Page 23 of Bound in Sin

“Can you try to get to church early on Sunday? I’ll make an excuse about being there to help the Pastor and he’ll give us time together to talk.”

“I can do that.”

Impulsively, I leaned over and kissed him, resisting the urge to bite his plump bottom lip. He tasted sweet. If I didn’t rein myself in, I was going to pin him down and get taken away by my need for lust. I pulled back with a sigh, stroking his face.

“See you soon.”

“Thank you,” he whispered, and I blew him a kiss. I poked my head out into the hallway. It was empty. I darted into the closest bathroom and locked it. I used the time to clean myself up, wiping toilet paper between my legs and over my sweaty skin. I brushed my fingers through my hair and tidied up the wild kinks that had come out from Kellen’s desperate touch. My reflection looked healthier than it had days ago. I was in my full power now.

There was no more reason for me to stay here. But I couldn’t leave. Not yet. Not without convincing Kellen to come with me. The thought of him languishing in this oppressive environment was enough to make me want to puke. I needed to keep him safe. He deserved to live life without the heap of shame and disgust that he carried around with him. I splashed my face with water, trying to cool down my flushed cheeks. A thought loomed so large in my mind that I had to lean over the sink, my fingers curling the porcelain.

I was going to have to make peace with Reeve. I couldn’t protect Kellen and help him learn his true self if I was always having to pick up and flee. If only I’d never slept with him. That was when all the troubles started.

Landon had been my friend for about a decade. I had met Reeve briefly in those years, but it was enough to notice our wild attraction to each other. But something had always seemed to keep us apart. Until a year ago, when we’d both ended up tipsy and merry at Landon’s bar, the first place we’d met.

One Year Ago

“Shhh,” I giggled, not quiet in the slightest. “You’re stomping so loud. We’re going to get kicked out.” My pulse jumped at the thought, latching onto the possibility of danger like a rocket taking off.

“I’m not the one cackling at the top of my lungs,” Reeve laughed, pressing me into the wall and kissing down my neck. I let my head fall to the side with a sigh, pulling on his shirt to bring him closer. He reached down and hitched my leg up around his hip, grinding into me.

“Oh, shit, yes,” I gasped, the zap of lust feeding into my excitement. “That feels good.”

“I’ve wanted to do this since forever,” Reeve admitted. I’d dismissed those words at the time, to focused on his lips lighting a fire down my skin and making me wanton. He wasn’t the only one. I had been attracted to Reeve for years, constantly resisting his allure. His button-up shirt was gaping at the collar, and I could see the runes tattooed on his skin.

“How far do these go?” I leaned forward to lick the skin. He groaned, his hands coasting over my body.

“You’re going to find out,” he promised, grabbing my hand, and tugging me into a room. It was dark and moody. Smirking, I reached behind to unzip my dress.

“Wait,” his voice was gravely with desire. He pulled a small, black velvet pouch from his pocket before taking a seat on the edge of a desk. He turned up the bag, metal tumbling out in a pile. I stepped closer and as I watched him fit each one to his fingers, I realized what they were. Metal claws. He flashed me a hungry look, resting them on his thighs. He’d etched them with more runes. Silver and ornate. The ends weren’t sharp, but they’d still hurt if they dug into you.

“Are we going to play a game?” I asked breathlessly. He smirked, his dark eyes pits on his face. The room wavered, and I stumbled. Suddenly, I found myself in a forest, lit by a sliver of a moon. A sharp owl’s hoot cut through the trees, accompanied by the gentle rustle of wind through the air. Goosebumps erupted on my skin from the frigid air, bringing with it the scent of pine.

“I love games,” Reeve quipped silkily and as I looked at him, I gasped. His chest was bare, covered in sprawling runes and High Daemon. A language I couldn’t read but recognized. He smiled, fangs descending, replacing his upper canines. His metal claws had become blackened talons, the darkness covering his skin up to his wrist. I shifted on my feet, dry leaves crunching underneath my boots.

