I slowly shook my head as Lennox smiled. “They just can’t act civilized for an hour. One hour.”

He chuckled as he pulled me to him and kissed me again as everyone applauded. We had plenty of pictures to take and people to speak to. However, my first item of business immediately after the wedding would be to confront Uncle Storm and his goons.



Walking out to the front of the barn with my arm looped around Decklan’s and smiling like I was happy was the hardest shit I’d had to pull off in a while. Too many people had already noticed something was up with me, and I hated the attention. My mama had sent a text last night, but I was too busy slobbing down Nate to text her back. I was embarrassed at my drunken behavior last night. We didn’t have sex, but we were awfully close.

I didn’t know that man, but he was fine as hell and hard to resist. He’d met us at the trail ride because he had never been to one. He thoroughly enjoyed himself, although he was somewhat bombarded by people wanting to speak and get autographs. When he made his way to me, bitches were mad as hell. Even the nigga I was dancing with for most of the night before he got there was a lil salty. I’d totally forgotten about him when Nate showed up with Malachi and Jakari. Nate danced with me a bit, then we left together in Jakari’s car, despite Nesha’s glare.

We talked quite a bit about our families and how he was denied the privilege of knowing his father, who was also a professional basketball player at one time. He’d died fifteen years ago from cancer. For some reason, his mother had kept him away from his father and didn’t tell him who he was until after he’d died. That was pretty sad, and he was still suffering from the grief of not being able to know and love him like a son should.

Before I knew it, we were in his hotel room in the bed, kissing and touching on one another like we’d known each other for at least months. I’d jacked him off, and he’d eaten my pussy. That nigga didn’t leave a crumb on the plate either. When it came time to go all the way, I backed out. He didn’t seem angry about it, just a little disappointed. My mind had somehow sobered up and told me that I was out of my rabid ass mind if I would have fucked that man.

As we stood in the front, Decklan stared at me like he had something to say. I was doing my best not to create a scene at Nesha’s wedding. She deserved to have a peaceful day, but I couldn’t contain my reaction to him any longer. “What, Decklan?”

He shook his head. “You just look beautiful, Jess.” He walked closer to me as I rolled my eyes. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

“About what? I’m not really feeling a conversation with you right now. You’ve already apologized me up a wall early this morning, but I don’t feel like it was genuine, especially after that fucked up text you sent me last night. So what else could you possibly have to say?”

He grabbed my hand and caressed it, causing me to remember the first time we met two years ago. While I wanted to snatch my hand away, I didn’t want people all in our business. Plus, my emotions were surfacing. Decklan was so sweet in the beginning. Like the song Nesha walked in to by Jill Scott said, Decklan had wooed me. He catered to me like I had never been catered to. That was why it took me so long to tell him to go fuck himself.

I closed my eyes as he said, “I’m not giving up on us. I plan to show you that I’m going to be the man I was when we first met and the man I was up until six months ago. I don’t know who this man is that I’ve somehow morphed into. Just like he’s foreign to you, his ass is foreign to me too. I can’t even explain why I’ve done some of the things I’ve done, let alone make excuses for them.”

“So what things have you done exactly, Decklan? Because I’m not even sure I know. You haven’t admitted a damn thing. All I know is that I’ve felt a shift in you. We don’t spend time together… Wait a damn minute. Why am I saying all this shit? We’ve already been through this. I told you I was done. Na leave me the fuck alone.”

I snatched my hand back, then looked around to be sure no one saw me. This pretending was getting harder by the minute. Decklan stared at me for a second, then said, “I meant what I said. I’m not giving up. Period.”

I rolled my eyes and walked over toward Danica to get away from his ass. Before I could make it to her, I caught Nate’s eyes on me. He’d seen the exchange between me and Decklan. I’d told him about our now defunct relationship. When he told me he didn’t know Decklan, I was happy. The last thing I would want was to mess around with Decklan’s friend. I wasn’t that type of petty. But I would flaunt another nigga in his face without hesitancy.

“You have a mess going, boo,” Danica said.

“Naw. You got that shit wrong. Decklan fucked up, and a new nigga wanna do right by me. What’s messy about that? I broke up with his ass before we even got here. He wasn’t trying to make shit right until he saw me getting attention from someone else. He can go fuck himself with a broomstick.”

“Girl, must you always be so damn vulgar?” Danica asked then laughed.

I rolled my eyes. She wasn’t my crowd. She was Nesha’s friend. We were cool, but we weren’t really friends. My people knew that I didn’t give a fuck. I was a Henderson through and through. I’d inherited Uncle Storm’s temper, Aunt Tiffany’s feistiness, and my mama’s strength. Sometimes, I could be sweet like Aunt Chrissy, laidback like Uncle Jasper, or ratchet like Uncle Marcus. It was rare that I was quiet like Uncle Kenny, but it happened occasionally. I truly believed my petty side came from Uncle WJ.

I walked away from her without a word and went to the bathroom to calm my nerves. There were a couple of other women in there, but I didn’t know them. They smiled at me and continued talking to each other. I stood in the mirror and took deep breaths as one of them said, “That man has to be family the way he said that. You only tolerate that type of behavior from people you love.”

They laughed as the other lady said, “Family or not, I would have cursed his ass out. I almost want to do it on GP.”

I stopped what I was doing and stared at her with a smirk on my lips. “I dare you,” I said.

“You don’t think I’ll do it?”

I slowly shook my head as my lips turned down. It wasn’t that I didn’t think she would do it. She just wasn’t gon’ be prepared for the shit storm afterward. Was I being messy? Hell yeah. I actually liked to see the shock register on people’s faces when Storm didn’t bite his tongue. She smiled at me and said, “Okay! Come on. I’ll show you.”

I followed behind her, trying to contain my smile. If nothing else made me feel better about the bullshit I was going through, this would definitely pull a laugh from the depths of my soul. Decaurey looked at me and frowned, like he knew I was up to no good. Storm was seated at a table with his family.

I didn’t know this lady, but she was gon’ learn today. She didn’t know Storm. You couldn’t walk up to people and just say what the fuck you wanted to say, especially somebody you didn’t even know. When we got to their table, she tapped Storm on his shoulder. She spoke to the table as they all frowned at her, including Aunt Aspen. No one spoke back. This shit was finna be film worthy.

“Can I speak to you for a moment?” she asked him.

He glanced at me and stood from his seat, the frown never leaving his face. She should have been hella intimidated, but she was determined to prove to me that she had the audacity. I pulled my phone from my bra and walked over to where she led Uncle Storm. I hit record as I stood off to the side, pretending to fix my hair.

“What you did during Nesha and Lennox’s wedding was extremely disrespectful. Had it been my wedding, I would have cursed your ass out. That was totally uncalled for.”