Page 3 of Creed's Honor

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The next sixmonths were the most trying time of my family’s lives. I stepped away from the club because my focus was Holly. Just like I didn’t leave her bedside in hospital while she healed, I made sure she wasn’t on her own as she recovered. I was the one taking her to her doctor appointments. I was the one making sure she took her pills every morning. And it broke me every time she said she wished I hadn’t saved her, and she cried when taking those pills.

It took nearly two months, thanks to medication, and maybe the gods above, for her to come back to us as a family. She started taking her antidepressants without me standing in front of her. And she slowly began to recover.

Kobra handled the club, so it was in good hands. I didn’t step back into the president patch until Holly was studying again, functioning, and smiling again.

Though, with every day that passed, rage boiled inside me, wanting nothing more than to get my hands on West. I couldn’t even get members inside to rough him up, because I needed him thinking that he got away with it.

* * *

So here we were,four years later, with Kobra and I at the prison gates. I lit up a cigarette, my eyes on West as he walked from the prison. He’d just done that time for me, more than likely thinking as he walked free, that I owed him. But I now knew he had another motivation to take the sentence—to buy time to see if Holly would tell us the truth.

And she had.

But he didn’t know that. As I grinned at him, I knew something he didn’t—the bastard was dead.

“West”—I looked him up and down—“you look like shit.”

He cracked a smirk, running a hand over his freshly shaven head. “Nice to see you too, Hades.” He then extended a hand, and I still found anger in my blood towards him, but suppressing it, I shook his hand. “How you been?” he asked.

I inhaled on the cigarette before dropping it.

My lips twitched up as my grip on his hand tightened, and I pulled him into my chest firmly. I gripped the back of his neck. “Patience,” I hissed into his ear. “That’s what I’ve practised while waiting for you to walk through those gates.”

I could feel him stiffen.

West pulled back from my grip. He had been my best mate and the only one I trusted with my family. I had looked at West like I looked at Thanatos and Khaos, my blood brothers. That was how much respect and trust I’d had for West.

“So you fucking know.” He shoved out of my grip. “Whatcha gonna do, Hades? Shoot me? In front of a prison?” he mocked me. “Blood oath means ya can’t end my life.” He referred to an oath between him, two other leading club members, and me. It meant we couldn’t kill each other.

“Yeah, right, I can’t, but Kobra never made a blood oath.” I gestured my head to my son, wanting West to think he was about to have the life drain from his eyes.

Kobra didn’t move.

“I thought about just chopping your dick off, thought about just killing and fucking the oath. But”—I paused and stepped forward—“I thought that would be painless compared to seeing the lifelessness in my daughter’s eyes. Seeing her as she wished she wasn’t above ground.” I felt my blood boil. “I thought, how can I make West feel some of the pain I feel? You never loved a thing, apart from”—I watched as it registered on his face—“the wife you still begged to get back to you and the son you wanted in the brotherhood.”

“You touched my family?” he asked, incredulous. The only thing stopping him from coming near me was the fact that I wanted him dead. If he were to get too close, the limited control of my temper would snap.

“You’ll never see them again, West. You’re going to spend the rest of your life wondering where in the forest their bodies lay. Is their grave shallow or deep? Will the police call you today or next week to identify the bodies?”

West felt sick. I could see it on his face.

“Ya dead, Hades, you hear me.” He growled at me. “Only a monster would go after a family!”

“Only a foolish man would rape my daughter and think they wouldn’t suffer by my hands.”

I’m Hades Kincaid. I am the darkness the media warned you existed. I am the figure in the shadows you were never sure if you really saw them. I am the one causing the terrifying six o’clock headlines. I don’t run the underground—I am the underground.

And nobody touches my family.

“You’ll be out of my country before sunset.” I walked back to my bike. “You lay a foot on my territory, in my country, I won’t kill ya.” I held his gaze. “I’ll have the gangsters rip you apart and feed you to the bikers who want you dead. And I’ll tell you now, West—no Satan’s Bastards will stop it from happening.”

I was about to start my bike to leave when he spoke.

“She screamed, Hades, when I fucked her, so tight, so young…”

He aimed his words to get me to react. He wanted me to end his life, end his suffering, knowing the two people he loved the most were gone from his life. He was suffering, in pain, and that was the only thing that stopped me from shooting him. He was in pain, and that’s exactly what I wanted.