“You created this?” I breathed, realizing that it was his powers that had created this illusion. “It’s truly beautiful. So real.” The sound of wings overhead had me turning away from him. A mistake. Reeve shot forward, his hand circling my throat. My feet tripped on the ground as he used his weight to press us backwards, until my back hit the rough bark of a tree trunk. His fingers flexed, the claws feeling like a dark kiss as I swallowed painfully.

“This is a special moment for me.” He leaned in to run his nose down my neck, sucking in a deep breath. “Everything has to be perfect for the first time I fuck you,” he sounded feverish with anticipation. My gut danced with excitement.

“Is that right?” I whispered. He pulled back with a smirk, looking every inch the demon.

“Oh yes. I want to chase you, pretty little succubus. I want to hunt you like the prize you are. And when I catch you? I want to pin you here on the ground and fuck the memory of anyone else out of your brain. I want to tear my name from your lips. I want to mark your body with these claws. I want to ruin you for anyone else. Do you want that?” He loosened his hold on my throat but didn’t let go, looking at me intensely.

Fuck yes. I wanted that. My pulse was racing already. I was dizzy with the lust brimming between us. I knew that he’d make good on his promise, that I wouldn’t recover from this. He wanted to consume me, and I was so high on lust that I’d do anything for him right now.

I nodded. His shoulders sagged in relief. He’d been worried I’d say no. He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips, incongruent with what he’d admitted, but he tightened his hand around my neck as he did it. Then he stood back and swept his hand out theatrically.

“You’ve got a ten-minute head start, make it a challenge for me.”

He snapped his teeth at me, and I was off like a shot, not needing anymore encouragement. Wind whipped through my hair as I dashed through the thicket, branches thwapping me on the legs in my haste. My heartbeat was a frantic drum in my ear, reminding me I was prey. My lungs heaved. The air I sucked in didn’t seem to sustain me. I ducked behind a tree trunk, trying to quieten my heaving exhales as I listened. There was nothing. No hoot of owls or any sound of Reeve. I moved slightly, the leaves under my boots crunching loudly. A lightning crack in the oppressive silence. I couldn’t stop smiling, my whole body shaking with the rush of adrenaline and anticipation. Lust surged through me, erratic and hungry. I considered giving up and letting him find me. I shook that thought away. Instead, I darted further into the trees. My mind raced like a rock rolling down a hill, thoughts discarded as I gained more ground. Or so I thought. The thunder of his shoes on the ground startled me. Reeve was gaining on me. I froze for a moment, hearing his echoing laugh ring out.

“Come out, come out,” he singsonged. “I’m going to find you.” His voice was a fair way off, so I started running again. My chest and forehead were slick with sweat and my thighs rubbed together under my miniskirt. I wasn’t dressed for a race through the woods at midnight. Not that it stopped me.

A stitch had me faltering, and I limped over to a tree. Ducking down, I struggled to breathe through the sharp pain in my side. I rubbed at it frantically, trying to lessen the ache. My ears listened keenly for any sound of Reeve. He wasn’t crashing after me any longer. He was playing stealthily with me now. Watching me from the shadows. The thought had me flooding my panties. I pressed my hand against my chest, trying to quiet my breathing so I wouldn’t give away my location. It was almost impossible. The ragged puffs sounded like siren calls in the silent forest night. I had to keep moving or else he would pounce on me in no time. My gaze darted around the tree, squinting to see if I could spot Reeve.

His face was right in front of me, grinning widely.

“Found you!” he barked a laugh. I stumbled backwards before righting myself. Pumping my legs as fast as I could, I took off in the opposite direction. The slap of his shoes alerted me to his mad dash after me. His low growl had my spine snapping up. He was so close. I sobbed a little, desperate to escape, despite knowing it was futile. I wanted to flee, but I also craved to be caught. It was a push and pull that had my head spinning. I felt a sharp point scratch against my leg and tripped, almost leaping out of my skin.