I brought my lips to her neck and softly kissed her. Rubbing the tip of my nose against her skin always turned her on even more. I gripped her ass as she whispered, “You don’t play fair, baby. Let me finish helping them so we can take this to the house.”

“Just one more round, baby.”

I unzipped my pants and gently pushed her over the sink. After lifting her skirt, I slid into paradise. This woman was it for me. There was no point in hiding since everybody knew what the hell we did. They could define how they operated in their love. This was how we operated in ours. “Chas, fuck. I love this pussy.”

“Mm hmm. I love your dick too.”

I was long stroking her shit until somebody started knocking on the door. They were gonna have to wait until I nutted. “Jasper,” Chas whispered.

“Naw. Fuck them.”

I began stroking her shit faster and deeper, making her moan louder than what she normally did when we were tucked off in here. Pulling her up slightly, I wrapped my arms around her and humped her like I was a fucking dog. “Oh fuck, Chas. This shit too good, baby.”

I bit her ear and closed my eyes, listening to her moans and expletives, then exploded inside of her. Holding onto her, I rested my forehead on her back for a second then released her. She was everything I needed in my life, and I refused to lose sight of that. “I love you, Chas. I love you so damn much, baby.”

She turned to look at me then slid her arms around me. “Jasper, you are everything to me, baby. Everything.” Bringing her hands to my face, she said, “You are a blessing to me and our babies. You are everything I prayed for. It was a little rough in the beginning, but you hadn’t come out of the oven God had you in. Oh, but when you did… that gold was sparkling and shining so much, I could see His reflection when I looked at you.”

“Damn, Chas. Like that? You see God when you look at me? Bud smoking Jasper?”

“Mm hmm. This,” she said as she laid her hand on my heart, “it’s pure. He put it in the oven and burnt off every impurity it possessed, and you came out different. All the shit that was weighing you down was gone. You do what you can for everybody. Free haircuts to the kids in Nome, food drives, backpack and coat giveaways… I’m just in awe of the man He created just for me.”

She had me all sensitive and shit in this bathroom. “He blessed me with you, baby. You are definitely the prize. The way you have helped the family in the business office is amazing. You practically run it when it comes to those numbers. We are indeed a power couple, and it’s because of the strong black queen. You. All you.”

I kissed her lips as someone banged on the door. I rolled my eyes and zipped my pants then flung it open to see Syn standing there like she was about to pass out. “Syn, you good?”

“Yeah. I just feel like I need to throw up. I ate too much gumbo.”

Chas and I quickly moved out of the way and let her have the bathroom to herself. “The smell prolly gon’ make her throw up more. Nasty muthafuckas,” Kenny mouthed off.

I lifted my eyebrows as he laughed. He knew that he and Keisha were just as nasty. He was just better at hiding it.Sneaky ass.



“Baby, you okay?” I asked as I knocked on the door.

Tonight had been fun until Tiff brought up Vegas. Now, Syn was feeling sick. It was like it just went to hell in a handbasket. I needed to get her home and pick up the kids from Pop’s house. Malia would probably want to stay with Milana and Ashanni, but they were a bit older than her. I knew they probably got tired of her crashing their party, although they would never say so.

I could hear Syn throwing up more, so I opened the door and set the bottle of water on the countertop and rubbed her back. Everyone was concerned about her. There was practically a crowd around the doorway. “I’ll get her a cold towel,” Keisha said.

Kenny’s wife had been there for her around the clock. Syn was so sluggish during her pregnancy. The doctor had said it just came with the territory. Every woman’s body was different and handled things differently. Syn was still as beautiful as she’d always been. Her stomach was the only evidence of her pregnancy. She had still been modeling. Shylou had gotten her to model for several maternity boutiques. We’d been all over the country for photoshoots.

It was like when one saw her, they all wanted her. We’d been as far as Los Angeles and New York City. She had a shoot right after New Year’s Day in Jamaica. I couldn’t wait to see how beautiful those pictures would come out. We opted to take pictures there together as well. She was making way more money than she did as a teacher, and I wanted to believe that she enjoyed this more as well. She sometimes missed teaching African American Literature, but again, she loved what she was doing now.

When she was able to come up for air, I helped her to the sink to rinse her mouth out. “My throat is on fire,” she whispered.

“That gumbo was spicy, baby.”

She’d had two bowls, but I wasn’t about to throw that in her face. One thing her pregnancy taught me was how to filter my tongue around her. She took everything personal and cried at the drop of a hat. She was the total opposite of her normally fiery disposition. Her sensitivity was front and center. I couldn’t wait until the baby got here. We chose to keep the baby’s gender a surprise. He or she would be the youngest Henderson grandchild unless we chose to have another one. Everyone else seemed to be done having children.

Synna was still young and could very well want another one. This pregnancy may have had her rethinking all that though. While she still looked the same, I knew her insides were going through hell. Her mental was taking a hit. She’d even gone to her counselor, Serita Gardner, a couple of times. She said she felt like she was losing it. The last thing I needed was for her to have a nervous breakdown. Synthia Coles Henderson was my baby. I wanted to always see her at her very best, and until this pregnancy, she had been. The counseling sessions seemed to help though. She was on the downside, and we could see the finish line. Just a few more weeks… six to be exact.

I believed that, at this point, she would deliver early. She’d dilated a centimeter, and most days, she took it easy. She had an appointment before we left for Jamaica, and they would let her know where she stood. I knew that if she could make it at least another two to three weeks, the baby would be fine and considered full-term.

After she finished rinsing her mouth, she looked up at me and smiled. “I’m sorry, Marcus. I didn’t mean to add this on top of what you were already feeling.”

“You don’t owe me an apology. You’re my wife, and you’re doing something that God didn’t give men the ability to do. You are bringing a life into this world. Do you know how amazing that is? The baby being an extension of me only makes it that much more amazing. I love you, girl. Let’s get home so you can rest.”