Page 18 of Bound in Sin

“Again,” I told him, letting a trickle of lust help harden his cock. I didn’t think I needed to. Ten years was a long time to be celibate, and he looked like he wanted to ravage me. To make up for every lost second. He didn’t hesitate, sliding into me and moaning at the renewed clamp of my pussy. The telltale shiver of an orgasm had me dropping to my elbows, my ass presented as he pounded into me.

“You’re a seductress. You’ve corrupted me. How does it feel to know you tainted my soul?” His fingers dug into my hips, and I came. His words and the desperate roughness took me over the edge. Stars exploded in my vision, and I moaned as he shuddered through the afterglow, plowing his cock into me like a mindless animal.

He flipped me over, hoisting one leg over his shoulder. Madness reigned his face from this angle. A fire sparked in his eyes. A hunger that I knew he’d never satiate now that he’d tasted from me. He was right. I was a seductress. He had no idea what he’d started. He leaned over, taking my breast in his mouth. I thought he’d suck, instead, he bit down making me howl. Another orgasm ripped through me, right on the edge from his brutal fucking and the slight pain that I loved.

“Yes, give me everything,” I cried out. He latched onto my other breast, sucking it until it stung. Leaving his own mark on me.

“You’ve ruined me,” he cried determinedly snapping his hips. His jaw clenched, and he roared, dumping another load inside of me.

“I know darling.”I didn’t bother to defend myself. He slid out, and the warm splash of his cum spilled from my abused pussy. It only made me hungrier.

“Have you ever fucked an ass?” I asked.

“I’m a fast learner,” he panted behind me.

Chapter 7

“Didyoumentionmeat all last time?” Trent shifted on his feet nervously. I sighed internally, not wanting to get the poor boy’s hopes up. He would be better suited to Olive. She was a bright and bubbly girl who might want to converse with him. I doubted Christabel would ever be the smiling wife Trent envisioned.

“What is it you like about her?” I asked, swinging out the truck and walking towards the Wicker residence. Church had been incredible. I’d kept my eyes on Pastor Young the whole time. By the end he had a slight dusting of pink from my staring. Trent hurried after me, jamming his hands in his pockets.

“She’s close in age to me.” His cheeks flushed as I pressed the doorbell. I shot him an incredulous look.

“That’s all you think about her?”

She’s damaged, is what I wanted to say, but I didn’t know if that was true. Trent had volunteered to escort me to the Wickers as a chaperone, which was laughable considering I was there to spend time with Christabel. Although if Kellen made an appearance, I wouldn’t say no. I needed to get alone with him and explain what he truly was. I was worried he might affect the members of the house with his power and being around Paul like that? He didn’t need any more encouragement.

“She seems young still,” I reminded him gently. He pursed his lips.

“Seventeen is old enough to court. I intend to ask her parents’ permission. I’ve spoken to Tate about it. Olive is a sweet girl but I’m not the best choice, although your reputation is certainly helping us.” He slid me an awe-tinged look. I wrinkled my nose, about to tear strips off him for the way he was speaking about these girls. Before I could set him straight the door swung open. It was Sandy.

“Oh Allera, how lovely.” She clapped her hands together, ushering us in. “I thought you might be too busy with assisting the Pastor.” Was that a dig at how late I left the church yesterday? If I wasn’t a succubus I would be sore between my legs. Pastor and I had absolutely desecrated the altar by the time I’d left.

“I wouldn’t miss this.” I gave her what I hoped was a disarming smile.

“Christabel is in the girls sitting room. Trent, I believe Tate is out back working in the shed if you want to find him.”

Trent gave me a bright smile and I wondered if he might protest, but the dutiful boy practically skipped away. Sandy walked me to the sitting room where Christabel was sitting in front of a pile of scattered puzzle pieces. Her big eyes were solemn as she looked up. She was fingering a puzzle piece.

“I’ll leave you girls. I’ve got the young ones with me so you can have a break, Christabel.”

Her mom left. I sat down in a chair opposite her, spreading some pieces out. Christabel made a noise in the back of her throat, disgruntled, and waved my hand off. She pointed out the piles she’d made and snatched the one I’d picked up.

“Okkayyy, we are serious about puzzling.” I held my hands up. “Is that why the smaller children aren’t allowed in here?”

Lips quirked, she gave me a quick nod.

“Do you look after them most of the time?” I asked. Christabel narrowed her eyes at me, as if assessing me for judgement. “Just curious. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have such a large family.”

I’d been snatched from my family when I came into my powers as a teenager and while I understood why, it was a lonely existence. The closest thing I had to a brother was Landon and with Reeve complicating that, I wasn’t sure what the future would look like for us.

She focused on fixing the border of the puzzle. We worked in silence for a while. Occasionally, I mentioned something, and she would quickly nod or shake her head in reply. After a period of silence, she snaked her hand and grabbed my fingers. Her grip was painfully tight as she looked at me, her face twisted with a flood of emotion, and I tried to interpret them.

“What is it?” I searched her face for answers. “You want to ask me something?”

She nodded vigorously, squeezing my hand tightly. I wracked my brain, trying to think of what would illicit such a response from her. Christabel was so tightly wound in on herself but there was one thing that seemed to move her.

“Is this about Paul?” I hedged. Her lower lip wobbled and I cursed my bluntness. I needed to work on my tact. Christabel had enough on her shoulders. She didn’t need me slamming in and digging up all her tender trauma.