Page 32 of Bound in Sin

“Little succubus,” he moaned, his arms like bands around my back. I welcomed the pain, the evidence of his desire for me. I pulled back to look at him. His dark face was brilliant with a wide smile. Lust hit me like a freight train, and my heart thumped in my chest at the sensation.

“Allera, are you really here?” he muttered into my hair, sucking in great gulping breaths. I slid down his body, shakily wiping away tears. “Or has my mind broken?”

“Reeve, you look terrible,” I blurted out. He sniffed, shaking his head in amusement.

“You’ve been missing for a month, Allera. How else could I look while I’ve been sick with worry about you?”

“Brother, a thank you is welcome anytime. Perhaps we can discuss my being made a prophet. I’d like to get my fingers in on this tidy little energy producing business.” Landon strolled forward, hugging Reeve, and slapping him on the back. August looked confused beside us; his handsome face scrunched.

“Do you know each other?” he asked mystified, looking at me. Reeve’s nostrils flared, and he shifted closer to me.

“Intimately,” he purred. “She belongs to me,” he added when August didn’t seem to understand. A hiccup sounded from behind us, and I looked over my shoulder to see Kellen with his eyes wide open, devastation in his eyes. His hand clutched at his chest like his heart was in agony. I knew immediately what assumption he’d made and whipped my head to Reeve.

“We need to talk. Can you clear everyone out of here?”

I ignored the shocked protestations of members who were close enough to hear. They’d be happily occupied in moments. Reeve closed his eyes, opening them moments later. Everyone in the room collectively turned on their heel and started moving to the exits. Including Kellen.

I reached out and snagged his wrist, teetering on my feet as he yanked at me.

“It’s time to go now,” he parroted sweetly, all his anger overridden by whatever Reeve had placed in their minds.

“Not you, honey. Stay.” I looked at Reeve. “He needs to be here.”

I waited for the explosion, the jealous rage, but he only worked his jaw for a moment, before Kellen sagged next to me, released from the command. Even Pastor Young was leaving, although he seemed to dig his heels in as he went. Reeve stalked away, his shoulders tight, and as I followed him the landscape changed. Kellen cried out in alarm, throwing his arm around my waist like he needed to protect me. We were in a forest with a clearing that I recognized, a stone bench added for our convenience.

“I kept everything the same.” Reeve smiled sadly at the mussed-up ground that he’d fucked me on many months ago.

This was disturbingly sweet.

He walked over and took a seat. Landon turned a green tinge and looked at me in horror.

“Nope. No way. I am out.” He grabbed my hand and slapped a disc in my hand. “You know the drill. If he loses it, use this. I refuse to stay in a shrine of where my brother fucked my best friend into the dirt.”

“Prude,” I teased him. He flipped me off, stepping out of Reeve’s creation and disappearing.

“You have replaced me already?” Reeve’s voice was hollow. He winced when he noted Kellen’s arm still around my waist. I squeezed Kellen’s arm and stepped out of his embrace.

“What is going on, Allera?” he whispered, trying to cling to me. “Where the frick are we?”

I shushed him and moved closer to Reeve.

“I haven’t replaced you, Reeve. This is Kellen. He’s an… incubus,” I explained. Kellen flinched at the word, still not happy about who he really was. Reeve looked up, cocking his head and narrowing his eyes.

“But you fucked him, yes?” he asked, and I threw my hands up in the air. Of course, the jealous, possessive asshole would need to know if I fucked him or not.

“Of course, I did,” I cried out. “And the Pastor too. Do you want to go back and geld him for touching me? Those cuffs you put on me completely drained me. I needed lust.”

Reeve slumped, the fight going out of him. I could tell he was still fighting himself, wanting to rage at Kellen. But he didn’t own me, and I owed him nothing.

“I am so sorry, little succubus.” His tortured eyes branded me. “I wanted every piece of you, and I broke you trying to get them. I am not a good man. I have never been nor ever will be a good man, but I promise you, if you can forgive me, I will contain my possessive urges. You would be free to feed from anyone as long as I could be one of them. I hope as one of your primary sources.”

Reeve’s apology speech was interrupted by Kellen stumbling forward, sinking to his knees. I whirled around and caught him before he slumped to the ground. He looked at me with glassy eyes, blinking in confusion.

“Help me, please,” he begged, and I realized he had waited too long. He had rationed his lust until he starved himself, and now he was on the edge of expiring. I looked up at Reeve, and he came to me, understanding what I needed without words. He hoisted Kellen up and pulled out a disc from his pocket. I turned it in my hands, pressing down to activate.

“Where will this take us?” I asked, and he gave me a tight-lipped smile.

“It was supposed to be a surprise. An apology. A small way for me to prove my devotion to you.”