Page 33 of Bound in Sin

I latched onto Reeve’s arm, feeling the illusion melt away and the pull in my gut as we moved to a new place.

Blinking rapidly, I let my vision settle. I’d been seeing double.

When my vision cleared, I gasped.

In front of us was a sprawling estate with an ornate sign that arched over the gate.

Succubus Sanctuary.

Chapter 11

“Reeve,explain,”Iordered,my eyes widening as I took in the expansive, manicured grounds. There was a huge pool area with cabanas. It looked like a tropical, sensual paradise. There was one main, large house with several paths weaving off to smaller, more private cabins. It was like a gorgeous, exclusive hotel, where everyone went to get fucked.

It inundated me with lust. My knees trembled at the thickness of it. I could see couples writhing in the pool, slick, bare skin undulating behind gauzy curtains. Kellen groaned in Reeve’s tight hold. Even unconscious he was getting a colossal hit of lust as well. Reeve started forward, looking down on him in concern.

“I had been working on this for a while. Ever since you mentioned to me how hunted succubi were. I wanted a safe place for your kind to exist without being exploited. They can recharge here, stay as long as they like and be protected.”

My heart crashed against my ribcage. I stared at the white accents and the gorgeously placed statues that dotted the sanctuary. Couples twisted in every conceivable position. It was everything I’d drunkenly waxed lyrical about brought to life. We walked through a main hall and there was a mural that had me exclaiming out loud. It was so sensual that it made my blood sing. It was a celebration of everything that made me–me. I looked at Reeve with tear filled eyes.

“You built this for me?” I asked in disbelief.

“I love you. If I’m honest, I loved you from the very first time we met.”

My heart was smashed to smithereens, tiny little pieces.

“When I had someone else’s cock in my mouth?” I laughed. It was watery. Reeve took us up a sprawling set of wide stairs, his shoes echoing on the glistening marble.

“You finished him in thirty seconds. That’s enough to make any man fall in love.” Reeve smirked at me, and I shook my head. I reached over to run my fingers over Kellen’s forehead. He had a slight fever but was gaining back some of his color.

“Do you love him?” Reeve asked slowly, nodding at a set of double doors. I opened them with a sigh, propping them with my body.

“It’s not so simple, Reeve. I never thought I’d find an incubus. I’ve only ever met one in my life. He’s so twisted up and been taught to hate what he is. When we’re together it feels like magic. There’s only been one other time when I’ve felt a connection like that.”

We walked through a plush suite designed with gigantic, comfortable couches facing out toward a set of French windows that looked out on the grounds. I followed Reeve into an equally lavish bedroom with a preposterously enormous bed, that spanned from one side of the wall to the other. I slid a look at Reeve, with a raised eyebrow. The room still felt spacious, airy, and light.

“Oh?” Reeve spoke through gritted teeth too stuck on the perceived slight to him to explain the enormous bed, lowering Kellen onto the white bedspread. He reached out and brushed his hair back from his face. A tender moment I wouldn’t expect from a man who looked like he wanted to tear Kellen’s throat out when he first saw him. I slid onto the bed next to him, patting my other side.

“You don’t agree?” my ego stinging a bit. I thought when we’d been together, he had said it was the most incredible sex of his life. Had he been lying? Reeve whipped his head up from where he was pulling his shoes off.

“You meant, between us?” he whispered hoarsely. I frowned at him.

“Yes! Fucking you was earth shattering for me. I don’t know if it was because I love you so much or if we are just perfectly matched, but yes, until Kellen, I’d never experienced such pleasure.”

Reeve reached out and cupped my face, hungry lust hitting my body. I felt Kellen jerk against me. He was getting a much-needed injection too. He needed more, though. His body was starving, and he needed to feed.

“You love me, little succubus? Still?” Reeve was coiled tighter than a wire and close to snapping. I leaned into his touch, shuffling over and hopping onto his lap.

“You hurt me, Reeve. Crossed a thousand lines. I swore I would have nothing to do with you again. But Landon showed me a video of you, scruffy and skinny, like you’d been tormented with me gone. There is an all-consuming love between us, and I don’t want to give that up. But I am scared that you will try to put me in a cage again, that you won’t be able to accept me for who I am. I’m never going to be monogamous, that’s asking too much of me. But I’m willing to put rules in place to make you more comfortable. Could we find a way to make this work together?”

“Yes,” Reeve hissed. His eyes flashed with hope. “I would do anything for you. I lost my mind for a bit. The knowledge that I had you finally took over my logical brain and I am so sorry for trying to control you. This sanctuary has taught me so much about your nature and I understand that lust is different with your kind than with me. I would do anything to have a sliver of you back again.”

“Did you fuck any of the succubi here?” My nails dug into his shoulders. He winced, hands falling to my hips and rocking me over his rapidly hardening cock.

“Jealous?” he purred. He leaned forward to scrape his teeth down the column of my throat.

“Yes,” I admitted, a burning sensation in my chest, “I know that is hypocritical of me. But there is something inside of me that rages at the thought of you with anyone else.”

Reeve’s hands carved a path up my back, finding the zipper and pulling it down.