“What happened?” I asked, scaring the hell out of her.

“Come on na, Daddy. You can’t be sneaking up on me like that.”

I chuckled. Karima was a senior in high school already. I didn’t know where the time had gone, but I sure in the hell wished it would come back. Kendrall was a grown ass man and was doing well for himself. He’d started rodeoing professionally a couple of years ago, and I was extremely proud of him.

As I watched Karima hold her hand to her chest and take deep breaths, I said, “You are so damn dramatic. What happened?”

“Kane jumped off the bunk bed and landed against the wall. He knocked everything hanging on the wall down, and there’s a small hole in it.”

I peeked in and rolled my eyes. “Kane! For real? You gon’ work to fix this. I have an entire shop worth of tools that need organizing Sunday. I expect you to get to it.”

“Aww. Yes, sir.”

“Ain’t none of y’all can fly. Quit jumping off shit.”

When I closed the door, I heard SS say, “My daddy would have whupped my ass had that been me.”

I reopened the door, and the four of them stared at me. “Seven, you about to get your ass whuppedhere. Let me hear you curse one more time, and I’m gon’ beat all the evilness Storm passed down to you right outofyou. You hear me?”

“Yes, sir.”

I closed the door and waited to hear if any of them would say anything else. When they didn’t, I headed back to my wife. The running shower got my attention and had my dick rising. Going to Karima’s room, I said, “Listen for them. I’m about to get in the shower.”


I closed her door and made my way to the shower, finding Keisha in the bathroom, taking off her clothes. Keisha was still so damn fine. Her hips had gotten wider since having the boys, and I loved every minute of that shit. Stepping behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist. “You are so beautiful, Keisha.”

“And you’re a handsome man, baby. What happened in there?”

“Your son Kane jumped off the bed and put a hole in the wall when he crashed into it, realizing that he couldn’t fly.”

“Lord, have mercy. Well, let’s get this fuck session in before Karima gets sick of them.”

“Hell yeah. You have no complaints from me, Mrs. Henderson.”



“Ijust came here to get starter for the bread I’m gonna make tomorrow. If I wanted to be attacked by children, I would have gone to your houses,” I said to Storm’s bad ass kids.

For some reason, they all liked me and gave me the hardest time as well. They were all bullies, like their father, except Maui. Why did I have to be the chosen one? “Aunt Chrissy, quit playing. You know you love us.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said to Bali.

CJ came running toward me with his arms outstretched. His lil ass was bad too. He didn’t steal it though. Jenahra was a badass when we were little. She could cuss like a sailor. I picked him up and frowned as I stared at his face. “CJ, what happened to your eye?”

He had a scratch above it and a slight bruise on the side of it like he was fighting for his damn life. “Remy did that.”

My eyebrows lifted. My mama had to be tired. These kids were in here fighting and shit. “Noni and Bali, how did this happen?”

“They were playing fine, and the next thing we knew, Remy was on top of him, swinging.”

“Lord, have mercy,” I said, holding CJ tightly.

He was eating the attention up too. I felt sorry for him until I saw his bad ass stick his tongue out at Remy. I rolled my eyes and set him on his feet. Making my way to the kitchen, I saw my mama leaned over the sink. She was in her eighties now, and those years weren’t slowing down. “Hey, Mama. You okay?”

“Yeah, child. Just taking a rest. These kids gon’ drive me to an early grave.”