Page 4 of On Santa's Lap

He frowns and then says, “Good. I’ll be there.”

Well, I guess that’s the end of our meeting, which is fine because I have to go babysit in about two hours for most of the afternoon and into the late evening.

“It’s been really nice to meet you, Mr. Nicholas.”

“Where are you going?”

“I have to go to work, but I’ll be back for tomorrow’s duties. Unfortunately, I have a prior obligation. Don’t worry, I’ll change first and leave the costume safely here, of course.”

“Call me Trent and give me your number, just in case.”

“I don’t give my number to strangers, but since you’re my husband, I guess I can make an exception.” He pulls out his phone from the Santa suit. Obviously, he’s a very busy man and can’t be without his device for a minute. I’m mentally taking a point off, but I still give him my number. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, we both have somewhere we’re supposed to be.”

“You’re sassy. I think you’re going to be on Santa’s naughty list, and you might like it.” I wink and walk past him and into the changing room. He does not know how much I want to be on his naughty list. I’ve never been a bad girl, but I’d change my ways for him.

I strip out of the mini costume, which is a size too small for my chest, but unfortunately, that’s all they had available so late in the season. Sliding on my jeans, I feel the stickiness of my panties and know that I better be careful and change them when I get home, so I don’t get a rash.Damn hot boss.

I’m going to kill my sister for never telling me that her boss was a damn sexy Greek god in a suit with eyes that stare into my soul and demand I surrender.

When I get out of the room, my sister’s waiting there with her clipboard and a grin on her pretty, less freaked-out face. When she pounded on my door this morning, waking me up at five, I thought something terrible had happened to my parents.

“So girl, I know my boss has lost his mind over you, but I never expected you to just turn into the queen of seduction. Holy cow. It was insane.”

“I don’t know what came over me, but he’s hot as hell. You should have warned me about that or that he’d be filling in.”

“I didn’t know who was going to be Santa. In fact, his assistant was supposed to be Santa until the boss caught sight of you. I thought he would brand his name on your ass the way he was so damn territorial. Tomorrow is going to be brutal.”

“Well, maybe the thrill will wear off by tomorrow. I’ll be old news by then, and he’ll find another pretty thing to flirt with.”

“The boss doesn’t flirt. Here he comes,” she whispers the last part.

“Do you need a ride home?”

“Actually, I brought my car.”

“Then I’ll see you tomorrow, wife.” He winks and then walks off with Dennis while I attempt to catch my breath. I wanted to scream at him, “Is that how he’s supposed to say goodbye to his wife?” but then I remembered we’re not really a couple and that would be foolish.

“I’ve got to go, Marianne. I’ll be here early to get ready and everything. I have to head over to Ryan’s after I stop at the house.”

“And change your panties.”

“Bitch.” I flip her off and turn around and add, “Yes.” I can’t believe the man has made a mess of me, turning me into a woman I don’t know or recognize. It’s amazing and I feel so free. Marianne and I were both antisocial in school and when it came to the boys but whereas she was too bossy and business-driven, I’d been too shy to speak to people. Trent just came and uprooted my whole damn personality in a heartbeat. I know that it’s only because of him, but still, I like this side of myself.

It takes me ten minutes from the mall to my house, so I go home and shower, changing into more relaxed clothes, pinning my hair up in a messy bun, and joggers. When I hang out with Max, it’s a lot of fun, but he’s almost a teenager and I see the way the preteen looks at me.

His temperament has gone from the sweet little boy to a bit of hormonal interest in my figure, which makes me uncomfortable. I haven’t spoken to his father about it because I could be wrong, but I’m ending my babysitting duties soon when the next semester starts because I have an internship that begins and Mr. Samuels is already aware of it.

When I pull up to the house, his ex-wife is just arriving and parks alongside my car. I’m surprised because he told me that Max needed a sitter and was already home, but I see him in the backseat.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels.” She remarried two years ago and they share custody. She never drops or picks up Max without Mr. Daniels. I wonder if he’s jealous of the ex. I can’t imagine being in their situation, but it’s not my business.

“Hello, Lola. How’s school coming along?”

“The semester ended, so I’m waiting to start my last semester in January.”

Max pops out of the backseat with a smile.

“Hey, Lola,” he greets me. “So you’re hanging with me today?” I nod. “Score. I thought Dad was off today.” I fix my expression before someone notices that I’m confused as to why it’s a surprise. Ryan told me he had to work, so I would have to watch Max all day.