Page 1 of Bound in Sin


Allcumtastesdifferent.Some are musky enough to make you gag, while others have such power that it’s like a buffet on the tongue. This load was the former. He exploded into my mouth without warning, not thirty seconds after I’d started sucking. I hadn’t even used any lust to make him blow early. I swallowed anyway because I was a professional and I needed to pilfer his keycard. The sharp edge of it clunked around in his pocket, which was swimming around his ankles. I’d only get one more chance to slip it out.

“I-I-I’m so sorry,” the businessman stammered. His neck flushed near the base of his button-up shirt. “That never happens.”

He reached down and fumbled with his belt. Getting to my feet, I ran my nails up his legs and dipped into his pocket, wrapping a finger around his keycard and slipping it out before tucking it away into my hand. My breasts were impressively presented in the low-cut dress I was wearing, so I pressed them to his chest as another distraction.

“It’s a compliment, baby,” I purred, dancing my fingers across him. He followed my long nails with an embarrassed smile and, while distracted, I shoved the card in my thigh halter, letting my dress fall to cover it.

“Can I make it up to you sometime? I promise I’m much more impressive in bed than what just happened. You just look so beautiful; I couldn’t help it.”

I gave his arm a gentle shove, encouraging him to walk towards the door. Landon was probably wondering where I’d disappeared to, and I didn’t want him to find me working after I’d promised I was going to take a night off.

“Sure honey, I’ll be out in a second.” I ran my thumb under my plump lower lip, enjoying the pulse of lust he sent me. My lust stores were relatively full, but I never gave up an opportunity for more energy.

I was a succubus.

And a succubus never said no.

Our powers were geared toward hedonism. Lust was an infinite source of power, and my nature was built to inspire it. I needed it to survive, as surely as I needed food and oxygen. So, I let this guy look his fill, knowing I’d slip out of the door and hopefully convince Landon to leave before having to spend another second with him.

“You sure?” He fingered his sloppy tie, and I swallowed the sharp curse that rose in my throat. I wanted to send off confirmation that I had this keycard, then get out of these heels. My toes were jammed together in the most uncomfortable way. Suddenly, the man’s eyes seemed to glaze over, and he pushed past me, almost like he didn’t see me at all. I stared at the closed door in confusion.

“What was that all about?”

The sudden voice behind me caused me to gasp and I spun around to see someone emerge from the shadows.

“Apologies. I didn’t mean to intrude. I assumed you were done with him. I saw you pocket his keycard and figured you’d like him to leave.”

There was an incredible power pouring off this stranger and as he came closer. I sucked in a breath. He was gorgeous, carved from shadows with darkness hanging off him. His eyes were like black pits, but instead of frost, they housed fire. His lips quirked as his eyes combed my body slowly.

“You made him leave?” I asked. The stranger shrugged, smirking.

“I figured you were done entertaining him.”

My eyes narrowed on him, my skin tingling with the intuition that he was as powerful as he looked.

I planted my hands on my hips. “You’re a mind bender? Did you make him finish so quickly as well?”

The stranger let out a wicked laugh that curled around me. The sound of it was something I wanted to bottle up and taste. We drifted closer. My head tilted slightly, trying to figure out this mysterious man.

“No darling that was all you. You’re a succubus, aren’t you?” He inched closer.

“Maybe,” I said coyly. It intrigued me how my body was responding to this man. I directed a drop of lust towards him. He smiled wider, his teeth glinting in the muted light.

“You don’t need to use your lust on me. I’ve been hard since I saw your red lipstick smear over that idiot’s cock.”

Chuckling, I swayed closer until I could smell his spicy cologne and feel the heat of his body.

“You intrigue me, little succubus. There aren’t many people who can do that. What are you doing with that card anyway?”

“None of your business,” I challenged. I worked for an agency that dealt in information and I was one of their best. My abilities made it easier to coax out the knowledge my clients paid for. I almost wanted him to force it out of me. He smiled like he knew my thoughts.

The door swung open, and light spilled into the room, cutting the hypnotizing draw.

“Allera! You better not be working.” Landon barged in with a frown, pulling up short when he noticed I had company. His dark hair was pulled back in a short pony and he tugged on it angrily. “Nope, this is worse. What an earth are you doing here?” He directed the last comment to the stranger, his lip curled up.

“You invited me. This is your club’s opening night, isn’t it?” His voice was like whiskey, heating my chest with a slow burn. I barely managed to look away from him to my best friend. Landon stood looking at the both of us furiously.