Page 27 of Bound in Sin

“Fuck orrff,” Reeve slurred, the bottle tipping precariously in his grasp. He looked into the camera. I gasped. His eyes were bloodshot, dark rims framing them. Stubble covered his chin. He looked gaunt. A far cry from the debonair man who I’d fled from a month ago.

“This is pitiful Reeve. Pull yourself together,” Landon tsked from behind the camera and Reeve leaned forward trying to snatch at him.

“Have you heard from her?” he pleaded, desperation on every inch of his features.

“None of your business brother. You had your chance, and you blew it,” Landon sighed.

“Don’t you think I know that? This time I really messed it up. I just want her so badly. I can taste her. Feel her everywhere I go. I wanted her to need me as badly as I need her, but she’s like the stars. Beautiful and untouchable. I lost my sanity for a moment, and now I can’t even find her to apologize.”

“She’s never going to want you if you keep swallowing liquor like this night after night. Just a friendly tip,” Landon said, and Reeve snorted, his head tipping back until he looked at the ceiling.

The video cut off and I let my phone fall to the side. I was shocked beyond words. Had I really been so afraid that I’d fled that washed up, wrung out chaos? Was he truly that messed up by me? The thought awed me a little. And I sifted through the memories of our last encounter.

One Month Ago

Rolling my shoulder, I slipped through the door. It had been a long day, and I was looking forward to a hot bath. I dropped my purse on the kitchen island, screeching when a shadow materialized from out of the shadows.


“What the hell are you doing here?” I clutched my hand to my chest, looking at him with wide eyes. He stalked toward me, looking me over coldly as he loomed over me.

“Where have you been?” he asked coldly, his jaw ticking.

“Excuse me?” I rolled my eyes. “Are you going to let yourself into my apartment and then interrogate me over where I’ve been? I don’t think so.”

Reeve reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. His fingers grazed my skin and sparked a line of tingles.

“Where have you been, little succubus?” he sounded furious. I leaned out of his oppressive space, moving to put the island between us.

“What are you doing here, Reeve?” I asked, my eye catching on a large arrangement of flowers and a stack of takeaway containers that were piled on the counter.

“I wanted to surprise you. Have dinner and talk,” he explained, looking like he wanted to tear the island out so we were closer. “But you weren’t here. That was hours ago.” He sounded so hurt it was laughable. I threw my hands up and shook my head.

“You can’t just roll up to my house whenever you want and let yourself in. I had plans tonight,” I complained, not wanting to get into the tiring job I’d been sent out for tonight. I’d had to fawn over an arrogant banker for too long, sucking up his lust and using it on him to glean information for a client. It wasn’t a fun exchange. I felt grimy with the lust I’d gathered. The jobs when I had to lean into the cliché of my powers and seduce idiot men were the worst. I poured myself a glass of water and took a hefty sip.

“I thought we settled this the last time I saw you,” Reeve cajoled softly, a hard light in his eyes. “I said I was keeping you and I meant it. You’re mine.”

I dropped the glass and narrowed my eyes at him. Oh no. I wasn’t doing this right now. I was tired, sore, and ready for bed. Since our first time together, I had been avoiding calls from him. He’d been blowing my phone up constantly, and I’d fobbed him off. It scared me how right it felt with him, like the culmination of our years toying with each other had built up to the mind-blowing joining of bodies. That’s what I’d thought about when I’d taken the lust from my job tonight. It wasn’t the same. I didn’t want it like I craved it from Reeve. But how dare he waltz in here and try branding me with his alpha hole proclamations?

“You don’t own me, Reeve,” I warned him in a low voice, taking a step towards him.

“I disagree.” His jaw ticked again. Then his eyes widened slightly. “You went to someone else for lust?”

He strode towards me, finally noticing the short skirt and red lipstick I had painted on in careful artistry. His nostrils flared and there was a flash of hurt on his face as he bracketed his arms on either side of me.

“Why? Why Allera? Was I not good enough for you? You can’t tell me that our time together wasn’t astounding, earth shattering, absolutely incredible.” The tendons in his neck were taut. His nose ran the length of my neck, and he rumbled out a sigh.

“It was, but I’m a succubus. I can’t be kept,” I insisted, needing him to understand. If he wanted to be the only one to supply me with lust, then this would never work. I couldn’t help my nature. Monogamy was an impossibility.

“Don’t do this,” he begged in my ear, his chest rising rapidly.

“I’m not doing anything!” I shouted, shoving my hands on his chest. “You are the one who is asking the impossible of me. Reeve, I adore you, and I want to explore this, but you can’t expect me to only gain my powers from you. Putting aside my own beliefs and needs, I use these skills for my work. What do you expect me to do? Stay home and wait for you, keep a pretty house for you and cook your meals?” I scoffed, but Reeve looked intrigued. “That will never happen!”

“Let’s try it.” There was a manic look in his eyes. “Give in to me Allera. Let me offer you everything in the world. I’ve loved you for years. I’m not giving up on us, not after we finally embraced each other.”

Shaking my head, I tried to duck under his arm but was met with his body against mine.

Glaring, I cautioned, “Don’t push me on this. You won’t like what I tell you.” He still had a strange look in his eyes.