Page 8 of On Santa's Lap

Although any time a man appeared in line, Santa Trent made it clear to take my hand and squeeze it. It looked like we were playing a role to the audience, but I sensed Trent was marking his territory. Even if this thing between us was momentary lust fueled by the holiday or something in the air, I didn’t mind his need to touch me. I enjoyed it a little too much.

Although now we were on the last kid, and I have to hold back my surprise because I knew him and his dad well. Although I’m hard pressed to call him a kid anymore “Hi, Ms. Lola,” Max cheers as he comes up to me, skipping Santa’s lap altogether and wrapping his arms around me for a big hug.

“That’s Mrs. Claus,” Santa tells him, acting a bit too territorial to a minor.

I start to giggle and shake my head at Trent until the next words leave his lips. “That’s my Dad’s girlfriend.”

My eyes shoot open wide in shock at his comment. I hadn’t heard that one before, and of all the times for someone to make that claim, now wasn’t it.

“Really?” Santa’s voice deepens before he glares at me with a warning and then turns to Ryan, giving him a look that would make any man cower if it weren’t for the white beard and red suit. The men faced off in a staring contest, and I’m worried there’s going to be an incident over nothing since, technically, I’m nothing but a sitter to Max.

“Yes. He says he wants her to marry him for Christmas.” Max continues digging a hole for his father and me. There has never been a single thing between us. Although, now that I’m thinking back to our encounters, he has lingered as he passed me in the kitchen, brushing up against me and quickly apologizing, giving me hugs goodbye, and then the incident yesterday. Was he trying to get me alone and his ex-wife ruined it?

“What does your mommy say about that?” Santa asks him. Ryan has been divorced for several years, but I’m not sure why exactly.

“My mother doesn’t live with us anymore.” He’s still pretty heartbroken about it even though his mom is remarried. Although who knows what’s going through his head these days. I don’t feel like I know either of them right now.

“Oh, well, what do you want for Christmas?”

“Ms. Lola as a mother. She’s a great babysitter.”

“Sorry, but Ms. Lola belongs to Santa. Maybe your Dad could go hunting for a wife somewhere else. Have a great Christmas, kid.” Trent scoots him away, but his dad Ryan calls out to me, stepping onto the platform, which I’m sure will not be a smart move.

I move toward Ryan before he comes closer. “Lola, sorry about that. You know how Max can get when an idea gets in his head. Maybe I could make it up to you by taking you to dinner tomorrow.”

“It’s Christmas Eve, Ryan,” I tell him. He’s a great guy, but I’ve never been interested in him like that, and I’m surprised he came here since Max is almost twelve and doesn’t believe in Santa.

“I could make you dinner; Max will be with his mother, so we’ll have time to talk privately.” So Max isn’t quite imagining things like I just assumed. My body shivers with pleasure and concern as I feel Trent Nicholas before I hear him. I shouldn’t get excited at Trent’s possessiveness, but I love the way he’s staked his claim all day.

“She’ll be busy. Get lost.” Trent slides his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. “Mrs. Claus will be helping Santa. All. Night. Long.” The boy might not understand, but the innuendo was clear as day for Ryan.

“Let’s go, Max.” Ryan looks pissed at me and leaves.

“So, you weren’t teasing about the boyfriend,” he growls against my ear, his hand gripping my waist firmly. Without missing a beat, I lean back into his arms as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

“He’s not my boyfriend. I babysit sometimes; that’s it.” I leave out that it’s where I was supposed to be yesterday until something strange happened.

“You two were perfect. If anyone didn’t know better, people would have believed you were really a happy couple,” Dennis says, stepping up to us with a clipboard and a grin a mile wide.

“That’s because we are,” Trent says.

“We are?” I’m partially serious because even though I’m totally into him. I wonder what he truthfully wants with me and where this is going to lead. Just sex… or maybe something wonderful.

“We sure the fuck are, now. Go get changed and meet me in my office. There’s something we need to discuss in a bit. Don’t keep me waiting because I’ll come looking for you, and if I do—” he leans in and adds, “—trust me, you’ll be on my lap but face down.”

“Don’t make it sound like fun.” I skip away from him and into the changing area, pretending to be unaffected when my heart hasn’t stopped beating out of control.

My sister’s in there a minute later. “Oh my God. What is going on with you two?”

“I have no idea. Does he usually have other women around all the time?”

“Never. I was just talking to Dennis, and he’s shocked. Mr. Nicholas is all work. Like all work from sunup to sundown. In fact, his mother was just bugging him this morning about finding a wife.”

“Are you serious? Maybe that’s why he’s all anxious to get to know me. He’s probably looking to get his mom off his back.”

“I doubt it.”

“Well, it’s okay. I won’t let him run all over me. I need to get out of this outfit. It’s itchy and annoyingly tight.” Right on my stiff nipples that have been aching for Trent’s touch.