Page 4 of Birthday Kisses

“Alyssa would like you or Wren to drop off the baby with us and we’ll take care of her. Overnight.” Grant grimaces, like he can’t stand the idea.

But he has three children already, all under the age of five. Which tells me without actually saying the words that he loves his children and his family with everything he’s got. Despite his grumpy demeanor and the scowl he wears pretty much twenty-four/seven, deep down he’s a complete softy for his wife and children.

“You’d do that for us?”

He nods, the grimace still firmly in place. “Alyssa mentioned Wren’s mother isn’t in the country at the moment, so we know you two are pretty much on your own right now.” I start to say something in my defense, but he holds up his hand to stop me. “And while I appreciate you trying to defend yourself and saying how much you love your child and she’s the absolute light of your life, you and Wren most likely need some…alone time.”

“We get alone time.” I frown, thinking of the last couple of times when we tried to have sex. One night, things were becoming especially heated between us when we heard Willow whimper from her room thanks to the camera—and my wife’s breasts started to leak milk.

There’s some kinky shit about breast milk or whatever on porn sites, but that’s not something I’m particularly interested in. Especially when my wife is climbing off of me and rushing to our baby, leaving me aching with a throbbing hard-on.

When that sort of thing happens—which is often—Wren always ends up frustrated and so do I. Meaning my brother might be onto something.

“But it’s almost Christmas,” I remind him. “And don’t forget Wren’s birthday is actuallyonChristmas. You have family stuff to attend to.”

“So do you. That’s why I’m making this offer right now.” He reaches inside of his suit jacket and withdraws a slim brochure from within, slapping it right in the middle of my desk. “One night at this hotel on Madison. Alyssa booked it for tomorrow tonight. She also scheduled a hair and spa appointment for Wren at Bergdorf’s at three.”

“Tomorrow?” I’m blown away by my brother and sister-in-law’s generosity and speed.

Grant nods and rises to his feet. “Have Wren drop Willow off at our place tomorrow at noon. Alyssa will be expecting her since she’s at home with the kids.”

“And she wants to add one more baby to the mix?” I’m incredulous. Bowled over by the offer.

Grant makes a grunting noise. “We have nannies, Crew. Alyssa won’t do all of this alone.”

Alyssa is a very hands-on mother, but she does employ staff, and I can’t blame her considering she has three children and they’re all Lancaster heathens.

Wren refuses to hire a nanny. She wants to spend all of her time with Willow, considering she doesn’t remember her mother being around much when she was younger. And I love that Wren wants to be there for our baby. I feel the same way, but I don’t think Willow will remember anything at this young of an age…

Grant snaps his fingers, making my gaze jerk to his.

“Quit your daydreaming and call your wife, asshole. Let her know she needs to pack. She should probably go shopping too. We made dinner reservations for you. I’ll text you the information.”

Before I can thank him, before I can say anything at all, Grant is gone, slamming my office door behind him.



Two days before Christmas

“Areyou sure you don’t mind—”

Alyssa lifts Willow from my arms and cradles her close, smiling down at her. “Oh, she’s so beautiful. I swear she gets prettier every time I see her. And of course, we don’t mind. It’s going to be so fun, having a little girl to take care of.”

Willow gurgles a response, her wide-eyed gaze only for her aunt. Clearly, she’s agreeable with the situation.

Despite my daughter’s reaction, worry courses through me and I wring my now empty hands together. “This is going to be weird, not having her with me.”

“This isn’t the first time you’ve left her alone with someone, right?” Alyssa’s reassuring gaze meets mine. “It’ll be fine. I have lots of experience.”

That isn’t what worries me. I trust Alyssa so much. She’s been the big sister I’ve never had, always there for me with advice about raising babies and dealing with our rather stubborn Lancaster men.

But I’ve never spent more than twenty-four hours away from my daughter before. And while I’m not breastfeeding her as much, considering we’re introducing other food sources to Willow, my breasts already ache at the idea of not feeding her regularly. And I pumped like crazy before we left the house. I have a diaper bag full of bottled breast milk with me to prove it.

“I’ve left her with my mom a few times. Charlotte watched her one afternoon recently, which was nice,” I say, referring to my other sister-in-law. I went Christmas shopping by myself that afternoon, which was total chaos and absolute bliss, all in one.

“She’ll be fine. Because you’re a good baby, right, sweetheart?” Alyssa coos at Willow, which causes her to smile her toothless grin. “Oh, the boys are going to love you.”