Page 3 of Bound in Sin

“Dad, can I sit with Tate?” he asked. Wayne gave him a bright smile. This must be Trent. He gave me a cursory look, as if this wasn’t the first time he’d ever seen me. Dawdling in the aisle, he looked longingly towards the front of the church. I sent a fervent thank you to Landon again for meddling with their memories so seamlessly. Uncle Wayne waved him away, and I watched as Trent hustled down the aisle where he greeted a row of genetically blessed people. I bit my lip at the sight.

Now that was a cruel tease.

The whole row had golden locks, dressed in starched shirts and prim dresses. Trent slid in between two who were tall and handsome, in an all-American way. Clean cut andpure.I shook my head internally at my best friend. How was I meant to collect the lust I needed when these men had likely never held a girl’s hand? Settling in my seat I sat carefully upright with my shoulders back so my chest thrust out. Only slightly, not obscene in any way. Just enough to remind those looking I was young, nubile, and blessed with certain features. The dress I was wearing was a maxi sage green that set off the color of my eyes and made my brunette hair pop. It had a modest neckline and a slight ruffle to remind those looking of how utterly feminine I was. I’d paired it with a cream cardigan, one button straining over my ample bosom. It would draw the eye there and hopefully inspire some of the lust I needed. The waist of the dress nipped in slightly, enough to hint at a delectable shape. I’d left my long hair loose, tying back the loose bits in the front with a green ribbon. I hadn’t worn any make-up, not that I needed it. I was blessed with alluring features as all my race were.

I was fresh faced. Pure and sweet. Every church boy’s wet dream, and hopefully some of the old, married, and perverted ones too. Anything to get a drop of lust. I could cry from how badly I needed it. An older lady started playing the organ, and all the chatter subsided.

“You’ll like Pastor Young,” Aunt Kathy said. “He’s got such a wonderful spirit and hunger for the Lord.”

I suppressed the urge to snort as the packed church thundered their applause and Pastor Young came into view.

Holy Jesus. Savior in Christ.

My mouth clicked as I quickly slammed it shut. Pastor Young was gorgeous. Dark hair swept off his forehead. He had a smooth, chiseled jaw and the hint of powerful muscles rippled under his clothes as he moved to center stage. He looked over the gathering of people with warmth and welcome.

“My flock, it’s so wonderful to see you all here today. I want to start us off on the right foot by giving praise to God. Prayer is our most incredible link to the Lord. If we offer everything to him, then our day is unburdened. He takes that weight from us.” A murmur of awe went through the crowd as Pastor Young bent his head and beseeched the room to follow him in prayer. I ducked my head to hide the smile playing on my lips. I didn’t believe in God, but I’d thank whatever deity that existed right now. The idea of corrupting the handsome pastor on stage gave me a sense of giddiness. It would be fun to see what resistance, if any, he put up. The rest of the sermon was spent staring at Pastor Young and imagining what it would be like to have him praying with my name on his lips. Aunt Kathy shook my shoulder, and I realized he was finished, and people were moving.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was just deep in thought after that incredible sermon,” I laughed, feigning embarrassment, and Uncle Wayne nodded emphatically.

“He’s a wonderful Pastor. Much better than the Pastor at your current church,” he harrumphed while standing “Your father told me how he’d succumbed to sin. I’m so glad they thought of your pure soul and let you come here. Pastor Young will be a wonderful influence. Come, I’ll introduce you to him.”

I let the tidbit slide. Landon had obviously given me a dramatic backstory. I’d have to clarify with him later, so I didn’t trip over myself. Right now, though, I was eager to get up nice and close with Pastor Young. Uncle Wayne led the way, and I followed dutifully, letting my eyes find the floor instead of looking around in curiosity. I had to maintain an image of being submissive and malleable. A shot of lust barreled into me so suddenly that I stumbled barely stifling a moan.

“Are you alright, dear?” Aunt Kathy’s hand hovered near me, waiting to see if I needed help. I sucked in a sharp breath as another shot hit me. It seeped through my skin and down my throat like a glass of cool spring water. I resisted the urge to glance around to see who was watching and responding to me. Whoever it was, I could kiss them. They’d given me such a powerful shot of energy that my cheeks flushed with heat.

