“Don’t be talking about my lil baby girl in there.”
She frowned and turned her head to face me. “How do you know it’s a girl?”
I bit my bottom lip and slid my arm behind her. Bringing my hand to her belly, I rubbed circles on it, trying to ease her discomfort. “The way I made sweet love to that pussy, it has to be a girl. I loved on that thang like I ain’t never loved before. I miss that shit too.”
I bit her earlobe as a slight moan left her lips. “Marcus… don’t do that shit. You know we can’t have sex. It’s too soon. I can’t be dilating early.”
“I know, baby. I just miss that fat pussy gripping my dick.”
“I miss it too. Maybe we can do other things tonight.”
My eyebrows lifted. Syn was a freak for sure. It was just that since she’s been pregnant, sucking dick made her gag too much. She literally almost threw up on me one time. She had to run to the bathroom. So we hadn’t been engaging in anything. I’d jacked off more times than I could even remember. Seeing her sexy body laying next to me and not being able to slide up in it was driving me insane. However, the blessing was that I knew I was a changed man.
Loving Synthia Coles Henderson was therapeutic for my soul. She made me a better man. Had that happened four or five years ago, I would’ve found another pussy to dive into. Our beginning was rocky, but where we were now couldn’t be fucked with. I kissed her cheek and said, “Other things like what? Ace is with his mom, and Malia will be happy to go to Tiffany’s or Jasper’s. What’s up?”
She turned to me once again and kissed my lips slowly, then pulled my bottom one with her teeth. She was about to make me snatch her ass up. “You haven’t cum in the back door in a while. Maybe we can try that.”
I swore my dick doubled in size. Closing my eyes, I slid my tongue up her neck as I cupped her stomach, lifting it slightly. Her eyes closed, and a moan left her lips once again. “That’s how y’all got the one in there baking. Y’all gon’ make her come early, and she gon’ raise hell when she get here,” my mother-in-law, Vida, said, interrupting our journey to ecstasy.
I rolled my eyes and pulled away from Syn slightly. “We want this baby, so we’re glad our sexy asses could produce a little Henderson. And why are you saying ‘she’, Mama? You think it’s a girl too?” Syn asked.
“Yes. You’re carrying high, so it gotta be a girl.”
Syn side-eyed her then rolled her eyes. “Mama, you’re a nurse. Quit tripping. You know that’s just something old people used to say.”
“First of all, don’t knock old people. Most times, they knew what the hell they were talking about. Ain’t that right, Mama Henderson,” Vida said, pulling my step mama into the conversation.
“You right about that, baby. Syn is having a girl. Her belly is kind of wide too. You can see that thang from the back.”
I tuned back in to the rodeo to see Malia getting on a horse. I stood to my feet and started yelling. “That’s my baby! Go, Malia!”
She laughed as she waited for Tiffany’s instruction. Tiffany ended up getting on the horse with her, sliding on behind her. She said some things in her ear, and Malia nodded as she smiled big. My baby would be nine years old in a couple of months. She’d grown so much. Although she was still little for her age, she wasn’t that little pint sized five-year-old either.
Suddenly, they took off, riding around barrels. I knew Tiff was taking her at a slower pace to teach her, but it was still fast enough to have Malia’s eyes wide and a huge smile on her face. I cheered like my baby was at the National Finals Rodeo. Syn had stood and was cheering as loud as I was. I hated that Ace had to miss this. His mother had picked him up an hour ago to spend some time with her and her family for Christmas. He would have been rooting hard for Malia too.
When she made it around her last barrel, everybody cheered loudly as she blasted through the home stretch. She hopped off that horse so excited. She started dancing to the zydeco music playing, causing everybody to laugh. That was my baby. We continued to enjoy the rest of the rodeo and talk and laugh with family. My life had come full circle, and I was happy. My children were happy, and so was my wife. I couldn’t ask for a better life.
Mali had even called to talk to Malia this morning. I was taking her for a visit with her tomorrow. Although Syn had been a mother to Malia, I tried to keep her in contact with Mali. I wanted her to know her biological mother, no matter how trifling she had been. She still didn’t spend time with her unsupervised, but she still got to see her.
I would never keep Mali from Malia, but I still couldn’t stand her ass though. Mali made my ass itch. She’d had another baby from some deadbeat ass nigga. It was like she hadn’t learned anything from the bullshit we went through and me getting full custody of my daughter. That moment also influenced the change in me. Being everything for my daughter, I knew I couldn’t let her see me being a ho. She needed stability and a positive male role model. I needed her to see how a man should treat a woman by being the type of man I wouldn’t mind her being with.
Once the rodeo was ending, it was after eight o’clock. Tiffany stood in the middle of the arena and thanked everybody for helping her put this on and thanked the ones who participated. She was going to crown a few people that participated and present everyone with some type of token of appreciation. Of course, Mal had gotten one, along with KJ. That was to be expected. They were professionals. Her daughter, Milana, and Kema were awarded as well.
As we all thought we were about to leave, Tiffany said, “I have one more person to crown. This little lady has been so helpful tonight. She’s been all over, doing whatever I needed her to do, and helping tonight’s participants. Next year, she will be a participant too. Malia, come on out here, baby.”
I stood to my feet, cheering for my baby as she walked out on the dirt with her hands in her face. “Oh fuck!”
I frowned and glanced over at Syn to see she was doubled over. I quickly sat, trying to steal glances at what was going on with my baby. “What’s wrong, Syn? You okay?”
She quickly shook her head. “We gotta go, but wait until after baby girl has her glory.”
“Syn, if we gotta go, we should go now.”
“No. I refuse to dim her shine.”
I closed my eyes briefly as Vida helped Syn breathe. She didn’t want attention brought to her while Malia was having one of the happiest moments of her life. I almost wanted to cry. My wife was a remarkable woman, and I didn’t know what I did to deserve her. I watched Tiffany place a crown and a sash on my baby, crowning her rodeo queen of Henderson Ranch and Farms. Malia was crying tears of joy as we all applauded.
“Marcus, go congratulate her. Then we have to go.”