Just because you work there doesn’t mean he can tell you what to do with your free time.
I have a Christmas present for you and I was planning to give it to you yesterday before you left.
She must have seen that bastard yesterday after she left me. I’m tempted to kill this fucker for getting anywhere near her, but then his supposed concern and gifts make me furious enough to slam his head into a wall. “He’s got a problem,” I snarl, biting on her earlobe.
“I thought you said not to answer it.”
My phone takes that time to ring, and I see it’s Dennis who knows better than to interrupt me which means it must be deadly important.
“What is it that you felt the need to call?” I ask while licking her throat.
“Someone called the cops saying that the mall Santa abducted a woman from here.”
“What the fuck?”
“Yes, they’re here to speak with the store manager, but the news happened to show up as well. She’s dealing with them now.”
“Oh my God.” With Lola so close, she can hear everything Dennis is saying on the other end. “Ryan’s a reporter.”
“The fucking bastard,” I snarl to myself. Returning my attention to Dennis, I give my command, “Cue the footage of the Santa village before Lola and I left, bring it to me, and send the cops to my office now.”
“Yes, Trent.”
“Baby girl, our discussion is going to have to wait.”
“Yes, Santa,” she purrs and then kisses my throat before lifting off me. I groan as her warm pussy brushes against my stiff cock when she stands. There’s a knock at the door and I call out for them to come in.
“Hello officers. I’m afraid that you came all the way here for some false accusations.”
“What do you mean?”
A knock at the open doorway behind them brings in Dennis. “I’m assuming that you were called because of Ms. Sellers and me. As you can see she hasn’t been kidnapped.”
Addressing her, the lead female officer says, “We were told that you were taken against your will.”
“I’m an adult,” Lola hisses.
Dennis hands over the tablet to me. “Here is the footage for the last few minutes before I came to my office.” I transfer it to the big screen and play the encounter with Ryan and the way Lola leans into me when I wrap my arm around her waist, and how we part ways.
“So as you see, I clearly haven’t kidnapped her.”
There’s a collective, “Oh.”
“I see. So you’re not in duress, ma’am?”
“Not the kind that needs the police,” she huffs.“I’m embarrassed and saddened that Ryan would go through all this trouble because I wouldn’t accept his date.”
“Would you like to press charges?”
I look at Lola who clearly doesn’t have a cruel bone in her body unlike myself who’d enjoy sending the prick to prison, so I respond, “No. It’s Christmas time, and I’d hate for his son to be devastated, but we’d like to speak with the reporters outside. We’ll address them in about half an hour with a full story.”
Half an hour later Lola and I are dressed in our holiday outfits again, ready to greet the media in my office. Yes, the town is small, but the neighboring city where I live is enormous and the news channels are all looking forward to the massive holiday caper to tell. We’ll give them a story though.
I sit in my office chair with my Mrs. Claus in my lap while my desk has been transformed into a mini banquet. “Santa, it seems you have been put on the naughty list, but it looks like we might have been mistaken,” Jillian Espinosa from Channel Two says with her newsy smile she probably has perfected for years.
I chuckle and give the camera a wink, giving Lola’s waist a squeeze for good measure. “Yes, Mrs. Claus and I snuck away from the crowds to enjoy our feast before I visit children’s homes around the world, tonight.”
“I love feeding Santa my cookies,” Lola adds, holding a tray from the craft table we had set up downstairs.