Page 10 of Bound in Sin

“Does it feel good?” Kellen asked, a hint of dark curiosity in him. He was closer, drawn by the undeniable pull of lust. I sank deeper on Pastor Young’s cock, taking him into my mouth fully, until my nose brushed the nest of his dark pubes. He groaned, his hips lifting in an unconscious thrust.

“It’s heaven,” he said through gritted teeth, and I looked up to see his eyes screwed shut, his hands in fists beside him. My first taste of pre-cum came, coating my tongue with musky sweetness. I hummed around his length, adding my hands for a beat. I squeezed and sucked, sloppy with spit. The eager laps of my tongue drawing out hoarse sounds of pleasure. There was a whisper of sensation on my ass, the graze of fingers. I pulled off, much to August’s disappointment. His head dropped to the ground with a thud. Kellen was standing right behind me, eyes pinned on where my dress had ridden up and my half-exposed ass.

“You can touch me,” I encouraged him softly. He looked pained, like he was warring within himself. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been, being what he was and waking up in a place like this. I could never imagine being disgusted with the desires of my nature. Looking down at his hopeful face that held fear but also hunger, I vowed I would not leave him here. I would take him with me when I left. He was going to be mine. Turning back to the pastor, I sucked him down to the sounds of his feeble compliments.

“It’s coming. It’s coming,” he panted, but I pulled back again, focusing on tonguing his balls and the space between. I wouldn’t eat his ass today. That would be too much for the poor guy. That soft touch quested again, a little harder and more curious as it coasted down the curve of my ass. Kellen was giving in. It didn’t surprise me. Not with how much lust I was generating I licked a slow stripe up August’s cock, feeling it jerk underneath.

“Please, please, please,” he started to chant, his fingers grasping at my hair frantically. Behind me, Kellen’s fingers dipped between the crack of my ass and hovered above my slit.

“What do you need, Pastor?” I asked innocently, suckling the head softly. I fondled his balls, giving him enough touch to encourage him, but not enough to bring him release. I shifted back on Kellen’s hands, wordlessly demanding more. He gave in, pushing his fingers inside and gasping.

“So hot,” he murmured. Was this the first time he’d touched a pussy? Perhaps the release he got with the pastor was all he had experienced. I squeezed my muscles, drawing another surprised indrawn breath. His other hand fell on my back as he pressed against me. Our heat together was licking through me.Wonderful.

Pastor Young was writhing beneath my ministration, gluttonous despite his earlier reticence. He was under my control. It was a heady feeling. One I always felt when I sucked cock. It wasn’t submission from me to fall to my knees. It was power. I showed this man the full force of it, moaning as Kellen dipped his fingers in and out. His soft hands were shaking on my back.

“Your tongue,” August gasped, his fist thumping on the ground.

“Beg to come in my mouth,” I demanded, pulling off to run my tongue down his length. He whined, his hips following the direction of my tongue, wordlessly encouraging me to take him fully again.

“Please,” he whispered through gritted teeth. “Let me come in your mouth.”

“Look at me. Don’t close your eyes. Watch me take you there.” I smiled as he huffed a breath and opened his eyes. Their beautiful depths were flooded with uncontrollable lust. I ran my nails down his thighs, his skin jumping under my touch. Swallowing him fully, I sucked harder, collecting the beading cum with my tongue.

“It’s beautiful,” Kellen muttered behind me. I wasn’t sure if he meant my pussy or my head job, but I took it as both. I moved on his fingers, sucking August until he was sobbing. But he didn’t close his eyes. He watched every second of me swallowing his length, heard every wet sound it made. His thighs tightened a second before his release flooded my mouth. I moaned happily, swallowing it down and swirling my tongue around his head gently, collecting any remaining drops.

“Stop, no more,” August begged, and I finally released him. He wasn’t coolly collected now. Sweat beaded his forehead and he slumped on the ground, his softening cock still on display.

“That was just what I needed,” I purred, my skin thrumming with the collected lust. I sighed as it sank into my skin and revitalized the stores I had lost in fleeing Reeve. I needed to build my strength again. He wasn’t going to let me get away a second time. I needed to protect myself. Kellen’s fingers withdrew from me, and I gazed back at him to see the shame creeping in. Standing, I wrapped my fingers around his wrist.

“Don’t get shy now. You’re missing the best part,” I urged, pushing his fingers toward his mouth. His eyes widened with surprise but his tongue snaked out to give the tips a tentative lick. He moaned, his hand landing on my hip as he thrusted his fingers into his mouth. The seal was broken and the hunger ravenous again. He licked the juices of my pussy off his fingers with abandon.

“Next time, you can drink straight from the source,” I promised, watching as his pupils dilated. There was still shame there, but muted. Kellan’s base nature was taking over once more. later, the pressure of society would fill his mind with shame again. But right now, he was one with the lust. As it should be.

“Kellen, go out first.” August was running his fingers through his disheveled hair, trying desperately to put himself together again.

“I will remain in here with Allera. Everyone will understand a private counseling session and they won’t question where we’ve been. This took longer than I had expected,” he admitted, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.

“How often do you counsel Kellen for his needs?” I asked, while righting my clothing. Kellen looked bereft, like he could stay in this room all day, and I knew he could. August gave me an imperious look, laughable when I’d had him sobbing over my tongue moments before.

“The support I give each member of the flock is private, as the Prophet and God intended. There should be no fear of retribution in this space, only atonement and acceptance.”

I laughed a little internally at the eloquent way he justified the filthy things we’d done. I was languid like a cat, looking forward to curling up on a bed and having a nap.

“You can’t tell anybody about this,” Kellen warned me, a conflicted look in his eyes.

“As if anyone would believe me,” I snorted. “But we need to talk. Those ‘urges’ you’re getting will not go away, and you can’t have Pastor Young on his knees indefinitely.”

“I can’t,” he blew out a frustrated breath. “I just, I need some time to process what the frick just happened.”

Shaking his head, he walked towards the door

“You can rely on me to help you. I’ll happily take anything you want to give me.”

His shoulders stiffened, but he didn’t look back.

Chapter 4

Myuncleandauntwere going at it again. I smirked and took a bite of my peanut butter toast. Trent was doing a remarkable impression of a tomato, sinking in his chair in utter mortification. This was the third time this week that I’d heard them.