I nodded then quickly took off. When I got to Malia, I lifted her in the air and swung her around. “I’m so proud of you, baby. You did so good.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

She hugged me tight around my neck, then I put her down. “I have to get Mama Syn to the hospital, baby girl. She’s having the baby. So you’ll most likely be with Aunt Tiff. Okay?”

“Can I go with you? I want to be there for Mama. She’s always there for me.”

I smiled slightly and said, “Okay. Let’s go.”

I stared up at Tiff and said, “Thank you, sis, but we have to go. I believe Syn is in labor.”

“Shit, she’s early. Okay, we’re coming too. What hospital?”

“St. Elizabeth.”

I took off before she could acknowledge she’d heard me. When I made it back to Syn, she was laying against Vida. “Let me get you to the hospital, baby.”

I scooped her up from the bench and felt the wetness of her clothes. “My water broke, Marcus. These contractions are hell.”

“I gotchu, baby.”

I ran with her to my truck, with Vida and her husband, Aston, right behind me. By the time I slid her inside, everyone had made it to where we were. “We right behind you, bruh,” Storm said.

I nodded with a slight smile on my face. They all made their way to their vehicles as I peeled out. Syn screamed out in pain, nearly scaring my ass right off the road. I grabbed her hand and let her squeeze the life out of it. “Marcus, I feel like the baby is coming now!” Syn said.

“Pull over, Marcus!” Vida yelled. “Let me check her!”

I ended up in the parking lot of Kenny’s truck stop. Vida pushed Syn’s seat back as far as it would go, then helped Syn out of her pants as I did my best to block the view from passersby. “Oh my God! The baby’s head is right there! Syn, you’ve crowned! Shit! Call Kenny, Marcus.”

I was stuck. I didn’t even realize Malia was standing next to me. She took my phone and called Kenny. The parking lot was filling with cars. I turned my attention back to Syn and grabbed her hand as Vida said, “Baby, you’re having this baby right now. You’re doing so good, Syn. As soon as you push the baby out, Kenny will transport you in the ambulance. The baby is a couple of weeks early, so its lungs may not be fully developed. Kenny can provide medical assistance and get you there quicker.”

Syn nodded as tears fell from her eyes. I kissed every one of them. “You got this, baby. You hear me? You got this.”

She nodded as she squeezed my hand. “I’m so scared, Marcus. It’s too soon. It’s too soon. It’s too soon,” she said, repeating it constantly.

“Shhh. Look at me. The baby is gonna be fine. She’s a product of me and you. She ain’t gon’ have a choice but be strong.”

“Syn, when you have another contraction, push,” Vida said.

Kenny hopped in my truck, through the driver’s side, with towels and shit for Vida. Syn began squeezing my hand and screamed, saying, “The baby’s comiiiiing!”

“Push, baby!”

She had a death grip on my hand as she pushed. I slid my other arm behind her, assisting her as much as I could. “She’s here! It’s a girl, Syn!”

The baby wasn’t crying though. Kenny used a plunge looking thing and put it in her throat. When I heard a whimper then a cry escape her, I released the breath I was unknowingly holding. “Here, bruh. Cut the cord.”

I kissed Syn then my beautiful daughter and cut the cord. Vida wrapped the baby in a towel as tears fell from her eyes and gave her to Syn. Kenny hopped out of my truck and said, “We need to move quickly.”

He went got a gurney and came back in a hurry. I backed away because I didn’t know if there was a certain way he needed to grab her. Staring at my beautiful wife, I couldn’t get past how she sacrificed herself for Malia’s happiness. Kenny quickly scooped her as Vida held on to other shit… like the umbilical cord that was still hanging from her.

They whisked her to the ambulance, and Malia and I ran behind them. “I’m gonna be right behind you, baby!” I said to Syn.

“There’s room for you to get in the ambulance, Marcus,” Kenny said.

I glanced at Tiffany, and she gently pulled Malia with her. I nodded and tossed my keys to Jasper and headed to the hospital with my wife and new baby.

* * *