Page 48 of Forgotten Embers

“I don’t understand,” Wren said, as anxiety worked its way through her.

“Wren, you have been here a month now,” Malaki said patiently.

“A coincidence, I am sure,” she replied, trying to deflect the accusation.

“I would not be so sure, girl. Come, sit by me,” said Rose, and Wren knew that it was not a request. Wren gathered that it was not wise to refuse Rose and did as she was asked. Rose studied her before putting her attention back to Malaki. “Has she changed in that time?”

“Yes,” breathed Malaki, and Wren whipped her head to him, wanting to demand what he meant by that. She did not have to wait long. “She grows more beautiful by the day, as if life is pouring into her.” He said the words while unflinchingly meeting her eyes.

All Wren could do was stare at him as shock quickly replaced the anxiety that had been sliding throughout her. She searched his eyes, looking for the jest in the words or even the cruel bite of them, but only found sincerity. A feeling warm and unfamiliar took root in her at the honesty in his ocean eyes.

“I see. Yes, I believe I understand.” The words released Wren from whatever spell she had been under and she ripped her eyes from Malaki’s to Rose, hope blossoming in her chest.

“For her weakness for humanity

She was thrown from above

Cursed with a life of mortality

The price to be love”

Rose’s voice was severe, but her wrinkled face was full of wonder. “My ancestor gave that prophecy and it has been handed down to each generation. Gods spare me, I never thought I would be the one to see its fulfillment.”

Malaki was suddenly kneeling in front of Rose, taking her hand in his. “Rose, what do you know?”

Wren’s heart lurched at the pleading in his voice and some part of her knew that his plea was for her.

The older woman shook her head as if clearing it. When she regained her thought she stared at Wren, her eyes alight with knowing. “Malaki, my boy, you have married a goddess.”

Chapter 20

Wrenfeltasifshe were drowning and couldn’t breathe. Her mind had heard what the woman said, but it still did not make sense. Of all the thoughts and theories that had crossed her mind about why she was brought here and what she was, her being a goddess had never been one of them. Logic began to creep back into her after the bold words and Wren became sure that she had either misheard or the woman was mad. She couldn’t be a goddess because she grew up on a farm. A farm with her aunt, uncle, and cousin who had also never shown any affinity for the divine.

Her eyes drifted to Malaki, searching for him to defend her. She had never seen the blatant shock on his beautiful, defined features. He leaned forward in the chair and ran his hand over his face. “Yes. Why didn’t I see it?” he muttered to no one in particular.

Wren’s mouth dropped open and shock filled her entire body. She gripped the silk fabric of her dress above her knees, trying to ground herself against the tide of panic rushing into her. “Neither one of you is making sense,” Wren managed to say, knowing the words were weak even to her.

Malaki looked over at her with such empathy that it only served to make her panic worsen. “Wren, think about it. How has being in Valmere made you feel? Even this morning when we left the castle. It was like the land called to you. And it did, Wren. It did, because it’s your magic that’s coursing through it.” The way he said the words were as if he were also working through the logic of them. Trying to put the pieces together as he considered them.

“I don’t have magic,” she said stubbornly.

“You did and you do. Or did I imagine that vase flying at my face?” He tried to give her a teasing smile, but it failed to hit its mark.

She shook her head and stood up feeling as if she couldn’t breathe. “I need one of you to explain what is happening.” She felt the rising panic and felt her breathing coming faster.

Malaki was at her side in an instant, his hands cupping her face forcing her to look up at him. “Breathe, Wren.”

She focused on his blue eyes, breathing in and out, just like she had done with him once before for an entirely different reason. His eyes bore into her, but she knew what he was trying to do for her. She felt her breathing relax to a more reasonable pace and his hands loosen on her.

His blue eyes searched hers and when he seemed sure that she would not pass out he released his hold on her face, stepping away to stand by the fireplace.

“I saw it in you, the instant I looked at you. Power rises from you and your skin radiates with it.” Rose spoke as if it was mere fact and the world wasn’t crashing down around Wren. “The goddess, Serephina, gave her magic to protect us and in return she was banished to live a life of mortality.”

“Exactly, a life of mortality, Rose. She died,” said Malaki, who only moments ago had been agreeing with the old woman.

“A curse does not just last one lifetime, boy. That would be no curse at all. She was reborn over and over, doomed to live amongst those she chose over her siblings.”

Malaki shook his head. “Then why wasn’t she born in Valmere? Why was she born in another world devoid of magic?”