“I’m fine, just clumsy.” I ducked my head, trying to even my breathing. There was quite the crowd waiting to speak to Pastor Young, and I noticed he went directly to the front rows. The ones that housed the handsome men and my cousin Trent.

“That’s the Wicker family. Very influential. John and Sandy have fifteen children if you can believe. Trent is close with the twins who are your age. They are such lovely boys. Good godly men.” Aunt Kathy nodded as she spoke, and I didn’t miss the heavy undertone. She meant they were good husband material. It looked like everyone else in the room thought the same thing. There were more people flocking over to the Wicker family, and by extension, the pastor. He knew where the popularity was, it seemed.

Uncle Wayne sidled through the crowd, standing off to the side and waiting for Pastor Young to notice him. He was looking at him with such unabashed adoration it was almost funny. I stood next to him, linking my fingers together and hoping I looked demure. It wasn’t a natural state for me. I had to bite my lip. My body was quivering with tremors of lust. Clearly, there was more than one dirty minded soul in this church. Gazing up through my lashes, I scanned the faces to see if there was anyone openly ogling me. They could become a regular source if they appealed to me. I caught one of the Wicker men eyeing me, his cheeks flushed pink as he stared. I pushed down the urge to grin. Landon was right, this place was going to be a jackpot. If I could get in front of the right people, it would recharge me in no time.

“Mr. and Mrs. Trindell, it’s wonderful to see your faces.” Pastor Young turned to my uncle and smiled.

“Pastor Young, another incredible sermon. We wanted to introduce our niece, Allera. She is going to be staying with us for the foreseeable future.” Wayne’s cheeks bunched like a chipmunk, and he made space for me to step closer. The pastor was wearing a delicious cologne. Was that usual for pastors? I wouldn’t know. They weren’t really my area of expertise. I breathed deeply either way and enjoyed the delightfully scented man.

“Miss Allera, it’s wonderful to welcome fresh faces to our church. Did you enjoy the sermon?” Pastor Young tilted his head, and a delicious tremble of lust trickle through my body. The lick of warmth it brought was like a sweet kiss. Was that from the pastor? Please say it was. I would use him as a sourceany day.

“It enthralled me. I really feel God in the room today. I am so thankful he’s led me here,” I said, thanking Landon in my head. He was god enough with his powers.

Pastor Young gave a subdued smile, clasping his hands at his heart.

“I feel him too. You’ve joined our flock at such a fortuitous time. The Prophet has just confirmed he will join us next month.”

I reacted a little slowly, following the gush my uncle and aunt made. Prophet? I wasn’t quite versed with religion. Their strict rules against sexuality were kind of a downer for recharging. I was sure this was a regular church, and didn’t they just have God and Jesus? I was going to have to do some research and find out.

Pastor Young’s eyes narrowed slightly, and I panicked, not wanting to blow my cover this early. I sent a drop of my regained powers out to him, just enough to distract. He sucked in a breath, his pupils dilating at the slight touch. I was surprised by how easy it was.

“I couldn’t be more excited to be here, Pastor Young. I can’t how pleased I am to be under your guidance and meet the Prophet. It means so much to me.” I laid it on a little thick, sure, but he seemed to buy it, shaking his head as if to dislodge the lust I sent to him. It was only a little taste, one to make his thoughts turn filthy and his mouth water. He could resist it easily. If he was as good and upstanding as they say.

“Pastor Young, will you join us on the homestead for lunch?” a voice called, and he turned away. My chest ached at the loss of his attention. There was something delicious about this pastor and I felt a little bad at playing with him, but I needed power. Trent popped up next to his mother with wide eyes at the ready.

“Mom, can I go to the Wickers for lunch? Tate has a new RV he wanted to show me,” he pleaded, and my aunt flicked a quick look at me.

“Could Allera go with you? It would be good for her to meet some of the right people in Bronsmith.”

Trent looked at me with an agonizing reluctance. He clearly wasn’t wanting to take me with him, but I needed more lust, so I batted my eyelashes.

“Oh cousin, that would be so wonderful,” I gushed, and he pursed his lips, looking longingly to where the blonde clones were converging, their button up shirts looking like an ad campaign for GAP.