Page 46 of Forgotten Embers

Malaki looked at her, considering. “He knows you love him. He won’t feel abandoned, Wren.”

Wren wondered how he knew the unspoken fear. She worried so often that he would think she chose to leave him. That he would feel like she hadn’t wanted to be with him when he was the most important person in the world to her. Wren wiped at a tear she hadn’t realized she’d shed. She nodded, unable to meet Malaki’s gaze. She lifted the hood of her cloak to shield her from the sudden cold she felt.

“I’m sorry, Wren. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He sounded so sincere that it caused her tears to fall with more fervor.

“It’s not your fault. It’s important to be reminded of why I need to get back.” She knew her voice was thick with emotion and she couldn’t stand the pity she felt radiating from him. She kicked her heels into Wanderer’s flanks and the mare increased her speed until they were galloping. She heard Malaki curse behind her and urge his own horse forward. The wind blew back her hood, and she found she didn’t mind as the cold air hit her face, reminding her of the happiness she had felt when she first left the castle.

Malaki caught up to her, and she turned, seeing concern in his eyes that was quickly replaced with relief when she smiled reassuringly at him. She didn’t want to talk any longer of what she had left behind, but she did want to feel the exhilaration of riding and feel the air pass around her, caressing her skin. Malaki turned his gaze forward and kept pace with her as they rode along the rolling countryside with only the sun creeping upon the horizon and the greenery of the forests around them.

Too soon, homes with smoking chimneys came into view and she knew that they had already reached their destination. They slowed their horses back to a leisurely walk, and Wren felt the familiar calm of having ridden come over her. Whenever she had felt trapped she would take one of the horses and go for a ride to clear her mind. She always came back feeling more at peace.

She looked at Malaki as he slowed his pace alongside her. His dark hair was windswept, but his pale cheeks had a flush to them. “Thank you for asking me to come today,” she said breathlessly and unexpectedly.

He turned his gaze to her, and she could tell he was just as surprised as she was by the sudden admission. He seemed to be warring with himself, but only said, “Don’t thank me yet.”

Wren bit her lip at the warning in his voice. She suddenly wished that she had been more cautious about accepting the offer. She hadn’t asked any questions, but had agreed on the sole promise of leaving the castle walls. Before she could ask him what he had meant a small voice carried on the wind.

“Prince Kai! I knew you would come. I told my mama that you would be here soon, but she said you got married and wouldn’t be leaving the castle anytime soon. Wait till I tell her that I was right and she was wrong!” A small blond-haired boy was running to meet them at the edge of the village. They came to a stop and Malaki easily dismounted and ruffled the boy’s hair.

“Hey!” shouted the boy as he tried to straighten out the already unruly hair.

“Were you playing watch guard again, James?” asked Malaki, smiling fondly at the boy as he tied the horse to a post.

“Someone needs to watch over the village,” stated James as if it was an obvious fact.

Wren smiled as she dismounted Wanderer and brought her alongside Midnight. Malaki reached out for her reins and Wren handed them to him with a murmuredthank you.

Malaki looked at her, something she couldn’t discern passing across his face. He seemed to recover and smiled at the boy. “I don’t think you should tell your mother that she was wrong. I don’t recall her being the type of woman to appreciate the reminder.”

“Well then she ought not to be wrong again.” Said the boy haughtily.

Malaki shook his head, a fond smile playing on his lips. “James, this is Princess Wren.”

The little boy, James, beamed up at her. “You’re real pretty.”

Wren laughed and thanked the boy who then ran away, presumably to tell his mother of his find.

Malaki gestured for her to follow, and they made their way through the dirt-paved streets. Many of the villagers were already moving, and to her surprise, when they saw her and the prince, they bowed and smiled affectionately at them. The contrast between how people reacted to Malaki within the castle and here was astounding. They came to a large building and Malaki knocked once before entering, Wren right behind him.

The smell of fresh bread hit her as soon as the door opened and she breathed in deeply. The room around her was similar to the bakery back home causing her a pang of homesickness. A young woman appeared from the back patting her hands on her apron causing white powder to accumulate in the air around her. When the woman looked up and took in Malaki her face lit up in a genuine smile.

“Ah, here is our long-lost prince. We had feared we had lost you to the new princess.” Noticing Wren, the woman curtsied. “You must be our new princess. It is a great honor to meet you, Your Highness.”

Wren smiled at the woman, liking her immediately. Malaki smiled back at the woman and said, “I am sorry to have stayed away so long, Sarai. I hope you and Erick are doing well.”

She rubbed her hands on her apron. “We cannot complain, that is for sure, which is much in thanks to you.”

“You had no issue receiving the coin then?” he asked casually.

“No, your messenger was very thorough, though we did miss seeing you. It was more than generous, and I am happy to say the whole town is thriving. We are so grateful for you.”

He seemed to disregard the praise and turned to Wren. “Forgive me, Wren, this is Sarai, the finest baker in all of Valmere.”

The woman smiled at him affectionately and waved her hands as if swatting away the compliment. “He exaggerates.”

“I do not,” he said seriously.

She only gave him another wave of her arm as if she could bat away the compliment. “What can I do for Your Highnesses today?” she asked, her cheeks flushed.