected to see here at the club.

Slater Winston.

Creed’s brother.

And the enemy of my father.

“Are you lost?” I said, slightly shocked he had even managed to make it into the club without being shot by my father.

His lips twitched up. And the scar on his chin showed more in this light. I knew stories of Slater, stories that left a lot of information out.

“Need a word with Creed,” he said, and he slowly looked me up and down. “You’ve got two options, sweetheart. Tell Creed to come outside to see me, or I go up to the table and get their attention.” His eyes and mine went to the table Creed was sitting at with my father.